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Voluntary Term Life Insurance We’ve Got You Covered As an active employee of Blue Mantis, you have access to a life insurance policy from United of Omaha Life Insurance Company. It replaces the income you would have provided, and helps pay funeral costs, manage debt and cover ongoing expenses. How much insurance is enough? When determining how much life insurance you need, think about the expenses you may encounter now and through every stage of your life. Coverage guidelines and benefits are outlined in the chart below. ELIGIBILITY - ALL ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES Eligibility Requirement You must be actively working a minimum of 30 hours per week to be eligible for coverage. Dependent Eligibility To be eligible for coverage, your dependents must be able to perform Requirement normal activities, and not be confined (at home, in a hospital, or in any other care facility), and any child(ren) must be under age 26. In order for your spouse and/or children to be eligible for coverage, you must elect coverage for yourself. Premium Payment The premiums for this insurance are paid in full by you. COVERAGE GUIDELINES Minimum Guarantee Issue Maximum For You $10,000 5 times annual salary, up to $500,000, in increments of $100,000 $10,000, but no more than 5 times annual salary 45103 G000BYZS

Spouse $5,000 100% of employee’s 100% of employee’s benefit, benefit, up to $250,000 up to $50,000 Children $1,000 100% of employee’s benefit 100% of employee’s benefit, up to $5,000 Subject to any reductions shown below. Guarantee Issue is available to new hires. Amounts over the Guarantee Issue will require a health application/evidence of insurability. For late entrants, all amounts will require a health application/evidence of insurability. BENEFITS Life Insurance Within the coverage guidelines defined above, you select the amount of life insurance Benefit Amount coverage you want. This plan includes the option to select coverage for your spouse and dependent children. Children include those, up to age 26. In the event of death, the benefit paid will be equal to the benefit amount after any age reductions less any living care/accelerated death benefits previously paid under this plan. FEATURES Living Care/ 75% of the amount of the life insurance benefit is available to you if terminally ill, not to Accelerated exceed $375,000. Death Benefit Waiver of If it is determined that you are totally disabled, your life insurance benefit will continue Premium without payment of premium, subject to certain conditions. Annual Benefit If you enroll for even the minimum amount of coverage during your initial enrollment, you Amount have the ability to enroll for additional coverage at your next enrollment by up to $10,000, Increase provided the total amount of insurance does not exceed your maximum benefit amount. This feature allows you to secure additional life insurance protection in the event your needs change (ex. you get married or have a child). Amounts over the Guarantee Issue will require evidence of insurability (proof of good health). Portability Allows you to continue this insurance program for yourself and your dependents should you leave your employer for any reason, without having to provide evidence of insurability (information about your health). You will be responsible for the premium for the coverage. Conversion If your employment ends, you may apply for an individual life insurance policy from Mutual of Omaha without having to provide evidence of insurability (information about your health). You will be responsible for the premium for the coverage. SERVICES Hearing The Hearing Discount Program provides you and your family discounted hearing products, Discount including hearing aids and batteries. Call 1-888-534-1747 or visit Program to learn more. Will Prep We work with Epoq, Inc. to offer employees online will prep tools. In just a few clicks you Services can complete a basic will or other documents to protect your family and property. To get started visit AGE REDUCTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS Insurance benefits and guarantee issue amounts are subject to age reductions: - At age 65, amounts reduce to 65% - At age 70, amounts reduce to 50% Spouse coverage terminates when you reach age 70. Life insurance benefits will not be paid if the insured’s death is the result of suicide within two years from the date coverage begins. If this occurs, the sum of the premiums paid will be returned to the beneficiary. The same applies for any future increases in coverage under this plan. Please contact your employer if you have questions prior to enrolling.

