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Jamaica 60 Diamond Jubilee Gala Journal


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CELEBRATING 60 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE Northwell is dedicated to supporting charitable endeavors to address severe gaps in health care, education, community development and public safety—a mission we’re proud to share with the CONSULA TE GENERAL OF JAMAICA We applaud their dedication to ensuring global health commitments are aligned. Michael A. Epstein Chairman, Board of Trustees Michael J. Dowling President & CEO 4 4

Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 5

Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 6

HIS EXCELLENCY THE MOST HONOURABLE SIR PATRICK ALLEN, ON, GCMG, CD, KST.J GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF JAMAICA Jamaica 60 Theme: “Re-Igniting a Nation for Greatness” My fellow Jamaicans, This year marks a very special milestone for Jamaica and provides an ideal opportunity for us to reflect on our journey as a nation. th On 6 August 1962, a new day for Jamaica was ushered in with much fanfare, anticipation and hope, buoyed by the fact that the dream of an independent country had become a reality. In the last sixty years, characterized by challenges and triumphs, we can be proud of the progress we have made, our stellar achievements as a people, and the positive impact that we have had across the world. Under the theme “Re-Igniting a Nation for Greatness”, a large number of celebratory activities have already taken place, both at home and in the Diaspora, and there will be others during the remainder of the year. It is heartwarming to witness the national pride that has been evident at these events, demonstrating that no matter where you are, Jamaica is well-represented by your presence. This is a challenging time and as we celebrate our Diamond Jubilee. The health and economic difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, social calamities, crime and violence are only some of the problems that must temper our celebrations. Many of us may have suffered significant loss and dislocation that have tested our true mettle. However, I use this opportunity to commend the Jamaican people for their responsiveness to the measures that were instituted to protect public health and safety and maintain economic activity. This response to the unprecedented challenges demonstrates the maturity of our people and the faith we have in our nation, and is a potent reminder that it is only through working together that we can succeed in overcoming obstacles. That positive attitude will strengthen the foundation as we move forward and overcome the hurdles encountered in nation-building. Our Diaspora is critical to national development. With this in mind, the Government has worked steadily to enhance the contribution of our nationals towards the transformation of the Jamaican economy. We are grateful to you for your patriotism and appreciate the philanthropic support which you provide including charitable assistance to families, communities and organi- zations whose needs were greatest. Such is the connection with Jamaica that remittances, as well as critical inputs in the health and education sectors, increased significantly at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. th This celebration of the 60 Anniversary of our Independence gives us the opportunity to recognize and appreciate the firm resolve and tenacity of our Jamaican people. This enduring resilience has carried us through the worst and best moments in our history. These are attributes that we possess in abundance and which will be of great benefit as we move on to navigate the years ahead. I am confident that if we continue to draw on the collective resources of Jamaicans at home and abroad, together, we can achieve all the things for which we hope. Happy Independence. God bless you and “Jamaica, land we love!” Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 7

The Right Excellent The Right Excellent The Most Honourable The Most Honourable Norman Washington Manley Sir William Alexander Sir Donald Sangster Hugh Lawson Shearer M.M., QC Clarke Bustamante ON, KCVO ON, OJ, PC Premier 1955 – 1962 GBE 1967 – 1967 1967 – 1972 1962 – 1967 The Most Honourable The Most Honourable The Most Honourable The Most Honourable Michael Norman Manley Edward Phillip George Percival Noel James Patterson Portia Lucretia Simpson-Miller, ON ON, ON, OCC Seaga ON, PC, QC, OCC 2006 – 2007 1972 – 1980 ON, PC 1992 – 2006 2012 – 2016 1989 – 1992 1980 – 1989 The Honourable The Most Honourable Orette Bruce Golding Andrew Michael Holness 2007 – 2011 ON, OM, OCC 2011 – 2012 2016 - Present Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 8

THE MOST HONOURABLE ANDREW HOLNESS, ON, MP, PC PRIME MINISTER OF JAMAICA ON THE OCCASION OF EMANCIPATION AND INDEPENDENCE DAY My fellow Jamaicans, th This year 2022 marks Jamaica’s 60 Anniversary of political Independence, and 184 years since the Emancipation Declaration of 1838 affirmed full freedom for enslaved people of African descent in Jamaica. In recognition of these momentous anniversaries, Jamaicans from all walks of life have been enthusiastic in their support for the planned series of activities for the Jamaica 60 Independence celebrations, which will also commemorate our heritage and culture. Our journey over the past six decades as an independent country, is replete with examples of excellence in various sectors, including in music, tourism and athletics for which we are world-renowned. Our Diaspora members have always been an integral part of that experience and play a critical role in promoting “Brand Jamaica” on the world stage. We are grateful to our family overseas who consistently promote, protect and preserve our social and cultural traditions and values. The Government of Jamaica recognizes the Diaspora as crucial partners and drivers of Jamaica’s economic development. Jamaicans overseas represent a wealth of human, social and financial capital and are key actors and influencers bringing tremendous value to Jamaica. We are actively pursuing opportunities to channel this value into mutually beneficial policy initiatives. Our Diamond Jubilee is at a time when the global community is facing a number of challenges, including the continuing impact of COVID-19, the impacts of climate change, and the Ukraine/Russia conflict. These combined events have generated the greatest wave of global inflation in over forty years and have the potential to erode the gains achieved over time and delay the achievement of the targets we have set for ourselves, as represented by Vision 2030. However, Jamaicans are known for our resilience and for overcoming challenges. We are learning from the mistakes of our past, and we are taking the right actions to ensure Jamaica’s continued stability and the well-being of our people. In this regard, the Government is implementing sound fiscal policy measures to enable the country to safely navigate the challenges with which we are confronted. At the same time, we have put in place several mechanisms for targeted social intervention to cushion the effect on our vulnerable citizens. We are keeping our economy stable so Jamaicans can obtain and keep their jobs and our country can continue its development agenda which, in the long run will be better, for our people. I invite all Jamaicans, at home and abroad, to participate in the transformation of Jamaica in the coming years, as we build on the experiences and achievements of the past sixty years. Your full engagement will ensure the success of these programmes as we strive to build a better future for ourselves and for future generations. At 60, we reflect on how far we have come and look forward at the opportunities we can create for the greater advancement of our people and country. We must be determined to transform Jamaica into a paradise of peace, opportunity, and prosperity. Let us therefore be reinspired and recommitted to our beautiful island home as with your continued engagement and support, we reignite our nation for greatness. th Happy 60 Anniversary Jamaica! Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 9


