75 Joseph Jacobs him, he called out to Henny-penny. So she turned tail and ran back home, so she never told the king the sky was a- falling. CHILDE ROWLAND C HILDE R OWLAND and his brothers twain Were playing at the ball, And there was their sister Burd Ellen In the midst, among them all. Childe Rowland kicked it with his foot And caught it with his knee; At last as he plunged among them all O’er the church he made it flee. Burd Ellen round about the aisle To seek the ball is gone, But long they waited, and longer still, And she came not back again. They sought her east, they sought her west, They sought her up and down, And woe were the hearts of those brethren, For she was not to be found.
English Fairy Tales Collected by Joseph Page 74 Page 76