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Why PDFs are not enough for customer engagement

4 mins to read


PDF files are widely recognized and used for sharing and distributing documents. But beneath their seemingly universal appeal lie several limitations and drawbacks that make them far from ideal. In this article, we will delve into why PDFs can be considered an outdated format and explore alternative options that offer better flexibility and usability.


PDFs are not mobile-friendly

The fixed layout of PDFs makes documents designed for desktop or print challenging to use on mobile devices, requiring extensive zooming and panning. In the mobile-first era, providing a seamless viewing experience is crucial for audience engagement.

PDF files require multiple steps to access

As offline documents, PDFs demand downloading before viewing. This adds friction for users, particularly on mobile devices, where downloading PDFs involves additional steps, potentially leading users to abandon the content.

You can’t track reader engagement in a PDF file

PDFs lack the capability to collect data on reader engagement. This absence of insights hampers content optimization and prevents the implementation of lead scoring or personalized follow-up strategies. 

PDFs are static and limit multimedia embedding

In an era of visual immersion, PDFs fall short as they do not support multimedia embedding beyond images and hyperlinks. Audiences now prefer dynamic, snackable content with interactive elements, which PDFs fail to deliver.

PDFs are difficult to share

While social sharing has become a powerful tool for content distribution, PDFs hinder this process. Sharing PDFs on social media platforms is impractical, limiting the potential for content to reach new audiences.

You can't control distribution or circulation with PDF files

Once a PDF is distributed, control is lost. Updating or recalling distributed PDFs is impossible, posing challenges for changes in information or sensitive document distribution. Gated PDFs on landing pages for lead generation also lack pass-along tracking.


✅ The Rise of Alternatives

While PDFs have undoubtedly served their purpose over the years, their limitations and drawbacks make them fall short in many modern contexts. The lack of editability, accessibility issues, limited support for multimedia, compatibility challenges, large file sizes, and the availability of alternative options demonstrate that PDFs are not without their flaws. 

By considering alternative document formats and embracing more flexible and user-friendly options, individual creators and organizations can overcome these limitations and enjoy enhanced productivity and accessibility in their document workflows.


RELAYTO Content Experience

RELAYTO Content Experience

The fastest way to build digital experiences. We empower businesses to convert PDFs, presentations and other content into interactive experiences & webpages with instant branding, analytics & more