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NECO GCE Physics Questions

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S2033&S2032 HI PHYSICS 3hours &n ExaminationNumber: NATIONALEXAMINATIONSCOUNCIL SeniorSchoolCertificateExamination 3hours PHYSICS PAPERSHI&II Donoÿpenthisquestionbookletuntilyouaretoldtodoso. Whilewaiting,readthe following carefully*,. Writeyour NameandExaminationNumberinthespacesprovidedatthetopright-handcorner ofthisquestion booklet. and Thisbooklet consists oftwo papers:III II. Answer Paper IIIonyour objectivetest answer sheet Instructionsonhowto do this are given on for hour 15 completionofPaper in,the the next page. Paper HIwill last 1 minutes. On objectivetest answer sheet will becollected. Answers to Paper IIare to be written in your answer booklet. Paper IIwill last for 1hour 45minutes. DonotopenPaper untilyouaretoldto do so. II Useofmobilephoneisnotallowed. Useofscientific calculator isallowed. YAL/20/A ©2020NationalExaminationsCouncil Turnover

S2033 PHYSICS III hour15 1 minutes NATIONALEXAMINATIONSCOUNCIL . SeniorSchoolCertificateExamination minutes hour15 1 PHYSICS PAPERIII Donotopenthispaperuntilyouaretoldto doso. Whilewaiting,readthefollowingcarefully. 1. UseHBpencilthroughout. 2. Useofmobilephoneisnotallowed. 3. Useofscientific calculator isallowed. 4. Whereyouranswersheetisnotcustomised,providethefollowinginformation: (a) Inthe space markedCandidate'sName, writeyour surnameincapitalletters followedbyyour other names. (b) InthespacemarkedSchoolName,writethenameofyourschool,andinthespace markedSubjectName,writePhysicsin. (c) IntheboxmarkedSubjectCode,writethedigits2033inthespaces. Thereare numberedspaces inlinewitheachdigit. Shadecarefullythespacewiththe same numberaseachdigit. (d) In boxmarked , your numberin the ExaminationNumber write examination the spaces atthetopofthebox. Shadethecorrespondingnumberedspacesinthe samewayasfor SubjectCode. 5. Anexampleisgivenbelow. This isfor acandidatewhose nameisGAMBOBamidele Uche,withserialnumber0010,examinationnumber65432100BD,andwhoistaking Physics (2033). III NationalExaminationsCouncil SSCEANSWERSHEET Candidate's Name: GAMBO Bamidele Uche SchoolName: GovernmentSecondarySchool.Minna Subject Name: PhysicsIII UseMB SublectCoda I ExaminationNumber ~~l pencilto ?lnnM HBDOonaniDiD complete mm [0] W [0] [0] ra to] [O] [U] pi ra w w w [A] [1] [1] [i] [i] [1] — this form. in en m in m m[B] Marklike P] [2] [2] [2] SI HHN [2][2] [2] [2] [« [2] [2] [2] [C][C] [3] [3] [3] (31 [3i m (fife— HEI[4] [4] HHRH [4][4]w w Eraseell (5] [5] [5] [5] [9] [5] [5] [S] [5] [5] [S] [81 [5] [5] [F] [F] errors [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [8! (61 [6] [6] [81 [«] [6] [G] [G] thoroughly, mmmm mm[7]m PI[71[7|[7] [71 [7] [7] [H] [H] [•] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8| [8] [8] [8] [8] [ÿ][)] PI Pi PI PI lb I2LI21PI PI M. iSLa iSLUU YAL/21/A ©2021Na:: • :!F uninri . iiurcil Turnover

