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Why our customers win Democratize digital experience creation - in minutes instead of months Generate demand 90% 88% 72% B2B buyers start with search Interactive content stands Self-educated buyer out from competition SEO offers the lowest CPL (Cost Per 72% of B2B buyers prefer doing their Lead). But PDFs are not SEO-friendly own online research vs. sales And 91% of buyers prefer interactive & visual content over static Google Gartner Business2Community Engage Convert Win
Why our customers win Democratize digital experience creation - in minutes instead of months Generate demand Engage 80% 5m 19s 50% B2B go-to-market is digital Average RELAYTO visit More persuasive By 2025 most B2B sales interactions 3.3X longer than average Visually-rich communications judged between suppliers and buyers will B2B site visit as more ‘credible, competent, occur in digital channels professional, interesting’ Contentsquare Gartner Applied Cognitive Psychology, 2013 Convert Win
Why our customers win Democratize digital experience creation - in minutes instead of months Generate demand Engage Convert 14 220% 84% Interaction and conversion Increase in shareability of Buyers value experience events per average interactive content vs static Buyers believe the experience is just RELAYTO/ visit as important is just as important as its Outgrow products and services RELAYTO 2021-2022 Salesforce Win
Why our customers win Democratize digital experience creation - in minutes instead of months Generate demand Engage Convert Win 2x 1.4x 70% Win rate Faster revenue growth Higher revenue from investing in digital customer engagement Uplift in deals won when using Experience-focused businesses grow RELAYTO/ digital proposal and revenue 1.4x faster than their competitors State of Customer Engagement buyer reading rooms Report 2022, Twilio Forrester RELAYTO study