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Major Specific Study Abroad Guides

SWXd\ AbURad Biomolecular Science Students can stud\ abroad at one of our e[change partners Zhile sta\ing on track for their degree! We have over 30 partner institutions to choose from. BeloZ are just some recommendations for BMS students looking to stud\ abroad. These are not \our onl\ options and Ze encourage \ou to set up an appointment to learn more! DeQPaUN IWaO\ DTU PROLWecQLcR dL MLOaQR Sophomore Spring, Junior Junior Fall Fall Stud\ for a semester in Scandinavia Zhere Spend a semester at Ital\'s #1 engineering sustainabilit\ is prioriti]ed through ever\ school. Students Zill take classes and have course. Students Zill also have access to the chance to join Formula 1 and Motocross conducting research Zith facult\! club teams! CM-UY 2223 Organic Chemistr\ II CM-UY 2614 Ph\sical Chemistr\ I CM-UY 2614 Ph\sical Chemistr\ I Free Elective Free Elective HUSS Elective Free Elective Free Elective AXVWUaOLa HLghOLghWV UQLYeUVLW\ Rf MeObRXUQe Take unique electives Sophomore Spring, Junior Get involved in multidisciplinar\ projects Fall Prepare to travel to the other side of the Zorld Make lasting friendships and e[pand and spend a semester in Australia. Home to top \our global netZork ranked institutions, students can enjo\ Immersive cultural e[perience Australia's iconic and aZe inspiring natural treasures Zhile completing courses. All classes Pass/Fail! CM-UY 2223 Organic Chemistr\ II CM-UY 2614 Ph\sical Chemistr\ I Check out our Tandon E[change CM-UY 3314 Biochemistr\ I database to revieZ locations and HUSS Elective school! Free Elective Check it out! Sample BMS Stud\ Pre-Approved Pre-Approved Abroad PathZa\s BMS Courses HUSS Courses ASSOLcaWLRQ DeadOLQeV FaOO: Februar\ 15th SSULQg: September 25th

SWXd\ AbURad Business & Technolog\ Management Students can stud\ abroad at one of our exchange partners while sta\ing on track for their degree! We have over 30 partner institutions to choose from. Below are just some recommendations for BTM students looking to stud\ abroad. These are not \our onl\ options and we encourage \ou to set up an appointment to learn more! IWaO\ SZedeQ PROLWecQLcR dL MLOaQR LXQd UQLYeUVLW\ Spend a semester at Ital\'s #1 engineering Stud\ for a semester in Scandinavia where school. Students will take classes and have sustainabilit\ is prioriti]ed through their the chance to join Formula 1 and Motocross programs at a technical universit\ with group club teams! based, practical learning. HLgKOLgKWV Check out our Tandon Take unique electives Exchange database to Get involved in multidisciplinar\ projects review locations and school! Make lasting friendships and expand \our global network Immersive cultural experience All classes Pass/Fail! Check it out! Sample BTM Pre-Approved Pre-Approved Course Pathwa\s BTM Courses HUSS Courses ASSOLcaWLRQ DeadOLQeV FaOO: Februar\ 15th SSULQg: September 25th

SWXd\ AbURad Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Students can stud\ abroad at one of our e[change partners Zhile sta\ing on track for their degree! We have over 30 partner institutions to choose from BeloZ are just some recommendations for CBE students looking to stud\ abroad. These are not \our onl\ options and Ze encourage \ou to set up an appointment to learn more! DeQPaUN AXVWUaOLa DTU UQLYeUVLW\ Rf MeObRXUQe Sophomore Spring Sophomore Spring Prepare to travel to the other side of the Stud\ for a semester in Scandinavia Zhere Zorld and spend a semester in Australia. sustainabilit\ is prioriti]ed through ever\ Home to top ranked institutions, students course. Students Zill also have access to can enjo\ Australia's iconic and aZe conducting research Zith facult\! inspiring natural treasures Zhile completing courses. CM-UY 2614 Ph\sical Chemistr\ I CM-UY 2614 Ph\sical Chemistr\ I CM-UY 2223 Organic Chemistr\ II CM-UY 2223 Organic Chemistr\ II Free Elective Free Elective HUSS Elective HUSS Elective SRXWK KRUea HLJKOLJKWV KAIST Senior Spring Take unique electives More than just K-Pop, South Korea is home Get involved in multidisciplinar\ projects to innovative advances in automotive, Make lasting friendships and e[pand robotics and IT. Students can connect Zith \our global netZork renoZned companies such as Samsung, LG, Immersive cultural e[perience and H\undai! CBE-UY 4213 Engineering Laborator\ II All classes Pass/Fail! CBE-UY 4263 Chemical & Biomolecular Check out our Tandon E[change Process Design II database to revieZ locations and Free Elective school! HUSS Elective Check it out! Sample CBE Stud\ Pre-Approved Pre-Approved Abroad PathZa\s CBE Courses HUSS Courses ASSOLcaWLRQ DeadOLQeV FaOO: Februar\ 15th SSULQJ: September 25th

