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“Editor’s Note Sitting here in the phase of what looks like a near to attain normal situation world- wide, witness of dramatically changing scenarios, it’s difficult to summarize the ex- periences of the last year and half. A time that felt, and feels, like an overwhelming chaos of stimulus and response combination. Experiences of trauma, grief, pas- sion, fear, growth, love, belongingness and patience. The monotony that bewitched the entire world under its canopy and made things ordinary that felt more static. Being in a phase of consistent fight to figure out one’s own productive outline and to try and give our best every other day, was rather troublesome. But, within this state of re- cession arose the capability of creating something out of this troubled situation leading us here at Do With Lit, to the process of compiling the best that we can for our readers. The period since our last issue made sure of inoculating a series of novel thoughts and ideas ready to be curated. This being the second issue of our magazine, transi- tioned a process of getting the comfortable content to our readers. By comfortable, our idea belongs to the similar understanding of making our readers feel content with the magazine. The involvement of literary people from across the country made sure of the diversity of this issue. Articles and poems, mind crafted to make our readers visualise the process of evolving over the course of reading through the magazine. The team consisting of creative and innovative minds always looking for ways to improve and contribute, is what’s behind the story. It takes an organisation of mul- tiple elements to finally land a magazine and the efforts from our team members accounts for everything. Also the writers and their very own sphere of mindful influence on the content they write, makes a magazine unique. We would like to extend our gratitude to our DWL team, all our dear writers and designers for their diligence and dedication for making this edition possible. Their contribution and effort makes it a delightful experience for us to curate an idiosyncratic magazine.