MR. MARK GOLDING, M.P. The Leader of the Opposition My fellow Jamaicans at home and abroad, it is a great joy as our Nation comes together to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of our political independence from colonial rule. It is a time to celebrate the achievements of Jamaica in a plethora of human endeavours – in academia, music, the arts, education, commerce, cuisine, science and, of course, our sporting glory. This is an appropriate occasion to specifically mention our sporting prowess. Our consistently high performances in World Track and Field, most recently at the World Athletic Championships in Eugene, Oregon, have the world in awe. Our Reggae Girlz have again qualified for the World Cup and there is no doubt that the 22nd Commonwealth Games now in progress in Birmingham, England will see our black, green and gold flag, and hear our national anthem, rippling and echoing across the stadium. Over the sixty years, the Jamaican people have made our mark in global affairs, and built a reputation of being little but ‘tallawah’. We have much for which we must be thankful and, as Koffee wisely said in an epic song, “gratitude is a must.” In international diplomacy and politics, Jamaica has impressed others most when we stood up for principle, even at times when some would prefer we do otherwise. Jamaica’s name should always be associated with consistent adherence to the principles of non-alignment, non-interference, self-determination and the rule of international law as we pursue equity and justice among all nations. These principles are the foundations of our nation’s democracy. They were bequeathed to us by our Heroes and Heroine who remain an inspiration to our people. We should never abandon them for perceived short-term gain. But as we revel in our many glorious achievements, we should not allow Jamaica 60 to go without reflecting on the future of our country, and what it will take to overcome the many adversities and challenges which confront us in our daily lives. Crime and violence, inequality and under-performance in education, as well as poverty and hunger amidst the terrible cost of living crisis, remain deep and persistent challenges that will require a great unity of purpose to overcome and improve the quality of life of all Jamaicans. We must put our people at the centre of development as we launch on our sixty first year and beyond. Social transformation requires investing in our people, to build our capacity to compete and excel among all the nations of the world. Even after 60 years of standing on our own, there are a few out there who still believe we are not ready. It is time to cast aside such negative self-doubt, and come together to achieve these outstanding aspects of our national independence. Anything less is an affront to our nationhood and sense of self. Jamaica 60 is also an opportune time to recommit to full political independence by removing the last vestiges of past colonial rule. It is time to come together to achieve the constitutional reform required to have a Jamaican as our Head of State. The Opposition continues to be willing and ready to work with the Government to finalise the required legislation, pass it in Parliament and put it to a vote by the people in a referendum, as soon as possible and this step is logically connected to another, which is to ensure greater access to justice for our people by embracing the Caribbean Court of Justice as our final court of appeal. There is nothing to stop this proceeding now, even as we go through the steps of becoming a republic. Let us once again demonstrate that spirit of nation building which led our forefathers and mothers to fight for our freedom and lay the foundation for indepen- dence. If we can achieve these final acts of political independence together, it will provide an historic example of national maturity and solidarity, and provide a strong psychological platform from which to move forward to overcome our other challenges. Let these acts of unity become a source of continuing strength and resilience for our people. I close this message by asking Almighty God to grant us foresight and fortitude as we continue on our national journey. Greatness is our destiny. We can achieve it by joining together in the common cause of building our beloved Jamaica. God bless you and God bless Jamaica, land we love. Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 11

SENATOR THE HONOURABLE KAMINA JOHNSON SMITH MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND FOREIGN TRADE My Fellow Jamaicans across the globe, Happy Independence! th I am pleased to join you in celebrating the 60 Anniversary of Independence of our beloved country, Jamaica. This is a momentous time in our nation’s history, as we acknowledge and reflect on the tremendous progress made over the past sixty years. We are also able to take account of the challenges we have navigated together on this journey, honouring the legacy of our forebears and the vision of those who were instrumental in securing our independence. We use this period of celebration to recognize the contributions of Jamaicans at home and abroad to nation-building, and in upholding the ideals and executing the responsibilities that are associated with independent statehood. An important expression of our independence is the responsibility we assumed for our foreign policy, which has enabled us to promote on the global stage, matters of critical importance to national development. We are proud that Jamaica continues to pursue a principled foreign policy, one in which as a Small Island Developing State, we maintain good relations with a wide range of countries and partners, to support our development goals. I am pleased to acknowledge the vital role which you the Jamaican Diaspora play in representing Jamaica across the globe. Indeed, the deepening of engagement with our community overseas is a key plank of our foreign policy. I therefore pay tribute to the vast number of Jamaicans who reside in almost every corner of the world, and, by so doing, have extended the reach and presence of Jamaica. The continued engagement of the Diaspora with Jamaica is a strong testament of the bond that we all feel with our homeland. Through good times and bad, the Diaspora has stood with those at home, and I sincerely thank the many individuals and organizations in the Diaspora who contributed to our response to the COVID 19 pandemic, especially in the health and education sectors. Full recovery from COVID-19 will not be immediate, but significant strides have been made and our efforts to build back better have been buttressed by the continued support. The Biennial Diaspora Conferences have proven to be of great value, and the most recent staging of the Jamaica 60 Diaspora Conference in June this year underscored the importance we attach to harnessing the talents, resources and abilities of the Diaspora to support transformation of the economy and the society. We are also committed, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, to promote and defend the interests of Jamaicans abroad, and to give support, as sits within our mandate, to your legitimate endeavours to contribute to your countries of residence and that of your origin. I am assured that in this the year of our Diamond Jubilee, Jamaicans everywhere will celebrate this milestone like none other, and will embrace our culture with pride as we revel in our renowned gastronomic and artistic expressions. As we observe this time of great joy, let us give thanks for the accomplishments thus far, equally aware that there is much work to be done for us to realize the Jamaica to which we aspire. Let us continue then, to work together, to Re-Ignite our Nation to Greatness! God Bless you all and God Bless Jamaica, land we love. Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 12

SENATOR THE HONOURABLE LESLIE CAMPBELL MINISTER OF STATE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND FOREIGN TRADE My fellow Jamaicans, th This year we celebrate Jamaica’s Diamond Jubilee, our 60 anniversary of Independence, under the theme ‘Reigniting a Nation for Greatness’. This aspirational call to action charges our citizens, at home and abroad, to collectively engage more deliberately, and motivate each other more purposefully, towards the realization of our national development goals. As you enjoy the richness of our culture through the numerous festivities and celebrations that will be held within Jamaican communities across the globe, let us recall the contributions of our forebears and the struggles they overcame, leading to the establishment of a proud, free and sovereign Jamaica. They exhibited the enduring traits of resilience and resolve, the basis on which Jamaica stands and continues to proclaim our independence. A grateful nation salutes their countless sacrifices and we honour and respect their commitment to build a Jamaica where all have opportunities to unleash their true potential. Similarly, we also celebrate you, our Diaspora, who have left an indelible mark on the world stage, through music, art, sports, academia, business and so much more. Like our forefathers, you embody a spirit of resilience, creativity and tenacity. Through your hard work, you have succeeded in elevating the culture, profile and image of Jamaica to the world. You are unequivocal champions of ‘Brand Jamaica’. As investors, philanthropists, bridge-builders, Brand Ambassadors, lobbyists, marketers, and consumers, there is tremendous value in your experience and your networks which redound to the benefit of both Jamaica and your adopted homes. You have stood with us through global recessions, natural disasters and global pandemics. In spite of these occurrences, we have been resolute in our mission of national development, due in large part to your support. Regardless of geographical distance, you have tirelessly offered assistance through remittances, knowledge exchanges and the countless contributions you have made in the health, education and business sectors, among others. Through your active contributions to various areas of life in Jamaica, you have played an important role in nation-building. A grateful nation salutes you and looks forward to a future characterized by a genuine partnership and mutual understanding. I am pleased with the success of the ninth iteration of the Jamaica 60 Diaspora Conference, which was staged in June this year in hybrid fashion. The focus on digital transformation and innovation, sought to capitalize on the engagement opportunities offered by new and emerging technologies and the cultural affinity of the Diaspora to Jamaica, as we strive to deepen our engagement impetus with you and all of our partners. We encourage you to join this digital transformation effort which will greatly enhance the efficiency of our engagement strategies. The recent approval of the National Diaspora Policy will help to codify and deepen our evolving partnership and commitment for our shared national vision of a better Jamaica, so that Jamaicans wherever they reside are empowered to achieve their full potential. As we reflect, therefore, on the last sixty years of Independence, let us with pride and satisfaction, look forward to the years ahead with a renewed spirit and the will to transform our Jamaica into the place to live, work, raise families and do business. th I wish you, my Diaspora family, a Happy 60 Anniversary of Independence! Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 13

