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Empowering the Future of Education with Interactive Learning

This blog delves into how RELAYTO, with its innovative features, addresses critical pain points in the education industry, illustrated through real-world examples.

The way we learn has changed and evolved to new heights. In a world where educational institutions constantly face new challenges and students seek less time-consuming studying methods, the rule is clear: grow, adapt or get left behind.

From bridging the skills gap to transforming assessment strategies, the sector is in dire need of solutions that can keep pace with these changes. Enter RELAYTO, a platform poised to transform education with a unique interactive experience. 


RELAYTO: An Overview

RELAYTO allows anyone to transform static content into a dynamic, engaging experience. Formats like interactive flipbooks, surveys and the ability to create microsites make it a versatile tool in any educational toolkit.

Enhancing Course Learning with RELAYTO

Flipbooks for Course Learning and Guides

Imagine turning a PDF into an interactive guide where students can engage directly with the material. Flipbooks in RELAYTO do just that, making course content lively and more digestible, thus fostering a better learning environment.

Marketing And Sales Tools In The Education Industry

You have had enough of endless brochures and papers of information and questions left unanswered.

When someone is considering joining an educational institution, there is a lot of uncertainty that can make the decision difficult.

RELAYTO’s features allow for the creation of content that’s not just informative but also interactive, engaging students in a whole new way.

Here is a good example we got to make our point. Consider NasAcademy's Creator Accelerator Program. Presented in a digital flipbook format, this dynamic solution makes the program's information and detailed description interactive, serving as a powerful sales tool.

Offering information that is visually appealing, fun and interactive not only helps students and potential clients decide if the program suits their needs but also boosts their engagement and decision-making.

Innovative Assessment Strategies

Working on an online course? Make the experience not just informative but interactive for your students. 

For instance, RELAYTO turned the Pluralsight Brand Book from a standard document into a compelling, interactive learning tool.

Creating Microsites for Online Learning

Microsites offer a focused environment for specific courses or topics. With RELAYTO, creating these dedicated spaces is straightforward, enhancing the online learning experience by providing a centralized hub for resources, assignments and discussions.

Traditional assessment methods often lack accuracy and fairness, leaving room for significant improvements. With engaging background videos, clear Calls to Action (CTAs) that guide the user's journey, and seamless transitions that make the process easy and enjoyable, the RELAYTO platform can transform the assessment.

This approach, demonstrated by the success of Yale's Licensing and Brand Guidelines, can be adapted and applied to make assessment tools more engaging and unbiased. 

Engaging Content Beyond Traditional Learning

Newsletters and Blogs

Keep the educational community engaged with regular updates through newsletters and blogs. RELAYTO makes sharing news and insights simple, helping to maintain a vibrant learning community.

Student Video Presentations and Slides

In today's digital age, video presentations and slides are essential. RELAYTO supports these formats, enabling students to create and share engaging presentations that showcase their knowledge in dynamic ways.

Streamlining the Question Paper Creation Process

You can create diverse and effective exam papers with greater ease. The benefit? It improves your academic evaluation process. 

Implementing RELAYTO in Your Institution

Adopting RELAYTO is straightforward. Encourage educators to experiment with creating content and gather feedback from students. With its intuitive design, RELAYTO seamlessly integrates into existing educational frameworks.


RELAYTO Content Experience

RELAYTO Content Experience

The fastest way to build digital experiences. We empower businesses to convert PDFs, presentations and other content into interactive experiences & webpages with instant branding, analytics & more