PAPERin Answerallquestions. EachquestionisfollowedbyfiveoptionsA-E. Choosethecorrectoptionfor eachquestion andshadeinpencilonyouranswer sheetthe answer spacewhichbearsthe same letter asthe option you have chosen. Give only one answer to each question and erase completely any answeryouwishtochange. Doallroughwork onthisquestionpaper. Anexampleisgivenbelow. Acapacitor ofcharge 7.5 * 10*9Chasapotentialof50V.. What isitscapacitance? A. 6.7 * 10~,5|iF B. 1.4 x KT'pF C. 1.5 x 10"4pF D. 7.5 x 10~2pF E. 3.8 x 10_1uF Thecorrect optionis'1.5 x 10"4pF'which isletteredC. Therefore answer Cwould be shaded. [A] [B] W PI [E] 1. Whichofthe following sets of S.I. 3. Whichofthefollowingstatements units is fundamental only? is notcorrectaboutvelocity?Itis A. A,mol,m2 A. avector quantity. B. cd,mol,K B. thetime-rate ofchangeof C. N,cd,tns"1 displacement. D. N,m\ms~2 C. measuredinmetreper E. s,J, K second. D. speedmeasuredinagiven 2. Whichofthefollowingbodies direction. exhibitstranslationalandrotational E. uniformroundacircular motionssimultaneously? A. Beehoveringoveraflower B. Bookslidingdownan inclinedtable C. Cylinderrollingdownan inclinedplane D. Stonethrownvertically upwards E. Wheelmovingonacircular track VAL/21/A

Calculatethe totaldistance covered 8, Calculatethe momentofthe force duringthe motionrepresentedin showninthediagrambelow. the velocity-time graph shown below. 7T V(ms"') —2 m 10N A. 5.0Nm B. 10.0Nm 8 t(s) C. 17.3Nm D. 20.0Nm A. 25 m E. 34.0Nm B. 30m C. 50m Afootball isprojectedtoreach D. 65 m maximumrange.Ifthe initial E. 80 m velocity is U,expressthehighest Twovectors 10NWestand vertical distance attainedinterms 15NEastoriginatedfromthe same andg. point.Calculatetheir resultant. ofU [Sin45°=-ÿ] A. 1.5 NWest B. 5.0NEast C. 15.0NWest A. ML D. 25.0NWest 16g E. 150.0NEast B. VL g Anobjectweighs 0.25 Ninair and 8 0.21Nwhenfully immersedin C. i water. Calculatethe relative *g density ofthe object. D. ul A. 0.04 8 2 B. 0.46 E. U C. 0.84 g D. 1.19 E. 6.25 10. Aparticlevibrateswithsimple harmonicmotion.Ifitsacceleration 7. Twoforcesofmagnitudes25N inms~2is25timesitsdisplacement and 16Nareinclinedatanangleof inmetres,findtheperiodofthe 120°toeachother.Calculatethe motionintermsof n. magnitudeoftheirresultant. A. 35.79N A. 0.08tts B. 29.68N B. 0.12;rs C. 26.10N C. 0.20?rs D. 21.93N D. 0.40jcs E. 9.00N E. 0.80/ts YAL/21/A

How to get NECO Physics Past Questions and Answers To get the complete and more recent copy of the National Examination Council NECO Past Questions booklet in PDF Take Note of the following step 1. TAKE ACTION. Call or Whatsapp us on 08051311885 for account number to make payment and how to received your Soft PDF Copy. 2. MODE OF PAYMENT. Mobile Transfer, POS or Direct Bank Deposit. 3. AFTER PAYMENT. Send us the following Depositor Name: Name of Product Paid for: Valid email address. 4. DELIVERY ASSURANCE. We will deliver the past question to you, 5 minutes after confirmation of payment to the email address you will send to us. WHAT OTHERS ARE DOWNLOADING WAEC Past Questions NECO Past Questions Primary School Past Questions Junior Secondary School Past Questions Senior Secondary School Past Questions Lesson Note School of Nursing Past Questions

S2032 PHYSICS hour45 1 minutes II Name: ExaminationNumber NATIONALEXAMINATIONSCOUNCIL SeniorSchoolCertificateExamination 1 45minutes hour PHYSICSII Donotopenthispaperuntilyouaretoldtodoso. Whilewaiting,readthefollowingcarefully. Writeyour NameandExaminationNumberinthespacesprovidedatthetopright-handcorner ofthispage. I Thispaperconsistsoftwoparts: andII. questions I questions fromPartII. Answer tenquestions,six fromPart andfour Writeyour answer inblueor blackinkinyour answer booklet. Useofmobilephoneisnotallowed. Useofscientific calculator is allowed. YAL/21/A ©2021NationalExaminationsCouncil Turnover

