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34 35 Balance Shannon and a different This is my first proper experience of perspective hybrid working and I have chosen to do three days in the office and two days at home. I really enjoy the formality of the office: the chance to dress up a bit Shannon Ell, who created nicer, the increased productivity of actually the illustrations, also working at a desk with others, the time to Reflection graduated last year. Did properly catch up with my colleagues, the they find that creativity ceremonial closing of the laptop followed Most of my friends have been in a similar and career could coexist? by the walk home which definitively period of post-graduation limbo so, signifies the end of the working day. although I was struggling to find a job I wanted until now, I never really felt left After I graduated with a degree But equally, I love being able to work from behind: out of my four flatmates, two of in illustration, it was tiresome home in my pyjamas and make myself them are in postgraduate education, one and disheartening for a good few elaborate homemade lunches with my is currently unemployed, and the other months. flatmates and keep on top of my chores has just had his contract renewed after six around the house – it’s all about balance. months in a kickstart scheme. It paid off as now I’m in an amazing It has been hard to stay motivated as a full time job and have my freelance graduate in the pandemic; I felt trapped work on the side, with successes in my bartender role for months as I just in comics and Miles the cat couldn’t seem to get any interviews, and merchandise. I felt frustrated with myself because this I would say the turning point for me wasn’t where I envisaged I would be after was allowing myself time to process university. and figure out what I want to do, The experience has taught me a number how to pursue it, and to give myself of valuable lessons though, mainly that the freedom to take things as they having a degree won’t automatically lead come without stressing about the me to my dream job, and that it’s important future. to be patient and adaptable because a Breigha Morrison, 2021 Linguistics and good role will come along when you least English Language expect it. Shannon Ell, 2021 Illustration All illustrations by Shannon Ell

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