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David Karel on RELAYTO Podcast

Includes possible topics to discuss during the interview with David Karel.



David Karel is a B2B marketing expert with over 20 years of experience. Currently, David serves as the CMO at CrunchTime! and Zenput. He previously led Global Product Marketing and Core B2B Initiatives at LinkedIn’s Marketing Solutions business, where he was instrumental in driving growth. Before LinkedIn, he was the CMO at Bizo and held key roles at SuccessFactors, Instill, Siebel Systems, Thomson Japan and MBAVision, which he founded.


Topics to discuss

LinkedIn's B2B Marketing Evolution.

✅ Tackling Challenges: LinkedIn's Strategies.

✅ Marketing Dynamics: LinkedIn vs. Startups.

Data-Driven Success at LinkedIn.

✅ Tailoring Strategies: SMBs vs. Enterprise.

✅ Crunchtime's $200m ARR Journey.

✅ Driving Growth: CMO Advice.


Potential questions

1. LinkedIn has become a go-to platform for B2B marketing. What were some of the key strategies you implemented to help drive its success?

2. What were some of the biggest challenges you faced at LinkedIn, and how did you tackle them? Any memorable moments you can share?

3. You've been a CMO at several companies. How does the marketing approach differ between a company like LinkedIn and smaller startups like Bizo?

4. With so many marketing solutions available on LinkedIn, how did you decide which products and initiatives to focus on to meet the needs of such a diverse range of clients?

5. How did you use data to shape your strategies at LinkedIn? Can you share an example where a data-driven decision made a big difference?

6. You’ve worked in both SMB and enterprise markets. What are some key differences in marketing strategies for these two segments, and how do you adapt your approach?

7. In your recent LinkedIn post you announce: 

“BIG milestone at Crunchtime. Grateful to all of our customers, and all the Crunchtimers that got us here. $200m ARR here we come!” 

Can you share some key challenges you faced on the way to achieving $200m ARR at Crunchtime?


8. I liked your quote from Hard Corps Marketing Show

“B2B marketing has to be and is a team sport.” 

Can you share a story where teamwork really made a difference in a marketing campaign?

9. Based on your experience across various companies, including LinkedIn, what advice would you give to other marketing leaders who are looking to drive growth and innovation in their organizations?

Please note

Our podcast is similar to the live discussion, so there may be more questions depending on the answers.

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