The Consulate General of Jamaica, New York OUR MISSION To promote and safeguard the interests of Jamaica and its nationals in the thirty-three (33) States of the United States of America which fall under its jurisdiction, as well as the territories of Puerto Rico and Bermuda. To strengthen partnership with the Jamaican Diaspora in a manner that is mutually beneficial to the well-being of the Diaspora and the country’s national development processes. To promote the Government of Jamaica’s Economic Diplomacy Programme, by leveraging potential business connections and partners in pursuit of commercially viable and investment-oriented opportunities for Jamaica and its Diaspora. OUR GUIDING PRINCIPLES AND VALUES People • Partnership • Integrity • Excellence • National Pride • Strong Work Ethic Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 14

CONSUL GENERAL ALSION WILSON, OD CONSULATE GENERAL OF JAMAICA, NEW YORK My fellow Jamaicans in the Diaspora and beyond, th I am pleased to join you in celebrating the milestone Anniversaries commemorating our 60th Anniversary of Independence and 184 Emancipation of Jamaica-land-we-love. This year as we celebrate our Diamond Jubilee of Independence under the theme “Re-Igniting a nation of for Greatness”, I want to implore you to take this as clarion call to bring change wherever you may be. Jamaicans have over the years, from pre-emancipation, through independence, been among agitators for change at home and in our various adopted homes. We have been at the forefront of social, political, and cultural change across the globe, through our activism, education, work ethic, healthcare, music, food, athletic and intellectual prowess. Wherever you plant a Jamaican, I guarantee you, he or she will flourish. It was Marcus Garvey who said, “A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” As we relight the fire that fuels us to punch larger than our size, let us reflect on where we are coming from and recognize that we have deep roots to anchor us against the prevailing winds of change. I know that at this time many of our Jamaican Diaspora members, here and in other parts of the world, are facing challenges due to the impacts of the global pandemic of the past two years and the current economic conditions. We are a resilient people who have faced many challenges and have learnt the art of “Tek yuh han mek fashion”, using what we have, to create what we want. Also let us go back to caring for our neighbors ensuring that our fellow Jamaicans all succeed. I invite you to recommit to the various Jamaican Diaspora organizations, through your time and resources, to continue the significant work that has been done over the years. Let us water and add nutrients such that these deep-rooted trees can now spread their branches to expand into other areas of national development. As we look forward to the future, there is much for us to celebrate. Sixty years of a country’s independence is a significant milestone. Despite a number of socio-economic challenges, we can also be proud that as a people we have done well in other areas, among them being we have managed to maintain a stable democracy over the six decades of independence. Here we are proud that others have recognized these milestones. In this regard, I am pleased to announce that for the first time in New York’s history, our country’s Independence on August 6th, 2022, will be officially recognized by the State as Jamaican Flag Day. A recognition of this nature is a clear expression of New York’s appreciation and celebration of our Jamaican Diaspora, our culture, history and contribution to the growth and development of the State. I take this opportunity to encourage you to celebrate our nation as we work towards the next milestone. The Consulate General of Jamaica New York, your home away from home, is here to support you. Participate in our events and keep in touch for information and opportunities here and at home. I urge you to remain steadfast in reigniting our nation, together, for greatness, unity, and strength. th Happy 60 Jamaica! One love! Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 15

AMBASSADOR BRENDA LAGRANGE JOHNSON FORMER AMBASSADOR OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO JAMAICA Official Jamaica 60 Diamond Jubilee Gala It is my pleasure to serve tonight as Honorary Patron at the Official Jamaica 60 Diamond Jubilee Gala. I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the country and people of Jamaica, as you celebrate your 60th Anniversary of Independence under the theme “Re-Igniting a Nation for Greatness”. This milestone accomplishment is one for which you ought to be proud, having made significant strides since 6th August 1962. As former United States Ambassador to Jamaica from 2005-2009, I came to know Jamaica on a deep level, working on areas of mutual interest between our countries and strengthening our relationship through addressing common challenges. Jamaica has been a longstanding partner of the United States of America, with the US being one of the first countries to recognize Jamaica’s independence in 1962. Our two countries have grown together, with shared values of democracy and have remained interconnected through high levels of corporation in areas such as regional security, law enforcement, trade and environmental protection. The Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, one of the largest Caribbean groups, has made significant contributions to the development of the US and have attained noteworthy success in areas such as business, science, the arts, sports, music and government. I have personally grown a love for Jamaican culture, people, music and food and have been actively engaged in initiatives to mobilize resources and expertise, for the mutual benefit of both our countries. As a small nation, Jamaica has made a remarkable global impact, inspiring peace, unity and creating a nation brand that is known for greatness in numerous areas. On this, your Diamond Jubilee, I wish for you continued success as you work towards accelerating your country’s development and attaining your national goals. I look forward to continuing to strengthen the bond that exists between our two countries. Happy 60th! Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 16

Blue Mountain Surrey (cont’d) Golden Krust Caribbean Restaurant Hartford Healthcare Sage Iberia Foods Blue Lagoon JKG Holding Caribbean Food Delights Mehmet Sengulen Genting/Resorts World NYC Health Hospitals Harlem Palm Haven Real Estate Investment, LLC McCall’s Bronxwood Funeral Home, Inc. Proven Moody’s Northwell Health True Natural Hair & Prospect Cleaning Quality Automall Valerie Gray, Esq. Victoria Mutual Building Society Cornwall Colgate Palmolive VP Records Exact Capital JN Group Diamond Kathleen & Mark Newman Ambassador Brenda LaGrange Johnson Tower Isle Brigid Donnelly Middlesex Elizabeth Russell-McKenzie Jamaica Tourist Board Gregory Johnson Surrey Lou Hammond Bestrow Real Estate Blu Sky Burgher Gray Jubilee Byrnam Wood Episcopal Health Services Cochrane Law As at 8/15/2022 Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 17

Ruschell Boone is a multiple Emmy award winning journalist and Daytime Anchor at Spectrum News NY1. She joined the station in 2002 and over the last 20 years her energy, dynamic personality and trusted reporting has made an impact on local and national news. Ruschell was known as “the people’s reporter” before she was promoted to the Anchor chair in 2021. She is known for her impeccable and balanced reporting. Some of her most notable work include her exclusive interview with Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, after her stunning Democratic primary win, in 2018. It was shared around the world, seen in newscasts across the country and featured on some of the late night talk shows. The interview was also shown in the Netflix documentary “Knock Down the House” and the Hulu documentary “Hillary.” Ruschell also went viral several times during the Black Lives Matter protests in the Summer of 2020 for her work on the ground in Brooklyn. She has also made cameos on television series where she played herself on shows like “Law & Order: SVU” and “Power Book II: Ghost.” Ruschell was born and raised in Kingston, Jamaica. She attended Holy Childhood Prep school before moving to New York City. She is a very proud Jamaican who is never afraid to drop a little patois on the air. She is also known for bragging about where she is from. The beautiful island of wood and water. Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 18

Philip grew up in the tourism and hospitality industry having worked in city hotels and beach resorts across Jamaica since his first summer job at 14 years old. He was recruited by the Jamaica Tourist Board 21 years ago and has been a leader and trendsetter in the industry ever since. He has excelled in different roles in the U.S.A and Canada and has been promoted in every position he has held. He now leads Jamaica’s sales and marketing efforts in the largest source market, Northeastern USA. Philip has lived and studied tourism in Jamaica, Canada, USA, Singapore and Italy. This has armed him with a deep understanding of cultural nuances that serves well in a global environment. An avid social media user, he introduced the Jamaica Tourist Board to social media marketing and designed their first campaign 12 years ago. Philip effec- tively uses most platforms to increase and engage his audience and is often quoted as saying, “you can’t sell anything if you don’t have an audience”. Philip is a passionate philanthropist and supports charities and foundations that fight for children’s welfare, poverty alleviation and education. He’s on the board of Helping Hands Jamaica, a Canada based foundation that aims to give children a better future through education. In his spare time, Philip enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter and visiting a new destination whenever he can. He’s a football (soccer) fan, an en- gaging storyteller, and enjoys recounting tales of his time spent in Jamaica with A-list celebrities or of his younger days working in Jamaica’s top resorts. aa mm ii aa cc JJ aa ’’ ss 6600 tt hh AAnn nn iivv ee rrssaarryy 19

Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 20

DHSc, MBA, MSN, RN, CCRN-K, NE-BC Director, patient care services – Critical Care Division at Northwell Health’s Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Queens, New York Dr. Lindsay has more than 28 years of nursing experience, most of which have been in critical care. On December 14, 2020, she became the first person in the United States to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Raised in Jamaica by their grandparents, Dr. Lindsay and her siblings moved to the United States in 1986. In 1993, Dr. Lindsay graduated from Borough of Manhattan Community College as valedictorian of her nursing program and joined Northwell Health’s Lenox Hill Hospital in 1994 as an oncology nurse. Three years later, Dr. Lindsay pursued her dream: to become a critical care nurse. She worked as a clinical nurse in various critical care units before being offered leadership roles. She served as the nurse manager for the adult medical intensive care unit at Lenox Hill Hospital for more than seven years before assuming the director role. Dr. Lindsay’s educational accomplishments include a Baccalaureate degree in nursing from St. Joseph’s College and a Master of Science in nursing from Herbert Lehman College, where she was the 2022 commencement speaker. She also earned a Master of Business Administration from Hofstra University and, in May 2021, completed a Doctor of Health Sciences degree with a concentration in global health and leadership and organization- al behavior from A. T. Still University. Dr. Lindsay recently published her first leadership research study in Nursing Management titled, “Authentic Leadership: Does It Relate to Job Satisfaction and Engagement?” Since becoming recognized as the first person to be vaccinated against COVID-19, she has become a vocal advocate in support of vaccinations, dispelling misinformation, and a supporter of medical research and global equity. She has been recognized by President Joseph Biden at the White House, has met with the President of the United Nations and Prime Minister of Jamaica, and served as Grand Marshall in New York’s Hometown Heroes Parade. On July 7th, 2022, Dr. Lindsay was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor, by President Joe Biden during a special ceremony at the White House among 16 other outstanding individuals. Several organizations have recognized Dr. Lindsay for her work. The Caribbean Heritage Organization awarded her with the 2021 Robert Nesta Marley Humanitarian Award, and she was among the recipients of the Union of Jamaican Alumni Association’s Trailblazer Award and Jamaican Cultural Alliance Trailblazer Award. Dr. Lindsay was honored in February 2022 at the Greater New York Chamber of Commerce’s Black History Legends Breakfast and the Little Flower Children and Family Services of New York has recognized her as a Corporate Ambassador of Hope. She was a panelist at the 2022 Aspen Ideas Festival, where thought leaders from around the globe discuss issues that shape the world and challenges of our times. She continues to focus her efforts on improving health both at home and across the globe. When Dr. Lindsay is not working, she enjoys adventurous traveling, visiting her homeland Jamaica, reading leadership books and articles, and gardening. Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 21

Dr. Maurice Wright is the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for New York City Health and Hospital | Harlem and Senior Associate Dean of Colum- bia University Medical Center for the Academic Affiliation at Harlem Hospital Center since September 2010. Formally, he held the position of Chief of Emergency Services at Woodhull Medicine Center for fourteen years. Prior to his term at Woodhull, he spent ten years at St. Luke’s, Roosevelt Hospital Center (Mount Sinai West), where he completed his residency and later became a faculty member and Assistant Director for the Department of Emergency Medicine. As CMO, he is the principal medical advisor to the CEO of New York City Health and Hospitals | Harlem. He ensures that clinical and educa- tional programs of all departments are consistent with the priorities and standards of the New York City Health and Hospitals. As Senior As- sociate Dean for the CUMC Academic Affiliation, Dr. Wright is responsible for oversight to the faculty appointment and promotion processes. All academic responsibilities for Columbia University students and the ACGME- regulated post-graduate training programs at Harlem Hospital Center fall under his leadership. Dr. Wright is a visionary leader who fosters team work and inspires excellence. While managing a high-volume ED, he was able to achieve a high standard of quality care that was both responsive to community needs and sensitive to community concerns. Among his accomplish- ments, he embarked on a clinical upgrade and re-design of the Emergency Department; implemented evidence- base practice guidelines and used a vigorous performance improvement program to improve care successfully. Dr. Wright is a graduate of Munro College, JWI, Fordham University and Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He holds several academic appointments, including Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at Columbia University and Medical Director of the CUNY Medical School Physicians Assistant Program. He is a member of several professional organizations, including the American College of Emergency Physi- cians, the American College of Physicians and the National Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems (NAPHHS). He graduated from the Physician Leadership Institute in June of 2003. Dr. Wright is also a graduate of the Patient Safety Officer training program at The Institute for Health Care Improvement and is a past member of NYC Health and Hospitals Patient Safety Committee. Currently, he served on the Council of Chief Medical Officers. Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 22

Mark E. Newman is the President and CEO of The Chemours Company. He joined the company in 2014 as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, and helped launch Chemours as a stand-alone, publicly traded compa- ny. In 2019, Mark was appointed Chief Operating Officer before becoming CEO in 2021. As CEO, Mark is ushering in a new chapter for Chemours and delivering strong business results. He has focused the company on more innovative and sustainable solutions, responsible manufacturing and environmental leadership, societal and community impact, and making Chemours the greatest place to work. He is also a vocal champion of inclusion and diversity, relaunching the Chemours Black Employee Network and acting as its initial executive sponsor. He also formed and served as the executive sponsor of the Chemours Diversity and Inclusion Council. In 2022, Savoy Magazine named Mark to its list of the “Most Influential Black Executives in Corporate America.” Before joining Chemours, Mark was Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of SunCoke Energy, Inc., and served in several senior operating and finance leadership roles with General Motors Corporation. Born and raised in Jamaica, Mark grew up on a family farm. He would go on to receive his Bachelor of Applied Sci- ence degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, and earned his Master of Business Administration from the Richard Ivey Business School at the University of Western Ontario. Mark serves on the board of directors for the American Chemistry Council, is a member of the board of trustees for the United States Council for International Business, and a member of the Ivey Society, based on Richard Ivey alumnus activity. Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 23

Jeffrey Flaks is a progressive and passionate leader who has dedicated his professional career to the transfor- mation of healthcare for the better. Mr. Flaks epitomizes what it means to be a servant leader. He has led Hartford HealthCare’s 33,000 col- leagues through the unprecedented COVID crisis with grace and courage, never forgetting the role of Hartford HealthCare to improve health and healing of the communities we serve. Because of his dedication, Mr. Flaks was appointed Co-Chair of the State of CT’s Governor’s Health System COVID Task Force. Mr. Flaks is a champion of health equity and has pushed both the health care system and the state to create new ways to provide care to undeserved communities. He’s pioneered outreach to address the digital divide, meet the health needs of the most vulnerable, and address social determinants of health. He is a true innova- tor- forging partnerships with international Medtech accelerators, with MIT and the Israeli Innovation Authority to develop new technologies, new products and services that will move healthcare forward. He is a visionary who has helped to transform care and bring jobs to the state through landmark university partnerships to help build an essential pipeline for the healthcare workforce and keep jobs in state. Under Jeff’s leadership, Hartford HealthCare has become the state’s most progressive integrated health care delivery system, a $5.2 billion enterprise that cares for more than 1.7 million patients and customers. Hartford HealthCare’s network is an integrated ecosystem across more than 400 locations, unified by its innovative Access Center and singular, electronic health record and imaging system. Hartford HealthCare is a vital contributor to Connecticut’s economy as the second largest private employer in the state, with 33,000 colleagues and 4,000 providers on its medical staff. Mr. Flaks inspires colleagues every day to live out Hartford HealthCare’s vision to be most trusted for coordinated, personalized care; and its values of Caring, Equity, Excellence, Integrity and Safety. Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 24

