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Social media marketing in 2023: trends and predictions

Emerging social media marketing trends include increased use of video content, focus on micro-influencers, personalized content, and AR application. These trends provide opportunities to capture attention, offer authentic content, create personalized engagement and provide immersive experiences, setting brands apart from competitors.

Increased use of video content

Video captures attention, engagingly conveys information, and creates emotional connections with viewers. The importance of visual storytelling in marketing continues to grow. 

The video format generates more engagement than other forms of content on social media platforms. According to research, videos on Facebook receive 135% more organic reach than photo posts. It's possible to increase the page's visibility by 148% if the visitors watch a video on this page. 

The video also provides an opportunity to tell a story in a way that is visually appealing and emotionally engaging. We can see it from TikTok, Youtube Shorts, and Instagram videos. Based on the initial engagement, the algorithm uses content-based filtering to display more relevant videos to them. This filtering method searches for similarities between new videos and those with which the user has already interacted. 

Videos allow marketers to experiment with different formats and find what works best for their audience: tutorials, product demos, behind-the-scenes glimpses, live streaming, and many others. Here is the RELAYTO video to illustrate how videos create storytelling scenarios.

Increased focus on micro-influencers

Micro-influencers are popular in social media marketing due to their authenticity, cost-effectiveness, and ability to reach niche audiences. By working with micro-influencers, brands can achieve their marketing goals while staying within budget constraints.

Unlike macro-influencers, who usually have a team handling their social media presence and content, micro-influencers establish a more authentic and genuine relationship with their followers. According to Hubspot Guide, Instagram has changed its algorithm to mirror Facebook’s. Hence, quality and authentic content are prioritized over promoted content from famous brands. Consequently, micro-influencers might create a higher level of engagement with their followers, fostering a sense of authenticity in promoting products or services.

Micro-influencers' smaller following means they may charge lower fees for sponsored content, making influencer marketing more accessible to small businesses and startups with limited budgets. Furthermore, micro-influencers may be willing to collaborate in exchange for free products or services, which can further reduce brand costs. 

Use of personalized content

Personalized content is the future of social media marketing. With the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning, it has become easier for companies to understand their customers' preferences and create content that resonates with them. Social media platforms will be more customized to individual users, with algorithms that can predict the content they will likely engage with. 

Personalized content is adaptable and takes many forms, including personalized recommendations, targeted ads, and customized messaging. For example, Spotify provides a weekly playlist for you according to the genres of music you have been listening to. It is generated by the data extracted from your preferences, playing time, and online searches. 

Companies collect and analyze data about their customer's preferences, behaviors, and interests to create content that resonates with them. It requires sophisticated data analysis tools and translating data insights into actionable marketing strategies. For example, RELAYTO has an analytics feature to understand the blogs' viewers and reading time. It allows RELAYTO to create content tailored to specific audiences, increasing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Applying Augmented Reality (AR)

It is a technology that overlays digital information in the real world, creating an interactive and immersive experience. In the future, AR will play a significant role in social media marketing. Also, it can be used to create engaging and interactive content that captures users' attention and encourages them to engage with a brand or product. 

Using AR in social media marketing, a brand can differentiate itself from competitors and provide a cutting-edge marketing experience that sets it apart from others in the industry.


Source for the article: Contently,, HubSpot, RELAYTO, Linkedin, Researchgate.


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