Voluntary Term Life Coverage Selection and Premium Calculation Please note that the premium amounts presented below may 3) Your premium amount is found in the box where the row vary slightly from the amounts provided on your enrollment (your age) and the column (benefit amount) intersect. form, due to rounding. 4) Enter the benefit and premium amounts into their respective To select your benefit amount and calculate your premium, areas in the Voluntary Life section of your enrollment form. do the following: If the benefit amount you want to select is greater than any 1) Locate the benefit amount you want from the top row of the amount in the table below, select the benefit amount from the top employee premium table. Your benefit amount must be in row that when multiplied by another number results in the benefit an increment of $10,000. Refer to the Coverage Guidelines amount you want. For example, if you want $150,000 in section for minimums and maximums, if needed. coverage, you obtain your premium amount by multiplying the 2) Find your age bracket in the far left column. rate for $50,000 times 3. EMPLOYEE PREMIUM TABLE (26PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS PER YEAR) Age $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 $70,000 $80,000 $90,000 $100,000 0 - 34 $0.21 $0.42 $0.64 $0.85 $1.06 $1.27 $1.49 $1.70 $1.91 $2.12 35 - 39 $0.25 $0.51 $0.76 $1.02 $1.27 $1.52 $1.78 $2.03 $2.28 $2.54 40 - 44 $0.32 $0.64 $0.96 $1.27 $1.59 $1.91 $2.23 $2.55 $2.87 $3.18 45 - 49 $0.47 $0.94 $1.41 $1.88 $2.35 $2.82 $3.30 $3.77 $4.24 $4.71 50 - 54 $0.68 $1.37 $2.05 $2.73 $3.42 $4.10 $4.78 $5.46 $6.15 $6.83 55 - 59 $1.11 $2.22 $3.32 $4.43 $5.54 $6.65 $7.75 $8.86 $9.97 $11.08 60 - 64 $1.83 $3.66 $5.50 $7.33 $9.16 $10.99 $12.83 $14.66 $16.49 $18.32 65 - 69 $2.94 $5.88 $8.82 $11.76 $14.70 $17.64 $20.58 $23.52 $26.46 $29.40 70+ $5.52 $11.03 $16.55 $22.06 $27.58 $33.09 $38.61 $44.12 $49.64 $55.15 Follow the method described above to select a benefit amount and calculate premiums for optional dependent spouse and/or child(ren) coverage. Your spouse’s rate is based on your age, so find your age bracket in the far left column of the Spouse Premium Table. Your spouse’s premium amount is found in the box where the row (the age) and the column (benefit amount) intersect. Your spouse’s benefit amount must be in an increment of $5,000. Refer to the Coverage Guidelines section for minimums and maximums, if needed. SPOUSE PREMIUM TABLE (26PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS PER YEAR) Age $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 $35,000 $40,000 $45,000 $50,000 0 - 34 $0.11 $0.21 $0.32 $0.42 $0.53 $0.64 $0.74 $0.85 $0.96 $1.06 35 - 39 $0.13 $0.25 $0.38 $0.51 $0.64 $0.76 $0.89 $1.02 $1.14 $1.27 40 - 44 $0.16 $0.32 $0.48 $0.64 $0.80 $0.96 $1.12 $1.27 $1.44 $1.59 45 - 49 $0.24 $0.47 $0.71 $0.94 $1.18 $1.41 $1.65 $1.88 $2.12 $2.35 50 - 54 $0.34 $0.68 $1.02 $1.37 $1.71 $2.05 $2.39 $2.73 $3.07 $3.42 55 - 59 $0.55 $1.11 $1.66 $2.22 $2.77 $3.32 $3.88 $4.43 $4.98 $5.54 60 - 64 $0.92 $1.83 $2.75 $3.66 $4.58 $5.50 $6.42 $7.33 $8.25 $9.16 65 - 69 $1.47 $2.94 $4.41 $5.88 $7.35 $8.82 $10.29 $11.76 $13.23 $14.70 ALL CHILDRENPREMIUM TABLE (26 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS PER YEAR)* $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $0.12 $0.25 $0.37 $0.50 $0.62 *Regardless of how many children you have, they are included in the "All Children" premium amounts listed in the table above.

Who is eligible for this insurance? · You must be actively working (performing all normal duties of your job) at least 30 hours per week. · Your dependent(s) must be performing normal activities and not be confined (at home or in a hospital/care facility) and any child(ren) must be under age 26. What is Guarantee Issue? The amount of insurance applied for without answering any health questions (or which does not require evidence of insurability). Coverage amounts over the Guarantee Issue Amount will require evidence of insurability. What is Evidence of Insurability? Evidence of Insurability or proof of good health – may be required if you are a late entrant and/or you request any additional coverage above your guarantee issue amount. Can I take this insurance with me if I change jobs/am no longer a member of this group? In the event this insurance ends due to a change in your employment/membership status with the group, or for certain other reasons, you or your insured spouse may have the right to continue this insurance under the Portability or Conversion provision, subject to certain conditions. Are there any limitations, reductions or exclusions? The benefits payable are based on the following: · Insurance benefits and guarantee issue amounts are subject to age reductions: - At age 65, amounts reduce to 65% - At age 70, amounts reduce to 50% · Spouse coverage terminates when you reach age 70. · Life insurance benefits will not be paid if the insured’s death is the result of suicide within two years from the date coverage begins. If this occurs, the sum of the premiums paid will be returned to the beneficiary. The same applies for any future increases in coverage under this plan. All exclusions may not be applicable, or may be adjusted, as required by state regulations. This information describes some of the features of the benefits plan. Benefits may not be available in all states. Please refer to the certificate booklet for a full explanation of the plan's benefits, exclusions, limitations and reductions. Should there be any discrepancy between the certificate booklet and this outline, the certificate booklet will prevail. Availability of benefits is subject to final acceptance and approval of the group application by the underwriting company. Life insurance is underwritten by United of Omaha Life Insurance Company, 3300 Mutual of Omaha Plaza, Omaha, NE 68175. Policy form number 7000GM-U-EZ 2010 or state equivalent (in NC: 7000GM-U-EZ 2010 NC). United of Omaha Life Insurance Company is licensed nationwide, except New York. VOLUNTARY TERM LIFE INSURANCE