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9 Content View Modes on RELAYTO

In today's competitive digital environment, interactive content is key to engaging audiences. RELAYTO offers 9 distinct content view modes that provide users with versatile options to showcase their ideas.

Each view serves a unique purpose, enabling content creators to customize their presentations, documents, and stories to captivate their target audience. Let’s explore these nine view modes RELAYTO offers and highlight their benefits.


The Flipbook mode brings a touch of nostalgia, emulating the experience of flipping through a physical book. It is perfect for presenting content that follows a linear narrative or storytelling structure.


This mode enables users to create slide decks with distinct sections, making it ideal for conveying information and delivering professional presentations that require a structured flow.


Offers a dynamic and visually appealing way to showcase multiple pieces of content within a single frame. It allows users to present images, videos, or other media assets in a captivating carousel format that viewers can interact with by swiping or clicking through.

Page Scroll 

A versatile mode that empowers users to create long-form content, such as articles or blog posts, in a scrollable format. It offers a seamless reading experience and is particularly effective when presenting information that requires continuous scrolling without interruption.

Cinematic Slider 

The mode elevates storytelling by incorporating immersive visuals and animations. It empowers users to present their content in a cinematic way, making it suitable for showcasing portfolios, products, or any narrative that benefits from a visually striking format.

3D Slideshow

Users can transform their content into a visually stunning three-dimensional presentation. It adds depth and interactivity to images, videos, or designs, making it an excellent choice for showcasing products, architectural concepts, or any content that demands an impressive visual impact.

Pageless Scroll

This mode provides a seamless scrolling experience that adapts to the content, allowing users to create continuous narratives, immersive experiences, or any content that doesn't adhere to a traditional page structure.


Organize content into individual cards that viewers can navigate horizontally or vertically. It is particularly effective when presenting bite-sized information, such as key points, statistics, or portfolios, in a visually appealing and easily digestible format.


Viewers can rotate the cube to explore the content from multiple angles, making it ideal for showcasing various facets of a product, story, or concept.

In this article, you can learn more about the RELAYTO content types and the opportunities they provide. 


RELAYTO Content Experience

RELAYTO Content Experience

The fastest way to build digital experiences. We empower businesses to convert PDFs, presentations and other content into interactive experiences & webpages with instant branding, analytics & more