True Play Therapy BrandGuidelines


There needs to be alot more emphasis on what a child can to instead of what he cannot do. -Dr. Temple Grandin 2

True Play Therapy True Play Therapy is a dedicated organization specializing in engaging people with neurodiversity through meaningful play. Their approach focuses on utilizing life’s tools to foster authentic self expression, encouraging creativity, adventure, and playfulness. The organization is committed to providing a supportive and respectful environment where everyone feels understood, heard, and part of a thriving community. True Play Therapy values the uniqueness of each family member, advocating for children to have their needs met while navigating the challenging journey of diagnosis. They aim to create a sense of belonging, inclusivity, and hope, emphasizing the importance of not trying to change the core values of the person and their families. Through an individualized therapeutic approach, guided by the core values of True Play—Transparent, Respect, Unite, Educate, Pivotal, Learn, Adapt, and You—True Play Therapy offers a pathway for families to overcome societal norms and expectations, seeking a light at the end of the tunnel and reassurance that they will emerge stronger and okay. 3

Our Shared Mission Tagline Unlocking Potential, Embracing Individuality: True Play Therapy, Where Everyones Unique Journey Matters. Mission Statement At True Play Therapy, our mission is to harness the power of play to facilitate meaning growth and development in children with autism or children who would bene昀椀t from ABA services. We believe that play is not only a joyful activity but also a powerful tool for learning and building essential skills. Through our play based therapy approach, we create a nurturing and engaging environment where children can explore, interact, and learn at their own pace. We are committed to individualize programs to your child’s needs. By celebrating each child’s unique strengths and interests, we foster a love for learning and providing a solid foundation for future success. We are committed to making therapy a fun and rewarding experience for every child and family we serve, as we pave the way for brighter futures 昀椀lled with joy, growth, and endless possibilities. 4

Our Logo true True Play Therapy logo is our signature and 昀椀ngerprint. Our logo carries with it all of the good will, expertise, community contributions and legitimacy that our brand has been building within the therapeutic industry. To protect the integrity of our logo, please use it mindfully. t h e r a p y 5

Our Logo Continued The Story of Our Logo Our logo is more than just a design; it’s a re昀氀ection of our philosophy and commitment to children’s well-being. At True Play Therapy, we understand the transformative power of play in a child’s life. The vibrant colors represent the spectrum of emotions and experiences that children encounter during their therapeutic journey. The playful shapes evoke the freedom and creativity that come with play, which is the cornerstone of our approach. The logo with a 昀氀ower as the cut out in the A represents the safe and nurturing environment we provide for children to explore their feelings, heal, and 昀氀ourish. true The logo with faces on the letters represents love, compassion, and understanding that our dedicated therapists offer to every child. Their facial expressions symbolize the growth of love, trust, and resilience during the therapeutic process. t Our logo tells the story of hope, healing, and happiness through the power of play. It is a visual reminder of our h y commitment to supporting children in their emotional e p and developmental journeys. r a 6

Our Logo Continued true true true true t t t h e r a p y h e r a p y h e r a p y t h e r a p y true t h e r a p y true t h e r a p y true t h e r a p y 7

Our Logo Continued u ue true t tr tr t h e r a p y h e r a p  t h e r a p y Do not stretch Do not replace Do not crowd logo out of proportion. text with other with another object Improper Logo Usages font true true y p The power of our logo must be protected ue a by ensuring that the logo is always r r presented in a consistent matter. Every t h e py t h e py t he person who is part of True Play Therapy r a r a t shares the responsibility of being a good shepherd of the brand. Always use Do not change Do not use drop Do not rotate approved logos as is, in their entirety. Here color or apply fills shadows or 3D logo or its parts are examples of practices to avoid when using the logos on your materials: rue rue u t t tr e t h e r a p y t h e r a p y t h e r a p y Do not add or Do not use Do not crop or remove elements without contrast obscure logo from background 8

Colors Color plays a large role in the subconscious perception of a brand. True Play Therapy brand colors have been C81 Y36 M27 K2 selected to express our identity as a trustworthy and reliable resource. True Play Therapy’s mosaic blue R0 G142 B158 conveys a soothing energy in color therapy and also represents imagination. HEX:008E9E 9

C8 Y44 M65 K0 C2 Y74 M33 K0 C1 Y69 M42 K0 R225 G119 B115 R246 G185 B77 R243 G170 B86 HEX:E17773 HEX:F6B94D HEX:F3AA56 Colors Continued C3 Y69 M55 K0 C57 Y2 M62 K0 C77 Y51 M17 K1 The rest of True Play Therapy color family includes R236 G141 B79 R128 G105 B171 R24 G156 B61 several different colors to suit a variety of needs and subjects. Choose from these colors in every situation HEX:EC8D4F HEX:8069AB HEX:2F9E8F where it is possible to do so. C81 Y36 M27 K2 C0 Y0 M0 K79 C6 Y34 M14 K0 R0 G142 B158 R52 G52 B52 R242 G223 B94 HEX:008E9E HEX:343434 HEX:F2DFB3 10