SWXd\ AbURad CiYil Engineering StXdents can stXd\ abroad at one of oXr e[change partners Zhile sta\ing on track for their degree! We haYe oYer 30 partner institXtions to choose from BeloZ are jXst some recommendations for CE stXdents looking to stXd\ abroad. These are not \oXr onl\ options and Ze encoXrage \oX to set Xp an appointment to learn more! GeUPaQ\ IWaO\ HM HRcKVcKXOe M¾QcKeQ PROLWecQLcR dL MLOaQR UQLYeUVLW\ Rf ASSOLed ScLeQceV Sophomore Spring, JXnior Sophomore Spring Spring Spend a semester learning first hand aboXt the Spend a semester at Ital\'s #1 engineering Zorld famoXs German IngenXit\. StXdents can school. StXdents Zill take classes and haYe take adYantage of strong ties to the aXtomotiYe the chance to join FormXla 1 and Motocross and aerospace indXstries. clXb teams! CE-UY 2213 FlXid Mechanics & H\draXlics CE-UY 2213 FlXid Mechanics & H\draXlics CiYil Engineering ElectiYe CE-UY 3163 Materials for the BXilt EnYiron. CE-UY 3223 IntrodXction to EE Free ElectiYe MA-UY 2224 Data Anal\sis Free ElectiYe CE-UY 2533 ConstrXction Project Mgmt. SRXWK KRUea HLJKOLJKWV KAIST Take XniqXe electiYes Sophomore Spring Get inYolYed in mXltidisciplinar\ projects Make lasting friendships and e[pand More than jXst K-Pop, SoXth Korea is home \oXr global netZork to innoYatiYe adYances in aXtomotiYe, ImmersiYe cXltXral e[perience robotics and IT. StXdents can connect Zith renoZned companies sXch as SamsXng, LG, All classes Pass/Fail! and H\Xndai! MA-UY 3044 Linear Algebra MA-UY 2224 Data Anal\sis Check oXt oXr Tandon E[change HUSS ElectiYe database to reYieZ locations and school! Free ElectiYe Check it oXt! Sample CE StXd\ Pre-ApproYed Pre-ApproYed Abroad PathZa\s CE CoXrses HUSS CoXrses ASSOLcaWLRQ DeadOLQeV FaOO: FebrXar\ 15th SSULQJ: September 25th

SWXd\ AbURad Computer Engineering Students can stud\ abroad at one of our exchange partners while sta\ing on track for their degree! We have over 30 partner institutions to choose from. Below are just some recommendations for CompE students looking to stud\ abroad. These are not \our onl\ options and we encourage \ou to set up an appointment to learn more! DeQPaUN IWaO\ DTU PROLWecQLcR dL MLOaQR ( Junior Fall Junior Spring Stud\ for a semester in Scandinavia where Spend a semester in beautiful Ital\ where sustainabilit\ is prioriti]ed through their \ou have a chance to participate in team programs at a technical universit\ with projects on campus (ex. build a motorbike) group based, practical learning. and internships. MA-UY 2314 Discrete Mathematics MA-UY 2224 Data Anal\sis STEM Elective ECE-UY 4144 Introduction to Embedded STEM Elective S\stems Design STEM Elective SRXWK KRUea KAIST HLJKOLJKWV Junior Spring Take unique electives More than just K-Pop, South Korea is home Get involved in multidisciplinar\ projects to innovative advances in automotive, Make lasting friendships and expand robotics and IT. Students can connect with \our global network renowned companies such as Samsung, LG, and H\undai! Immersive cultural experience MA-UY 2224 Data Anal\sis All classes Pass/Fail! ECE-UY 4144 Introduction to Embedded S\stems Design Check out our Tandon Exchange STEM Elective database to review locations and school! Check it out! Sample CompE Stud\ Pre-Approved Pre-Approved Abroad Pathwa\s CompE Courses HUSS Courses ASSOLcaWLRQ DeadOLQeV FaOO: Februar\ 15th SSULQJ: September 25th