PAPERII PARTI (20marks) Answersixquestionsinthispart: No. andanyotherfive. Question I No. carriesfivemarkswhileothers threemarkseach. Question 1 carry . (a) (i) Mentionadeviceusedfor detectingfault inelectric circuits. 1 (ii) Mentiononefeature ofthenameddevicein(i)above. (b) Distinguishbetweensimpleandcompoundmicroscopes. (c) The mass ofcopper deposited onthe cathode ofa copper voltameter is 450 g when a current passed through it for 25 minutes. Calculate the current passed throughthe voltameter. [Electrochemicalequivalentofcopper=3.3 x 10-4gC~'] 2. Awoodenblockwasplacedonaninclinedplaneasshownbelow. Woodenblock Inclinedplane ~Sk Ifit isjust about to slide, show that the ratio of the sine of angle a to the cosine of angle a isthe same as thecoefficient offriction. (a) What isthe rangeofaprojectile? (b) An athlete threw ajavelin with a velocity of 12 ms-1. Ifthe javelin hits the groundafter 1.5 s, calculate itsangle ofprojection. [g=10ms-2] (a) Mentiontwo bodiespossessingkineticenergy. (b) A water fall is 108 m high. Calculate the difference in temperature of the water aboveandbelowthewater fall. [g=10ms-2] (a) Whatis ? vaporization (b) State one effect of increase in heat for a temperature range of 50°C to 100°C on: (i) Plastic (ii) Iron YAL/21/A

PARTII (40marks) Answer any four questions inthis part. All questions carry equal marks. 12. (a) (i) Explain quantity. (ii) fundamental whichhavethe same unitasenergy. Mentiontwoquantities (b) Sketcha velocity-time graph ofthe motionofa pendulum bob swinging from oneendtoanother. (c) A metre rule of mass 15 g pivoted at the 30 cm mark balanced horizontally whenaloadof25 gwashungatthe 18cmmark. (i) Sketchthe set up. (ii) Ifthe position of the pivot is moved to the 33 cm mark,by how much mustthe loadbereducedto maintainthehorizontalbalanceofrule? 13. (a) Distinguishbetweenelastic and inelasticcollisions. (b) Acalorimetercontaining65 goficeat-10°C isheateduniformlyuntilitboils after 180s. Sketchalabelledgraphto illustratethevariationoftemperature of the icewithtime. (c) A faulty Celsius thermometer reads 5°C at the melting point of pure ice and 95°Catthe boilingpointofwater at normalpressure.Calculatethe: (i) Correcttemperature readingwhen itreads40°C (ii) Temperature at which its reading will be exactly the same as the correct temperature reading 14. (a) (i) State Snell's lawofrefraction. (ii) Why does a musical note, ofthe same amplitude and frequency being playedonaflute, guitar andtrumpet, sounds different? (b) (i) Mentionone similarity betweenacamera andthe humaneye. (ii) Giveonedifference betweenacameraandthe humaneye. (c) A light raytravelled from water into the air at anangle of incidence of30°. Calculate: (i) Its speed inwater (ii) The angle ofrefraction inthe air [Speedoflight inair =3.0 x 108ms-1,refractive index ofwater = 1.33] YAL/21/A

How to get NECO Physics Past Questions and Answers To get the complete and more recent copy of the National Examination Council NECO Past Questions booklet in PDF Take Note of the following step 1. TAKE ACTION. Call or Whatsapp us on 08051311885 for account number to make payment and how to received your Soft PDF Copy. 2. MODE OF PAYMENT. Mobile Transfer, POS or Direct Bank Deposit. 3. AFTER PAYMENT. Send us the following Depositor Name: Name of Product Paid for: Valid email address. 4. DELIVERY ASSURANCE. We will deliver the past question to you, 5 minutes after confirmation of payment to the email address you will send to us. WHAT OTHERS ARE DOWNLOADING WAEC Past Questions NECO Past Questions Primary School Past Questions Junior Secondary School Past Questions Senior Secondary School Past Questions Lesson Note School of Nursing Past Questions