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44 45 Sharing things Sharing things is a podcast, a conversation between two members of the University of Edinburgh community. It starts with an object. What happens next is sometimes funny, sometimes moving, but always unexpected. Here’s when PhD student Illustration by Nuam Hatzaw met graduate Philomena Marmion Olivia Sweeney. Hosted by AYANDA: We’re gonna start by introducing intersection of racial and climate justice. I think it’s really important. I’m mixed race, law student Ayanda Ngobeni. ourselves. Nuam, would you like to go first, I have a radio show, and I have a project so I sit at a very obvious intersection there, then Olivia? that’s all about clean air. that duality. NUAM: I’m a third year PhD student at the AYANDA: I was quite interested in AYANDA: Nuam, do you experience those University of Edinburgh. I’m studying World something you said Olivia, about grey areas as well? Christianity at the School of Divinity. intersectionality. What does that mean to you? NUAM: Oh, yeah, definitely. This whole kind OLIVIA: I graduated from Edinburgh in 2017 of blurred lines as you mentioned, Olivia, with a Master’s in Chemical Engineering, so OLIVIA: So much of how we do things in is very much something that is of both I spent five years studying with the School the West and in academia is like, ‘this is personal and academic interest. I was born of Engineering. Now, I work as a sustainable this, that is that, this is this’. Intersectionality in Myanmar, but I’ve spent most of my life waste consultant in Bristol, for a company is just about exploring all those blurred in Britain, as you could probably tell from called Resource Futures. lines and the grey in the middle and my accent. I’m constantly thinking about I also have a side gig. I’m a Black and Green understanding that everything that makes who I am, and where I belong. And do I Ambassador. So that’s a National Lottery a person or a society or a culture unique is belong in Britain? I’ve spent most my life funded project that aims to lead, connect about all those different bits that overlay here but then at the same time, my physical and celebrate diverse community action for and how that changes your relationship appearance marks me out as different. So the environment. It’s about exploring that with people and the world and nature. this kind of hybridity in between us is

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