SWXd\ AbURad Computer Science Students can stud\ abroad at one of our e[change partners while sta\ing on track for their degree! We have over 30 partner institutions to choose from. Below are just some recommendations for CS students looking to stud\ abroad. These are not \our onl\ options and we encourage \ou to set up an appointment to learn more! SRXWK KRUea SRXWK KRUea KAIST KRUea UQLYeUVLW\ Sophomore Spring Junior Fall More than just K-Pop, South Korea is home More than just K-Pop, South Korea is home to innovative advances in automotive, to innovative advances in automotive, robotics and IT. Students can connect with robotics and IT. Students can connect with renowned companies such as Samsung, LG, renowned companies such as Samsung, LG, and H\undai! and H\undai! CS-UY 2214 Computer Arch. & Org. CS-UY 3224 Operating S\stems CS-UY 2413 Design & Anal\sis of Algo. MA-UY 2314 Discrete Mathematics MA-UY 2224 Data Anal\sis CS-UY 2413 Design & Anal\sis of Algo. HUSS Elective CS-UY 2214 Computer Arch. & Org. SZedeQ HLJKOLJKWV LXQd UQLYeUVLW\ Junior Fall Take unique electives Get involved in multidisciplinar\ projects Go to Sweden to stud\ in the charming Make lasting friendships and e[pand universit\ town of Lund at the universit\ \our global network where inventions like Oatl\ and bluetooth originated Immersive cultural e[perience CS-UY 3224 Operating S\stems All classes Pass/Fail! MA-UY 2224 Data Anal\sis Check out our Tandon E[change CS Elective database to review locations and HUSS Elective school! Check it out! Sample CS Stud\ Pre-Approved Pre-Approved Abroad Pathwa\s CS Courses HUSS Courses ASSOLcaWLRQ DeadOLQeV FaOO: Februar\ 15th SSULQJ: September 25th

SWXd\ AbURad Electrical & Computer Engineering Students can stud\ abroad at one of our e[change partners Zhile sta\ing on track for their degree! We haYe oYer 30 partner institutions to choose from BeloZ are just some recommendations for ECE students looking to stud\ abroad. These are not \our onl\ options and Ze encourage \ou to set up an appointment to learn more! IWaO\ SRXWK KRUea PROLWecQLcR dL MLOaQR KRUea UQLYeUVLW\ Junior Spring Junior Spring Spend a semester at Ital\'s #1 engineering More than just K-Pop, South Korea is home school. Students Zill take classes and haYe to innoYatiYe adYances in automotiYe, the chance to join Formula 1 and Motocross robotics and IT. Students can connect Zith club teams! renoZned companies such as Samsung, LG, MA-UY 2114 MultiYariable Calculus and H\undai! MA-UY 2314 Discrete Mathematics PH-UY 2023 Ph\sics 2 CS-UY 2214 Computer Architecture & Org. MA-UY 3044 Linear Algebra ECE-UY 3054 Signals And S\stems MA-UY 2114 Calculus 3 STEM ElectiYe MA-UY 2314 Discrete Mathematics CS-UY 2214 Computer Arch & Org. AXVWUaOLa UQLYeUVLW\ Rf MeObRXUQe HLJKOLJKWV Junior Spring Take unique electiYes Prepare to traYel to the other side of the Zorld Get inYolYed in multidisciplinar\ projects and spend a semester in Australia. Home to top ranked institutions, students can enjo\ Make lasting friendships and e[pand Australia's iconic and aZe inspiring natural \our global netZork treasures Zhile completing courses. ECE-UY 2004 Fund. of Electric Circuits ImmersiYe cultural e[perience MA-UY 3044 Linear Algebra All classes Pass/Fail! MA-UY 2114 Calculus 3 Check out our Tandon E[change CS-UY 2204 Digital Logic & State database to reYieZ locations and Machine Design school! Check it out! Sample ECE Pre-ApproYed Pre-ApproYed Course PathZa\s ECE Courses HUSS Courses ASSOLcaWLRQ DeadOLQeV FaOO: Februar\ 15th SSULQJ: September 25th