DINosaur for Titles The quick wizard jumps quickly Thin The quick wizard jumps quickly Thin Italic The quick wizard jumps quickly Light Fonts The quick wizard jumps quickly Light Italic True Play Therapy brand font families are de昀椀ned by The quick wizard jumps quickly Book their bold, rounded and playful look. They feature thick line strokes, bubbly shapes, emphasizing The quick wizard jumps quickly Book Italic Readability and scalability. The quick wizard jumps quickly Medium The quick wizard jumps quickly Medium Italic The quick wizard jumps quickly Bold The quick wizard jumps quickly Bold Italic The quick wizard jumps quickly Black The quick wizard jumps quickly Black Italic 11

Fonts Continued Poppins for Headers Roboto for Body The quick wizard jumps quickly Thin The quick wizard jumps quickly Thin The quick wizard jumps quickly Thin Italic The quick wizard jumps quickly Thin Italic The quick wizard jumps quickly Light The quick wizard jumps quickly Light The quick wizard jumps quickly Light Italic The quick wizard jumps quickly Light Italic The quick wizard jumps quickly Regular The quick wizard jumps quickly Regular The quick wizard jumps quickly Italic The quick wizard jumps quickly Medium The quick wizard jumps quickly Medium The quick wizard jumps quickly Medium Italic The quick wizard jumps quickly Medium Italic The quick wizard jumps quickly Semi Bold The quick wizard jumps quickly Bold The quick wizard jumps quickly Semi Bold Italic The quick wizard jumps quickly Bold Italic The quick wizard jumps quickly Bold Italic The quick wizard jumps quickly Black The quick wizard jumps quickly Black The quick wizard jumps quickly Black Italic The quick wizard jumps quickly Black Italic 12

Paragraph Style Title | DINosaur True Play Therapy paragraph styles allow us to maintain Header I | Poppins Bold consistency and professionalism throughout our brand, Header II | Poppins Medium which is crucial for establishing a strong identity. By using consistent paragraph styles, True Play Therapy Body | Roboto ensure that our designs are readable, visually appealing, Caption | Roboto Italic and convey our message effectively. Pull Quote | “Poppins Medium Italic Call to Action | Semibold 13

Brand Personality Authentic Unique Our Voice A set voice for True Play Therapy in its communication re昀氀ects the Playful Creative brand’s personality, goals, values, areas of expertise, and provides connection with the audience. This is important for True Play Accessible Friendly Therapy to build upon its unique persona and create a dialogue as a trusted source of information within the therapeutic ecosystem. Educated Inclusive Four Elements of Our Brand Curious Humble • Character Courageous Accepting • Purpose • Tone • Language 14

Writing Written communication is effective when the reader understands the meaning and intention. Clear and concise writing helps de昀椀ne the brand, increase credibility, and ful昀椀ll the purposes of the message. • Refrain from using “The” in front of True Play Therapy. • Follow Associated Press Style when applicable. • Stop and ask yourself if you really need an exclamation point (you don’t). • Communications should be fact based, not speculative or opinion. 15

Graphics All graphics used on behalf of True Play Therapy should adhere to brand standards. Graphics are a powerful tool that can either enhance or muddle communication efforts. True Play Therapy graphics should be light, creative, fun, and artistic with clear intention and tasteful application that aligns with the trustworthy organization that we are. Patterns Illustrations Characters 16

Icons Our brand icons are used for communicating information quickly and effectively. In True Play Therapy, icons can be used to depict different types of experiences or activities that our company offers, such as creative play or speech therapy. Additionally, icons can be used to represent the various games or therapy techniques that clients may encounter during their time True Play Therapy. The icons should be used sparingly and strategically, to avoid overwhelming the reader with too much visual information. 17

Photos Photography used on behalf of True Play Therapy must be clear and crisp, (a minimum of 300 DPI for print resolution, and 72 DPI for digital publishing.) Flash photography should be avoided when possible, opting for natural or ambient lighting. Excepting social media or other live/informal cases, photography sources should be limited to: • True Play Therapy commissioned photos • Adobe Stock Photos • Free for commercial use stock photo sources. 18

Help people with autism to be included in social activities. By doing this people learn that individuals with autism are like everyone else and desire to have friendships -Dr. Temple Grandin 19 | [email protected] | 760-214-3197