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S 01 | Ep 15 The Art of Building Rapport and Using Humor in Sales | Show notes

Glenn Poulos is the Vice President and General Manager of NWS, a leading product and service distributor for the mobile broadband and wireless markets.


He is also the author of the Never Sit in the Lobby book. It's a guide that provides fifty-seven factors for navigating the interpersonal dynamics of selling and the art of negotiation to help entrepreneurs sidestep common, costly mistakes. 



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Sales Strategies and Humor in Business



And so one one example that I use in the book, which is the well, the rule is always ask for a mini, a mini tour, right. And people are like what's a mini tour? And a tour as well, it's a tour, that's mini, right, and basically meaning it doesn't take all fricking afternoon. And it's like, you know, because we're selling to businesses. We're selling stuff, right, things.



Glenn Paulos, co-founder and general manager of NWS - a leading distributor in the mobile broadband wireless and test measurement equipment market - speaks about his book Never Sit in a Lobby, a handbook that combines his years of experience in sales. We discuss the top nuggets from his book and how to use humor effectively in sales, as well as tips and techniques for getting in front of customers. 





Improving Sales Communication and Presentations



You know, like it's a booklet that shows you how to build one presentation like this and it's called the Punch Perfect, pitch and Close. Right, and this is the way I have reduced because I've been, you know, since 1985, I've been showing up places and showing people products, then hoping they're going to buy them, right, and so I had to develop a, you know, kind of a way of doing it that wasn't boring and you know, it doesn't put people to sleep and so, and I do actually go on about it in the book.



Glenn and Alex discuss how to build rapport with customers. We explore the importance of body language and digital body language and how to use these to create a conversation rather than a monologue. We also talk about Glenn's approach to presentations, called the Punch Perfect Pitch and Close. 





Effective Sales Strategies and Considerations



You need to be planning your career trajectory in a way that is, like you know, cognizant that every minute in your life counts, right, and if you're wasting time selling crappy brands, right then you will be less successful than the bed. So so use those few months to hone your skills and trade up right and get to the better and the biggest and the best companies and always sell the best products you can possibly sell, because the reality is that oftentimes it's, it's above and beyond the sales person's capability. 



The speakers discuss the power of three and how to present a solution to customers. Glenn emphasizes the need to understand where you stand in the pecking order and the importance of extracting your resources if you realize that you can not win the business. 









Navigating Career Success



I have a good chapter on being miserable in the book and I highly recommend people read it, and I have your miserability index is what I call it and money will not change your level of miserable or happiness ever.



Glenn and Alex explore the importance of planning a career trajectory that prioritizes high-quality products. They discuss the importance of feedback from the sales team in setting a company's go-to-market strategy. They examine the concept of the Reverse Midas Touch and how entrepreneurs need to be careful about investing their time and money. Glenn offers advice to young sales leaders, emphasizing the need to focus on what you are good at and avoid expending energy on what you are not.






Leadership and Scaling a Business



When you're in that position of being a leader, then your your real job is not actually to be the best in every one of your departments finance, marketing, sales, shipping, receiving, finance, logistics you know that's not your job as the entrepreneur to know it all and be all super smart and all of it. Your job is to make the decisions for the team that you hire and make proper, timely decisions, especially under stressful conditions, right and so.



Glenn shares his insight on leading with a clear vision and set of core values and how this can bring out the best in a sales team. He discusses the importance of making timely decisions and the need to hire and fire carefully. Finally, Glenn shares his advice on how to lead with confidence and make the right decisions for the team.





Check the the episode's Transcript (AI-generated) HERE. 




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