Nearly sixty years after he moved to the United States from Kingston, Jamaica, his hometown, Grammy nominated pianist Monty Alexander is an American classic, touring the world relentlessly with various projects, delighting a global audience drawn to his vibrant personality and soulful message. A perennial favorite at jazz festivals and venues worldwide and at the Montreux Jazz Festival where he has appeared 23 times since 1976, his spirited conception is one informed by the timeless verities: endless melody-making, effervescent grooves, sophisticated voicings, a romantic spirit, and a consistent predisposition, as Alexander accurately states, “to build up the heat and kick up a storm.” In the course of any given performance, Alexander applies those aesthetics to a repertoire spanning a broad range of jazz and Jamaican musical expressions—the American songbook and the blues, gospel and bebop, calypso and reggae. Documented on more than 75 recordings and cited as the fifth greatest jazz pianist ever in The Fifty Greatest Jazz Piano Players of All Time (Hal Leonard Publishing), the Jamaican government designated Alexander Commander in the Order of Distinction in 2000 and in 2018 The University of The West Indies bestowed him with an honorary doctorate degree (DLitt) in recognition of his accomplishments. Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 25

Basil Anderson grew up in the small village of Elderslie, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica. He lived with his mother, his four Siblings and his grandparents. A total of seven lived in a house with two small bedrooms and a combined dining/living room. There was no plumbing, no indoor bath or kitchen. But he had a happy life despite many days with little to eat. Mr. Anderson received a scholarship to attend Kingston College high school. He completed studies there and was extremely fortunate to be recommended to take an exam that was administered and facilitated by Cambridge University. As a direct result of excelling on this exam. Mr. Anderson was able to obtain a sponsorship to attend the Israeli Institute of Technology where he earned a BSE. He also holds an MBA, from the University of Chicago and an MSE from the University of Illinois. He has served as Chairman of the Governance & Nominating Committee and is a member of the Executive, Audit and Compensation & Human Resources Committees of the Board of Directors for Moody’s Corporation. Additionally, Mr. Anderson served as Vice Chairman of Staples, Inc., the office products com- pany, from September 2001 until his retirement in March 2006. Prior to joining Staples, Mr. Anderson served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Campbell Soup Company from April 1996 to February 2001. Prior to joining Campbell Soup, Mr. Anderson was with Scott Paper Company, where he served in a variety of capacities beginning in 1975, including Vice President and Chief Financial Officer from December 1993 to December 1995. He served on other boards as a “director” such as Staples, Inc. from 1997 to 2016, Hasbro, Inc. from 2002 until May 2017 and Becton Dickinson from 2004 to 2018. Mr. Anderson has over a decade of experience as an executive officer, including as a chief financial officer, of several public companies where he held signif- icant policymaking positions. He also has experience as an operating executive in charge of an international business based in Paris, France. Mr. Anderson has been invaluable as a director of NYSE or Nasdaq listed companies. As a result, his expertise as a strategist, management and operations experience, and a perspective on international business operations and corporate governance in the public company context has been invaluable during his tenor on the Moody’s Board of Directors. From a small village in Jamaica to being a Lead Director of a very successful fortune 500 company and chair of Governance on two Boards is a long journey, highly commendable and exemplary success. Basil continues to give back to a variety of communities and provides philanthropic support to several organizations including Kingston College, The Phila- delphia Education Fund, Operation Warm and even the building of a Church in Naples Florida. He has also funded at least six collegiate of scholarships for several young people nationally. Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 26

Jamaica’s Promise started in 2001 when Ambassador Audrey Marks approached the then- U.S. Secretary of State, Jamaican-American General Colin Powell, asking for his support in creating a foundation modeled after his America’s Promise founda- tion, specifically catering to Jamaica. Since then, in her capacity as the patron for Jamaica’s Promise, Ambassador Marks has continued to develop a comprehensive system by which to support Jamaica’s youths; through mediums ranging from scholarship funds and fundraising to direct mentorship. Jamaica’s Promise seeks to mobilize resources from Jamaicans both at home & abroad, and friends of Jamaica, for the purpose of alleviating the social conditions, lack of education and skill training on the Island. Inspired by America’s Promise, Jamaica’s Promise targets young people between the ages of 0 to 25 who are unable to pursue their education or skill training due to economic challenges. Jamaica’s Promise will increase access to invaluable resources and opportunities for these at-risk youths. We are a voluntary, non-profit organization that provides the resources and support needed by local organizations to improve the education and training of young people from disadvantaged circumstances and communities and your financial and or technical support as a sponsor will be vital in the successful execution of our development and humanitarian projects. Just as America’s Promise Alliance is the largest cross-sector alliance of nonprofit, community organizations, businesses, and government organization dedicated to improving the lives of young people in the United States, Jamaica’s Promise intends to bring together the private and public sector with the common goal of advancing the welfare of Jamaica’s underprivileged youths. 27 27

Alsion Wilson, OD Siera Antmann Christopher Benjamin Consul General Donna Brown Andrea Bullens Keera Clarke-Mills Shashana Goulbourne Valerie Gray, Esq. Sephron Mair Lottalee Paisley Marsha T. Wallace Iyeeka Walters Corey Whyte Clive Williams Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 28

1. August 6th, 1962 - Independence: Our nation’s history began in 1962 when Jamaica gained its status as an Inde- pendent country, with Sir Alexander Bustamante as our first Prime Minister. 2. 1963- The Festival Office created: To ensure the pres- ervation of Jamaica’s culture and history in the newly established country, the Festival Office was established. Its primary function was to promote the creative talents and cultural expressions of Jamaican people. 3. 1963 - The Wailers Band Formed: The historical Reg- gae band the Wailing Wailers, was created. Its founding members were Bunny Wailer, Peter Tosh and Bob Marley. 4. 1963 - Our First Miss World Title: Carole Joan Crawford be- came the first Jamaican, Caribbean and woman of colour to win the Miss World competition. Standing at 5’ 3”, she is also the shortest woman ever to win the Miss World title. For her historical achievements, postage stamps were made with her winning image. She also received the key to the city of Kingston. 5. 1964 - Tokyo Olympics: Jamaica had previously competed in the ‘48,’52’ and ‘56 stagings of the games, but the nation was still under British rule. When the 21 competitors rep- resented Jamaica in 1964, it was the first time our country had independent representation. The 17 men and 4 wom- en participated in 16 events across 4 disciplines. 6. 1965 - Martin Luther King Jr. visited Jamaica: On June 21st, 1965, Dr. Martin Luther King visited Jamaica. The University of the West Indies invited him to address their graduating class. In his speech, he said Jamaica was one of the only places he felt, “like a human being”, speaking to the unity among the multiple peoples who call Jamaica their home. He also received the Key to the City of Kingston on one of his 10 trips with his wife Coretta. 7. 1965 - Order of National Hero: In 1965, the highest honour that can be bestowed on any Jamaican was established and our first heroes were named. The order of National Hero was given to Sir Alexander Bustamante and The Right Excellent Norman Washington Manley for their contribution to Jamaica’s Independence and politics. We would then go on to have Marcus Gar- vey, George William Gordon, Samuel Sharpe, Paul Bo- gle and Nanny of the Maroons given the same honour for their contribution to Jamaica’s Independence. 8. 1966 - Haile Selassie Visited Jamaica: On Thursday, April 21, 1966, Emperor Haile Selassie visited Jamaica and was greeted by thousands of Rastafarians on his arrival. This is now celebrated as Grounation Day on the Rastafari- an calendar. The only day which holds greater significance is November 2, which is the coronation of Sellassie as Emperor of Ethiopia. Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 29