SWXd\ AbURad Electrical Engineering Students can stud\ abroad at one of our e[change partners Zhile sta\ing on track for their degree! We haYe oYer 30 partner institutions to choose from. BeloZ are just some recommendations for EE students looking to stud\ abroad. These are not \our onl\ options and Ze encourage \ou to set up an appointment to learn more! AXVWUaOLa SRXWK KRUea UQLYeUVLW\ Rf MeObRXUQe KRUea UQLYeUVLW\ Sophomore Spring Sophomore Spring Prepare to traYel to the other side of the Zorld More than just K-Pop, South Korea is home and spend a semester in Australia. Home to top to innoYatiYe adYances in automotiYe, ranked institutions, students can enjo\ robotics and IT. Students can connect Zith Australia's iconic and aZe inspiring natural renoZned companies such as Samsung, LG, treasures Zhile completing courses. and H\undai! MA-UY 2114 Calculus III MA-UY 2114 Calculus III CS-UY 2204 Digital Logic & State CS-UY 1134 Data Structures and Algo. Machine Design STEM ElectiYe STEM ElectiYe IWaO\ HLgKOLgKWV PROLWecQLcR dL MLOaQR Junior Fall Take unique electiYes Spend a semester at Ital\'s #1 engineering Get inYolYed in multidisciplinar\ projects school. Students Zill take classes and haYe Make lasting friendships and e[pand the chance to join Formula 1 and Motocross \our global netZork club teams! ImmersiYe cultural e[perience EE-UY 3054 Signals & S\stems All classes Pass/Fail! MA-UY 4204 Ordinar\ Differential Equations Check out our Tandon E[change STEM ElectiYe database to reYieZ locations and school! Check it out! Sample EE Stud\ Pre-ApproYed Pre-ApproYed Abroad PathZa\s EE Courses HUSS Courses ASSOLcaWLRQ DeadOLQeV FaOO: Februar\ 15th SSULQg: September 25th

SWXd\ AbURad Integrated Digital Media Students can stud\ abroad at one of our e[change partners while sta\ing on track for their degree! We have over 30 partner institutions to choose from. Below are just some recommendations for IDM students looking to stud\ abroad. These are not \our onl\ options and we encourage \ou to set up an appointment to learn more! SRXWK KRUea IWaO\ KRUea UQLYeUVLW\ PROLWecQLcR dL MLOaQR More than just K-Pop, South Korea is home to Spend a semester at Ital\'s #1 engineering innovative advances in automotive, robotics school. Students will take classes and have the and IT. Students can connect with renowned chance to join Formula 1 and Motocross club companies such as Samsung, LG, and H\undai! teams! MCC Elective Free Elective Free Elective Reverse Modeling 3D Content Theor\ and Practice Temporar\ E[hibition Design Interior Design HUSS Elective Creative Fashion Design and Construction CKLQa HLgKOLgKWV CLW\ UQLYeUVLW\ Rf HRQg Take unique electives KRQg Get involved in multidisciplinar\ projects Make lasting friendships and e[pand \our Free Elective global network Computer Animation for Interactive Immersive cultural e[perience Content All classes Pass/Fail! Web Animation Check out our Tandon E[change Multimodal Interface Design database to review locations and school! Check it out! Sample IDM Stud\ Pre-Approved Pre-Approved Abroad Pathwa\s IDM Courses HUSS Courses ASSOLcaWLRQ DeadOLQeV FaOO: Februar\ 15th SSULQg: September 25th

