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Deng Xiaoping Strategy, 1990 Xi Jinping Strategy, 2023 冷静观察 Observe calmly, 沉着冷静 Be calm, 稳住阵脚 secure our position, 保持定力 stay determined, 沉着应付 cope with a昀昀airs calmly, 稳中求进 seek progress and stability, 韬 光养晦 hide our capabilities and 积极作为 be proactive and achieve bide our time, things, 善于守拙 be good at maintaining a 团结一致 unite (under the banner low pro昀椀le, of the party), 决不当头 never claim leadership 敢于斗争 and dare to 昀椀ght Translation courtesy of Moritz Rudolf, a fellow at the Paul Tsai China Center of the Yale Law School, WorldOnBrink_HCtext4P.indd 123 2/10/24 11:15:19 AM

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