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Craig Rosenberg on RELAYTO Podcast

Includes possible topics to discuss during the interview with Craig Rosenberg.



Craig Rosenberg is a Chief Platform Officer at Scale Venture Partners, where he helps portfolio companies build go-to-market machines. Prior to joining Scale, Craig was a Distinguished Vice President in the Sales Practice for Gartner. There he worked primarily with Fortune 100 companies. He joined Gartner as part of the acquisition of TOPO, where Craig was the co-founder and Chief Analyst, serving about 200 fast-growing software companies.


Potential questions

1. Your background at Gartner sounds fascinating. How do you find your experience there helps you in your role at Scale, particularly when it comes to crafting effective GTM strategies?

2. You said on AssetMule podcast podcast, 

“I'm a Founder. I want to get out there. We all know everyone's on LinkedIn. I know someone's gonna say, “Well, there's a lot of noise there.” That's why you have to write good stuff. I'm pointing to people who actually write stuff I can't wait to read. LinkedIn is quite good. We're seeing what other founders do on LinkedIn has been incredible.” 

Who are some of the founders or content creators on LinkedIn that you find particularly inspiring or worth following?

3. A quote from you on The Cheat Code Podcast

“I've seen founders go to a conference, not sit in the back and go up and say, “Hi, meet me after I got off the stage.” They go to a conference and they're trying to meet everyone they can. They're walking up and shaking hands and following up after. I think it's a good policy to follow.” 

How do you prepare for a conference to ensure you make the most out of the networking opportunities?

4. ​A couple of years ago, PLG was all the rave and people were talking, “These old-school sales-led motions are going away and PLG is taking the world!” What is your take on the development of PLG and the role that PLG plays today? Is it going to completely replace the other motions that were there?

5. What do you reckon today marketers need to stop doing if they're going after enterprise?

6. You highlighted on the Growth Colony Podcast

“Great marketers are listening to the call recordings. Great product folks are listening to the call and we're learning. We have to do that now because the frontline is where it's at. That's where we're learning everything.”

What challenges have you encountered in integrating frontline feedback into your marketing and product development processes?

7. There is a quote from the webinar with you – 5 Sales Tactics Built for Success In Today’s Tough Selling Market

“Hope is not a strategy.” 

How do you balance optimism and hope with practical strategic planning?

8. A quote from you on the Growth Driver podcast, 

“Now when you’re trying to engage the buyer, you’re not just competing against the other conversation intelligence, you’re competing against every sales tech vendor in there, positioning themselves to solve the same problems you are.” 

What are some effective strategies for differentiating your product from other sales tech vendors?

9. I liked what you said on the Metrics that Measure Up podcast, 

“Go out, learn a business, and then go build a company. If you have an idea, just do it. See how far you can take it and if it doesn't work, it's fine. You went for it, you'll learn a lot and then just start to work your way back. What I've learned is these kid entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs and they just make it happen when they're 18. They make it happen when they're 22 or 23. They defied my gravity, that's for sure.” 

How important do you think failure is in the entrepreneurial journey, and how should young entrepreneurs approach it?


Please note

Our podcast is similar to the live discussion, so there may be more questions depending on the answers.

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