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2024 Guidelines for Content Creation with GenAI

It's time to explore how Generative AI can create new value for you and your customer!

As we start to use Generative AI like ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot or Gemini in our daily life, it’s essential to understand the basics when you use it in content creation.

Whether you’re a professional or beginner in Generative AI, these guidelines will help you be aware of the possibilities and potential risks of applying it into your content creation process and workflow.

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI, also known as Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI), is a technology that enables computers to generate new content, such as text, images, video, and music by learning from vast datasets. Traditional AI systems ,which follow predefined rules, are different from GenAI, but GenAI has the ability to create original outputs that inspire human creativity.

Generative AI as Your Coach

Think of GenAI as your personal coach in the realm of creativity. Like a coach who guides athletes to reach their full potential, GenAI helps you explore new ideas, generate content and express yourself in innovative ways.

GenAI provides encouragement, guidance, and feedback as you navigate the landscape of creativity. It helps you develop your skills, refine your techniques, brainstorm new ideas, optimize problem-resolving processes, and push the boundaries of what’s possible. 

What Should You Know Before Using Generative AI in Content Creation?

To ensure a safe and reliable experience with GenAI, keep these five key principles in mind.


Principle 1: Protect Your Privacy

Never share personal details like phone numbers, IDs, or credit card info and trade secrets with GenAI tools. Keep your private information safe.


Principle 2: Be Smart and Question Things

Remember, GenAI are just tools. Sometimes it might give wrong info, especially on complex topics. Always double-check important stuff with experts.


Principle 3: Think for Yourself

Don’t just copy-paste GenAI’s answers. It won’t help you learn. Make sure your work is original and reflects your own thoughts and opinions.


Principle 4: Be Legal and Ethical

Don’t use GenAI for illegal stuff like sharing misinformation, spreading hate or violating copyright. It’s not cool and can get you in trouble.


Principle 5: Understand the Limits of Generative AI

GenAI has limitations. It might not always understand context or give accurate information. Use it wisely and don’t overly rely on it.


Understanding the Limitations of Generative AI

According to The ethics of artificial intelligence: Issues and initiatives published by the European Parliament in 2020, AI chatbots, like ChatGPT, offer incredible capabilities but also come with its set of limitations. Here are some key points to keep in mind.


Contextual Understanding

An AI chatbot may struggle to grasp the full context of a conversation or query. It operates based on patterns in data and may not always interpret nuances accurately. In other words, we have to learn how to communicate and collaborate with AI.

For example, when asked about the best restaurants in Toronto, the GenAI might provide recommendations based solely on popularity, overlooking the user’s dietary preferences or budget constraints.


Accuracy and Reliability

While GenAI strives to provide helpful responses, it’s not infallible. Responses may contain errors or inaccuracies, especially when dealing with complex or specialized topics.

For example, in a medical context, GenAI might provide inaccurate diagnoses or treatment suggestions due to its limited understanding of complex medical conditions and individual health histories.


Bias and Misinterpretation

GenAI learns from the data it’s trained on, which can sometimes lead to biased or skewed responses. Users should be cautious of relying solely on AI-generated content without critical evaluation.

For example, the Verge article discusses the controversy surrounding Google’s Gemini AI tool in February 21, 2024, which generated historically inaccurate images. Critics, particularly right-wing figures, accused Google of bias against white depictions. The incident highlights challenges in balancing representation and accuracy in AI-generated content.


Lack of Creativity and Originality

GenAI excels at generating text based on existing patterns but may struggle to produce truly creative or original content. You should supplement AI-generated content with your own insights and ideas!


Ethical Considerations

As with any technology, there are ethical considerations to be mindful of when using GenAI. Users should avoid using it for malicious purposes, spreading misinformation, or engaging in unethical behavior.

In other words, if people used GenAI to generate fake news or spread misinformation, it could contribute to the dissemination of false information, potentially leading to social unrest, and hurt the relationship with your customer.


Continuous Improvement

GenAI is always changing, with ongoing research and development focused on fixing its limitations. It’s important to keep learning and practicing in real life, and be aware of the risks. 

In the future, by understanding and acknowledging the limitations of GenAI, you can avoid making big mistakes in creating compelling content and use the technology responsibly and effectively.


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