9. 1969 - Jamaican Currency: Although we had started our journey as an Independent Nation 9 years prior, it wasn’t until September 8, 1969, or Changeover Day when we officially stopped using British currency as our official currency on the island. 10. 1976 - Second Miss World Title: Cindy Breakspeare (mother of Damion “Junior Gong” Marley, son of Bob Marley) was the second Jamaican woman to win the Miss World title for the country. 11. 1978 - Reggae Sunsplash: The musical festival Reggae Sunsplash, not to be confused with Reggae Sumfest, held its first annual event in St. Ann. The festival would go on to have yearly stagings until 1996. Outside of a 1998 staging, the event went on hiatus until 2006 when it was revived. 12. 1979 - The ‘79 Flood: The flood of June 12, 1979, inundated the western parishes of Jamaica, namely St. James, Westmoreland, Hanover and St. Elizabeth. Multiple rivers overflowed their banks and into the towns and homes of many Jamaicans. Michael Manley who was Prime Minis- ter at the time, toured the affected areas to assess the damages. At the time, the Meteorological Division estimated the rains to have been over 85 billion gallons of water within 24 hours! The floods not only damaged homes, crops, roads, bridges and other infrastructure but more devastatingly 41 lives were lost. Many communities were inaccessible for a long period due to the damages caused. Some of the most affected places were Leamington, Enfield, Exeter and Chigwell. The town of New Market, St. Elizabeth was buried under up to 80 feet of water weeks after the rains had subsided. The market and clinic were relocated to the nearby district of Mocho instead. The devastating effects led to the establishment of The Office of Disaster Preparedness which some years later became The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM). 13. 1980 - Jamaica Cultural Development Commission: The JCDC as it is more commonly known, replaced the Festival office and was given the mandate to organise and promote yearly inde- pendence celebrations and other functions promoting the heritage of Jamaica. Each year the commission hosts competitions and events for schools and other organisations and societies throughout the island to encourage and preserve the history of Jamaica through song, dance and poetry. They also host training, exhibitions, pageants, parades and other activities both as a single organisation and in collaboration with other organisations as well. 14. 1980 - First Olympic Medal: Although Jamaicans Herb McKenley and Arthur Wint had already competed and won medals at previous Olympic Games, Merlene Ottey’s bronze was the first medal for an Independent Jamaica as well as the first female medal in the track and field. It was also to be the start of an illustrious 24-year career for the sprinter. She has won 9 Olympic medals (3 silvers and 6 bronze) over her 7 Olympic appearances the most for any single track and field athlete in history. 15. 1981 - Bob Marley Dies: After a private battle with Melanoma (a form of skin cancer), Bob Marley passed away on May 11, 1981, in Florida, USA. He was just 36 years old. The death of the legend- ary singer sent shockwaves throughout Jamaica, the music community and the entire world as he was a global star. “Big as Bob Marley funeral” is a metric system in Jamaica to give context to the size of whatever you are talking about (a person, a thing it doesn’t matter). Following the more intimate service at the Ethiopian Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity, the singer’s body was moved to the National Arena for his state funeral. Celebrities, politicians, Rastafarians and other Jamaicans joined the Marley family in celebrating the life of the legend. Some 6,000 people were said to be in attendance. Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 30

16. 1985 - First Grammy Win: With the designation of the Best Reggae album category, Black Uhuru were the first group to ever win the prestigious award. It was for their album, Anthem. 17. 1985 - Marijuana in medicine: Marijuana which was a banned substance at the time, was found to be useful in the treatment of glaucoma. The eye drop Canasol remains one of the greatest Ja- maican inventions to date. 18. June 1986 - The ‘86 Flood: Much like the floods of 1979, the ‘86 floods left many Jamaicans homeless, caused much agricultural damage and resulted in the loss of 50 lives. It also affected some of the same parishes. 19. September 24, 1988 - Hurricane Gilbert: This hurricane was so memorable that even now, older people will refer to periods in the past as “before” or “after Gilbert” instead of using actual dates. The hurricane came accompanied by 2.5ft of rainfall and wind speeds of 140mph which lasted the better part of 12 hours. It was also monumental in that many Jamaicans up to that point had never seen a hurricane and as such the warnings were not taken seriously. Gilbert caused 7 billion dollars of damages 400 million of which was lost by the banana industry specifically. The hurricane left 45 people dead and many homeless. In true Jamaican fashion, music was used as a form of comfort during the trying times for the nation and many songs about the hurricane became popular, especially Lovindeer’s “Wild Gilbert”. 20. 1988 - Calgary Winter Olympic Games: Jamaica made their debut at the Winter Olympic Games in Calgary, Canada. The team of Dudley Stokes, Michael White, Devon Harris and Chris Stokes entered the bobsled competition representing Jamaica. Dudley and Michael finished 30th in the two-man event, and for a sunny island even qualifying for the event is a commendable feat. The quartet, however, will always be remembered for their performance in the four-man event. No, they didn’t win, but after their bobsleigh crashed, the team decided they would push their bobsleigh to the finish line. This was met with much approval from the crowd who cheered as they made their way to the finish line. If this seems oddly familiar to you, you might have seen the 1993 Disney film Cool Runnings which is based on their journey to the Olympic games. 21. July 24, 1991 - Nelson Mandela: The renowned leader of South Africa visited Jamaica with his then-wife Winnie, where the honourary Doctor of Laws degree was bestowed on Mandela who dedicated his life to fighting against apartheid. 22. 1993 - Third Miss World Title for Jamaica: Lisa Hanna who currently serves as a member of parliament and opposition shadow minister, was crowned Miss World in 1993. 23. 1993 - First Annual Reggae Sumfest: The now worldwide musical event, dubbed the greatest Reggae show on earth” had its first staging in 1993. 24. 1994 - The launch of A Website: Jamaica became the first Caribbean country to launch a web- site. Arlene Laing created the website, which prompted many other websites including which started a year later. Now, searching for Jamaica travel will take you to the informative, page. 25. 1996 - First Female Gold Medal - While Jamaica had a few medals under its belt by this time, Deon Hemmings added a treasured first gold medal by the women that the country had been craving for so long. Who would have known it would become the first of 26 and still counting! 26. 1998 - Scripts Spelling Bee: Jodian Maxwell became the first non-American to win the Scripts spelling bee at just 12 years old. Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 31

