Blackstone Valley International Food Trail Passport

A Mouth-Watering Journey Across 5 Continents & 40 Countries

W R A Y U A O R Y O E U ST N A D T Food & Drink PASSPORT A Mouth-Watering Journey Across 5 Continents & 40 Countries

na ica - La Caso r e th Am u n So e i n Di Di n e i n E ur o pe - O Di ni s Dine in North America - Wright’s Farm

TaSTe Your WaY around BlackSTone ValleY If you’re looking for new dining experiences or you’re a seasoned culinary traveler looking for a new place to explore, you will de昀椀nitely appreciate the authentic food and drink that can be found here in Rhode Island’s Blackstone Valley. Because of its rich history, our small and humble region now boasts one of the most authentic food experiences in all of the United States. But don’t take our word for it. Come and taste the abundant global 昀氀avors that cross 5 continents and over 40 countries. We created this pocket-sized food passport to help document your mouth-watering journey across diverse cultures and savor the memories of these international 昀氀avors. Simply write in the establishment you visited or feel free to add in notes about your experience. Head to for more info about places to visit along the trail. blackstone valley food passport

Dine in AfricA cape Verde liBeria

Dine in AfricA niGeria oTHer african counTrieS blackstone valley food passport

Dine in ASIA cHina india

Dine in ASIA Japan SouTH korea blackstone valley food passport

Dine in ASIA laoS leBanon

Dine in ASIA iran iSrael blackstone valley food passport

Dine in ASIA SYria TaiWan

Dine in ASIA THailand VieTnam blackstone valley food passport

Dine in europe enGland GermanY

Dine in europe Greece ireland blackstone valley food passport

Dine in europe iTalY poland

Dine in europe porTuGal TurkeY blackstone valley food passport

Dine in europe ukraine oTHer european counTrieS

Dine in europe oTHer european counTrieS blackstone valley food passport

Dine in north america canada dominican repuBlic

Dine in north america el SalVador GuaTemala blackstone valley food passport

Dine in north america HaiTi HonduraS

Dine in north america Jamaica JeWiSH american blackstone valley food passport

Dine in north america mexico polYneSia

Dine in north america puerTo rico uniTed STaTeS blackstone valley food passport

Dine in south america Brazil colomBia

Dine in south america peru Venezuela blackstone valley food passport

oTHer counTrieS

Di n e i n Nor th Am e r ica - El P aso R e s t aur a n t Di n e i n Nor th Am e r ica - New Y or k Lu nch