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      dear shareholders, This past year, DreamWorks when we say family entertainment we mean the entire Animation celebrated its tenth birth- family: children, parents and young adults. To us, these day. This particular anniversary was are not cartoons, they’re wonderful movies and like a milestone for us in several ways. any great fi lm they connect with audiences on many It was our fi rst year as a public com- different levels. pany, after successfully completing our IPO this past Making a CG animated feature is among the high- October. We also became the fi rst movie studio to pro- est forms of artistic collaboration. At DreamWorks, we duce and distribute two CG animated features in a single encourage our artists and creative teams to take risks, year. Shrek 2 proved that not all sequels are created to experiment and to think outside the box. But even equal, becoming not only the number one fi lm of 2004, the greatest ideas, the most advanced technology and but also the third highest grossing fi lm of all time. the best stories don’t ensure a successful movie. In the More over, Shark Tale became a real movie event and end, it all comes down to execution. To make a CG went on to be one of the top grossing fi lms of the year. animated fi lm takes hundreds of talented people— All in all, a pretty great way to celebrate a birthday! writers, artists, animators, producers, directors, tech- The success of Shrek 2 and Shark Tale helped to nology experts, administrative support teams and star further defi ne what we believe is our truly unique voice voice talent—all working together with a singular focus. in the marketplace. If I had to sum up what distinguishes This kind of completely unique filmmaking process DreamWorks Animation, I’d say we strive to tell great takes management discipline, hard work, a bit of luck, stories that are fun and comedic—told with a level of and most importantly experience. At DreamWorks, we sophistication and irreverence that appeals to a broad have assembled a world class team of talent and have audience. We intend for our animated movies to span given them a broad canvas and the latest tools with generations and capture the imagination of people which to execute their vision. regardless of their age. At DreamWorks Animation, 22-dream04PR15368_rrdR2.indd 2-dream04PR15368_rrdR2.indd 2 44/27/05 6:03:51 PM/27/05 6:03:51 PM

      DreamWorks Annual Report - Page 2 DreamWorks Annual Report Page 1 Page 3