27. 1998 World Cup: Jamaica became the first English Speaking Caribbean Country in the World Cup, the team scored 3 goals before they were eliminated. 28. September 10th 2004 - Hurricane Ivan: Apart from Gilbert, Ivan is the second most destructive hurri- cane in Jamaica’s history. With a wind speed of 120 mph, the Category 4 hurricane left 17 dead, many homeless and roadways blocked for weeks. The hurricane lasted in Jamaica for 2 days but schools were not able to begin reopening until 25th Sep- tember 2004. 29. June 14th, 2005 - First World Record: Asafa Powell shared the title of world record holder with the American sprinter Justin Gatlin for 9.77. 30. March 30, 2006 - First Female Prime Minister: The Honourable Portia Simpson Miller became the na- tion’s first female Prime Minister after succeeding P.J. Patterson as leader of the People’s National Party. In 2012, Mrs. Simpson-Miller was listed on Time’s list of 100 most influential people. 31. September 9, 2007: Second World Record: Dubbed the “sub-10 king” Asafa, now 24, beat his old shared World Record to run 9.74 during the IAAF meet in Italy. 32. 2007 - Cricket World Cup: Another big sport on the island, Jamaica had the privilege of hosting the 2007 Cricket World cup. The opening ceremony was held at the Trelawny multi-purpose stadium. 33. 2008 Bejing Olympics - The Bejing Olympics was a great display of Jamaican athleticism which saw to the 11 gold medals the country brought home. Usain Bolt beat the world record held previously by Asafa Powell in the 100 metres, lowering it to 9.68 and in the 200 metres where he ran 19.30. Melanie walker also beat the Olympic record in the Women’s 400-metre hurdles clocking 52.64. The men’s relay quartet also ran and broke the men’s 4x100m relay record however, that medal was removed from the tally after one athlete was convicted of using a banned substance. 34. 2009 - World Record: Usain Bolt broke the 100 and 200-metre records, clocking the fastest times in history, 9.58 and 19.19 respectively. 35. 2010 - Miss Universe: While we still await our Miss Universe title, we have much to celebrate with many top 10 finishes in the competition over the years. Our closest to the title was Yendi Phillips’ first runner-up placement. 36. 2012 - Appleton Rum: The limited Edition 50th Anniversary rum was released for Jamaica’s 50th year of Independence. The bottle is the most expensive bottle of rum to ever be sold in the world. 37. 2012 - 1-2-3 Sweep: With a clean sweep of all the medals in the 100 metres, Usain Bolt, Yohan Blake and Warren Weir got the gold, silver and bronze medals respectively. Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 32

38. 2015 - Marijuana Decriminalised: In 2015, Marijuana was decriminalised in Jamaica. It was no longer a charge- able offence to have a limited amount of Marijuana in your possession. Rastafarians and dispensaries were also given special permission to use Marijuana for spiritual or medicinal benefits. 39. 2016 - Rio Olympics: The Rio Olympics were special for many reasons, but especially because it was the final Olympic Games for Usain Bolt. The entire Jamaican delegation produced 11 medals. 40. October 17, 2018 - Reggae Girls Qualify For World Cup: The Reggae Girls made their history entry into the fe- male World Cup when they qualified for the competition slated for 2019. They beat Panama to earn their spot on the main stage. While they were eliminated in the early stages, this was Jamaica’s second time in any World Cup since 1998. 41. 2019 - First Female Grammy: Koffee burst onto the music scene in 2018 with her song “Toast”. Just a year later her album “Rapture earned her, her first Grammy. This was also the first female as well as the youngest ever Grammy winner for the Reggae Album category. 42. 2019 - Fourth Miss World Title: Toni-Ann Singh was crowned Miss World much to the joy of Jamaica and the second runner-up from Cote d’Ivoire, Olivia Yace. This is Jamaica’s fourth title which makes the country 3rd place in all the countries to win the Miss World title. The win was also spectacular for another reason, all the world titles of 2019 were held by a black woman. 43. 2021 - Tokyo Olympics: The Olympics were originally slated for a 2020 showdown, however, the Covid-19 pan- demic had put the world at standstill. In 2021, the show went on the road as originally planned. The Jamaican team and the women notably took charge of the sprinting events. The entire delegation brought home 9 medals in total 4 gold, 4 silver and 1 bronze. The notable wins were Elaine Thompson-Herah’s 10.60 runs, becoming the fastest woman alive and breaking the Olympic Record. She also placed first in the 200 metres as well with Shelly-Ann Frazer Pryce and Shericka Jackson placing second and third respectively, completing Jamaica’s Independence Day sweep of the medals. 44. 2022 - IAAF World Championships: The Jamaica delegation went to the Championships in Eugene, Oregon and again they did not disappoint. Shelly and Frazer Pryce won the 100 metres and became the first woman to win gold at the championships in history. 45. 2022 - Female World Cup Qualifiers: The Reggae Girls have yet again qualified for the 2023 world cup after beat- ing the Haitian team. It is Jamaica’s first time ever earning consecutive qualifications for the world cup and the second appearance by the Reggae Girls. With just 60 years of Independence, Jamaica has had so much success in sports, entertainment and medicine and we can only look forward to even greater accomplishments. Jamaica’s 60th Annive rsary 33

Reach Falls, Portland Trench Town, St. Andrew 34 34

Rose Hall Great House, St. James 35 35

Rocky Point, Clarendon 36 36

Black River, St. Elizabeth Rockhouse, Westmoreland 37 37

Tryall Water Wheel, Hanover 38 38

Morant Point Lighthouse, St.Thomas 39 39

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Sending Warm Wishes to The Consulate General of Jamaica On the Occasion of The Official Jamaica 60 Diamond Jubilee Gala Congratulations to the honorees: Mr. Basil Anderson Mr. Jeffrey Flaks Dr. Sandra Lindsay Mr. Mark Newman Mr. Monty Alexander Special Acknowledgement to our Chief Medical Officer/Senior Associate Dean Academic Affiliation Maurice E. Wright, MD, FACP Georges Leconte, MPA, FAB, RRT Chief Executive Officer NYC Health + Hospitals/Harlem 41 41

TTHH HHAAPPPPYY 6600 DDIIAAMMOONNDDSS AARREE FFOORREEVVEERR!! “We are committed to serving you” A Dignified Funeral Every Family Can Afford SERVING OUR COMMUNITY SINCE 1966 PATRICIA MYERS, MANAGER 4035 Bronxwood Avenue Bronx, NY 10466 (718) 231 - 7647 (24 Hours) Fax (718) 231 – 7665 LIVESTREAMING WORLDWIDE TO FAMILY AND FRIENDS 42 42

43 43

NCO SPORT BRO NG MACH-E MUSTA TANG GT500 MUS L-ELECTRIC GHTNING AL F-150 LI BRONCO 55 Route 17N • Rutherford, NJ (201) 935-2400 Go Further 44 44

Resorts World New York City is proud to support the Official Jamaica 60 Diamond Jubilee Gala. Tonight we celebrate Jamaica’s economic and cultural contributions and the strength of the Jamaican people worldwide. Congratulations on 60 years of independence! NEW YORK CITY @resortsworldnyc 45 45

The Colgate-Palmolive Company congratulates The Consulate General of Jamaica, New York and Jamaica's Promise as they celebrate the 60th Year of Jamaica's Independence. We salute Jamaica's Promise Foundation for providing resources and support needed by local organizations to improve the education and training of young people from disadvantaged circumstances and communities. 46 46

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ith several Jamaicans leaving our shores The Jamaica National Group maintains a deep desire, and putting down roots in other countries supported by action, to keep these ‘bridges’ we have Wover the years, there are more than enough built over the many decades with our Diaspora strong reasons for the world to join in celebrating the and firm so that we will always stay linked as ONE anniversary of the birth of our island nation. Jamaica, wherever we are in the world. The celebration of the 60th anniversary of Jamaica’s Through this network, together, we can, and will, play political independence is both an acknowledgement of our part in “advancing the welfare of the whole human the advancements we have made as a nation; but it is race.” And, therefore, we join you in this celebration of also a clarion call to encourage Jamaicans far and near, our Diamond Jubilee and honouring our worldwide to commit to the continued development of our nation. legacy. 48 48