SWXd\ AbURad Mathematics Students can stud\ abroad at one of our exchange partners while sta\ing on track for their degree! We have over 30 partner institutions to choose from. Below are just some recommendations for Math students looking to stud\ abroad. These are not \our onl\ options and we encourage \ou to set up an appointment to learn more! SZedeQ AXVWUaOLa LXQd UQLYeUVLW\ UQLYeUVLW\ Rf MeObRXUQe Sophomore Fall Sophomore Fall Stud\ for a semester in Scandinavia where Prepare to travel to the other side of the sustainabilit\ is prioriti]ed through their world and spend a semester in Australia. programs at a technical universit\ with Home to top ranked institutions, students group based, practical learning. can enjo\ Australia's iconic and awe inspiring natural treasures while completing MA-UY 2114 Calculus III courses. HUSS Elective MA-UY 2114 Calculus III Free Elective STEM Elective Free Elective HUSS Elective HLJKOLJKWV SRXWK KRUea KRUea UQLYeUVLW\ Take unique electives Get involved in multidisciplinar\ projects More than just K-Pop, South Korea is home Make lasting friendships and expand to innovative advances in automotive, \our global network robotics and IT. Students can connect with renowned companies such as Samsung, LG, Immersive cultural experience and H\undai! All classes Pass/Fail! PH-UY 2023 Ph\sics II MA-UY 2114 Calculus III Check out our Tandon Exchange MA-UY 4114 Applied Statistics database to review locations and school! STEM Elective Check it out! Sample Math Stud\ Pre-Approved Pre-Approved Abroad Pathwa\s Math Courses HUSS Courses ASSOLcaWLRQ DeadOLQeV FaOO: Februar\ 15th SSULQJ: September 25th

SWXd\ AbURad Mechanical Engineering Students can stud\ abroad at one of our e[change partners Zhile sta\ing on track for their degree! We haYe oYer 30 partner institutions to choose from. BeloZ are just some recommendations for ME students looking to stud\ abroad. These are not \our onl\ options and Ze encourage \ou to set up an appointment to learn more! DeQPaUN IWaO\ DTU PROLWecQLcR dL MLOaQR Junior Fall Junior Spring Stud\ for a semester in ScandinaYia Zhere Spend a semester at Ital\'s #1 engineering sustainabilit\ is prioriti]ed through eYer\ school. Students Zill take classes and haYe course. Students Zill also haYe access to the chance to join Formula 1 and Motocross conducting research Zith facult\! club teams! ME-UY 3333 Thermod\namics (Online) ME-UY 3313/1 Fluid Mechanics & Lab ME-UY 3313 Fluid Mechanics ME-UY 3233 Machine Design ME-UY 4214 Finite Element Modeling ME-UY 3411/3 Automatic Control & Lab STEM ElectiYe STEM ElectiYe SRXWK KRUea HLJKOLJKWV KRUea UQLYeUVLW\ Sophomore Spring Take unique electiYes More than just K-Pop, South Korea is home Get inYolYed in multidisciplinar\ projects to innoYatiYe adYances in automotiYe, Make lasting friendships and e[pand robotics and IT. Students can connect Zith \our global netZork renoZned companies such as Samsung, LG, ImmersiYe cultural e[perience and H\undai! ME-UY 3333 Thermod\namics All classes Pass/Fail! ME-UY 3223 D\namics Check out our Tandon E[change STEM ElectiYe database to reYieZ locations and HUSS ElectiYe school! Check it out! Sample ME Stud\ Pre-ApproYed Pre-ApproYed Abroad PathZa\s ME Courses HUSS Courses ASSOLcaWLRQ DeadOLQeV FaOO: Februar\ 15th SSULQJ: September 25th

CRVW BUeaNdRZQ Charges on Bill: Pa\ the same tuition and fees; all financial aid/scholarships applies. Out of Pocket: Flight, Housing, Dail\ LiYing E[penses, Immigration Documents/Visa ProYided b\ NYU (Free of Charge) International Health Insurance FAQV HRZ dR GUadeV aQd CUedLWV WRUN? NYU GORbaO SLWeV: Courses are graded, effects GPA, counts toZards degree E[cKaQJe PaUWQeUV: Courses are P/F, no effect on GPA, counts toZards degree WKeQ CaQ I SWXd\ AbURad? Students must haYe completed at least their first \ear of stud\ and haYe a 3.0 GPA to appl\ PreYious knoZledge of the language is not a requirement SWXdeQW TeVWLPRQLaOV WLOOLaP Lee KRUea UQLYeUVLW\, SSULQJ '22 AbURad dXULQJ VRSKRPRUe \eaU "I'Ye met so man\ different t\pes of people on m\ trip and it has e[panded m\ perspectiYe on so man\ things. The Za\ the\ think and act Zas so different to Zhat I Zas used to, and it Zas refreshing to interact Zith people Zho are different." FRU PRUe LQfR: The Tandon Global Zould loYe to help \ou plan. Visit our site, fill out the interest form, and contact us Zith an\ questions/ or to set up a meeting! Email: tandonglobal@n\