Chemours congratulates Mark Newman We applaud Mark’s recognition as a difference-maker in the Jamaican community and his passion for ensuring our company is an inclusive and diverse industry leader. As CEO he has uilt a culture at Chemours that empoers employees from every community to realie their full potential. his is ho e create a etter orld through the poer of our chemistry. 49 Chemours-8.5x11-Ad_V4.indd 1Chemours-8.5x11-Ad_V4.indd 1 8/14/22 4:11 PM8/14/22 4:11 PM

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Hartford HealthCare is proud to partner and sponsor the 60th year of Independence Diamond Jubilee Gala, recognizing our President and CEO, Jeffrey Flaks. Congratulations to all the honorees. Together, we are re-igniting a nation for greatness. 55 55 18347 HHC Jamaica 60 Diamond Jubilee Gala Sponsor ad_4.25x5.5_4C.indd 118347 HHC Jamaica 60 Diamond Jubilee Gala Sponsor ad_4.25x5.5_4C.indd 1 7/22/22 4:32 PM7/22/22 4:32 PM

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Judicial Title is a Proud Supporter of the Jamaica Diamond Jubilee Gala Celebrating 60 Years of Independence Offices in Westchester, Manhattan & Long Island 800-281-TITLE − [email protected] 62 62

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WE CONGRATULATE Jamaica’s Promise Foundation for providing resources and support needed by local organizations to improve the education and training of young people from disadvantaged circumstances and communities. At EmblemHealth, we go beyond coverage to support the health of our communities because we mean health. Thank you Jamaica’s romise oundation for going beyond to make a difference. we mean health EMB_JA_JamaicaPromiseFoundation_8-22.indd 1EMB_JA_JamaicaPromiseFoundation_8-22.indd 1 64 8/16/22 4:25 PM8/16/22 4:25 PM 64

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True Hair Company / True Indian Hair Locations: WWW.TRUEINDIANHAIR.COM 498 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11225 254 W35th Street, New York, NY 10001 T: +1 718.221.0181 231-16 Merrick Blvd, Queens, NY 11413 70 70

Own a piece of Exclusive boutiue counity in Oracabessa St ­ary €aaica consisting of ocean view suites pool villas an river front conos wit‚ access to a gy an spa Intereste in a BESSA roperty [email protected] • WHATSAPP (876) 451-5 ST Live your BESSA Life! Now available with options for financing #BessaLiving #TropicalCaribbeanLuxury 71 71

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Miller Zeiderman LLP Proud Supporter of The Jamaica 60 Diamond Jubilee Gala The attorneys at Miller Zeiderman LLP collectively have over 100 years of experience providing insightful and proactive legal representation in matrimonial and family law cases. We understand the nuances and complexities of such matters, including divorce, child custody, child support, financial issues, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, domestic violence, abuse and neglect, and international child custody. 140 Grand Ave - White Plains, NY 10601 914-455-100 150 East 52nd Street - Ste 1002 - New York - NY 10022 212-769-3500 73 73

We are proud to support the Official Jamaica 60th Diamond Jubilee Gala, in celebration of Jamaica’s 60th year of independence, along with its commitment towards enriching the community; enhancing health services; and broadening education for the youth in Jamaica and New York ity Brigid Donnelly Gregory Johnson Managing Director Managing Director Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. 85 Broad Street, 26th Floor | e or,   ­hi€ material i€ not a recommendation a€ defined in ƒeg„lation Be€t Intere€t adopted …† the Sec„ritie€ and ‡ˆchange Commi€€ion. It i€ pro‰ided to †o„ aŠter †o„ ha‰e recei‰ed Form CƒS, ƒeg„lation Be€t Intere€t di€clo€„re and other material€. Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. ­ran€act€ B„€ine€€ on ‹ll Œrincipal ‡ˆchange€ and Mem…er SIŒC. 8Ž‘28. 74 74

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JetBlue congratulates Jamaica on 60 years of independence. 77 77

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New York’s Caribbean Voice! Celebrates Jamaica’s 60 Years of Nationhood and the Diaspora of the Tri-State Area that We are So Proud to Serve! Host Your Own Show! Call or Email [email protected] 914-636-1460 One Broadcast Forum, New Rochelle, N.Y. 10801 (914) 636-1460 79 79

80 80

Benchmark Title Agency, LLC Proud to Celebrate The 60th Diamond Jubilee of Jamaica’s Independence Thomas DeCaro Jean Partridge Megan Zangaglia President Chief Counsel Business Development 222 Bloomingdale Road White Plains NY 10605 O:914-250-2400 F: 914-422-1550 WWW. BenchmarkTA.Com 81 81

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TITLE COMPANY New Way Abstract Title Company is a full-service agency that offers a complete range of title services. We are an experienced title company in all real estate matters. From a vast array of real estate transactions, ranging from multi-million dollar commercial transactions to single family homes. TITLE AND ESCROW SERVICES IN ALL NEW YORK CITY BOROUGHS, HUDSON VALLEY & LONG ISLAND! Basic Refinance 10-20 years Judgment & Lien Search Time-Sensitive Purchases Business Search Attorney Search Deed Preparation/Correction Bankruptcy Search Acris Preparation Foreclosure Search Notary Commercial Transaction Loans National Underwriters WE ARE DEDICATED AND FOCUSED ON PROVIDING OUR CLIENTS WITH AN EXCEPTIONAL EXPERIENCE By working with us you will be able to rest easy knowing you and your home are protected once the closing process is complete! 1979 MARCUS AVE SUITE C100 CONTACT LAKE SUCCESS, NY 11042 Amanda Persaud | 917-579-5728 516-414-6895 [email protected] 516-414-6887 FAX Maria Otero | 917-870-9415 [email protected] 85 85

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Feaurtado Shipping.pdf 1 8/8/22 10:19 AM C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 87 87

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BLUE MOUNTAIN COFFEE FOR U.S. COFFEE LOVERS IS HERE! Blue Mountain Coffee Company is dedicated to distributing high-quality, one-of-a-kind coffee that all coffee lovers can truly enjoy. We proudly distribute: Jablum • True Brew • Wallenford coffee brands in the United States. Made by Mavis Banks Coffee Factory from coffee beans grown in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, they expertly cultivate their crops like no other. We distribute their unique cofffee brews to help enhance any coffee enthusiast’s morning! VISIT US: 89 89

HELP THE ISSA TRUST RAISE FUNDS TO BUILD A CHILDREN’S HEALTH CENTER Donate to provide life-saving resources to the children of Jamaica. One hundred percent of funds raised will go towards building their own children’s health center at Richmond Estate, in the Ocho Rios area. Learn More 90 90

® When lovers desire luxury, they escape to Sandals Resorts. FEEL THE RHYTHM Set on exotic islands, pristine beaches and turquoise waters, OF JAMAICA Sandals creates an atmosphere for boundless romance unmatched by any other place on earth. Experience all-inclusive at its finest and savour unlimited 5-Star ™ dining at up to 16 restaurants per resort, Global Gourmet toast to endless nights with top-shelf, premium liquor and experience reconnection at new heights. The perfect moment is found in the details, an art that we’ve perfected with our Luxury Included® Vacation. 1-800-SANDALS | SANDALS.COM or Call Your Travel Advisor Sandals® is a registered trademark. Unique Vacations, Inc. is an affiliate of Unique Travel Corp., the worldwide representative of Sandals Resorts. 7569/822 91 91

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Happy Independence Jamaica! Let’s Celebrate our journey to this milestone and the possibilities of tomorrow. #dobusinessjamaica 94 94

WhereItzAt Ad.pdf 1 8/8/22 10:16 AM C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 95 95

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W� Celebrat� Jamaic� @60 HappǗ Independenc� DaǗ! 9797

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