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1.4 | How to Update Your Digital Experience

4 minute read

If you've made changes to your PDF, you don't need to reupload and rebuild all features from scratch. Just update the existing experience with the new file. RELAYTO will automatically reapply interactivities to the new version.

Learn how to create a copy (clone) of your content and enable your audience to do the same.

Note: RELAYTO ensures that each experience page has a distinct URL. If you make a copy, the copied pages will have their own respective unique URLs. 

For example, a 5 page PDF uploaded creates 5 unique URLs which make up a single digital experience. 

When you copy that digital experience, for example Version One, you create 5 new respective unique URLs. You may refer to those 5 new URLs as Version Two of the legacy content in the originally uploaded PDF. 

The same logic is applied to every experience inside RELAYTO.

Step 1

Click the "Settings" button in the top right corner.


Step 2

Scroll the right-side menu and then click "Update PDF version"


Step 3

Drag and drop or select the new file, and then confirm.


Step 4

Click on the pages inside the Review section and drag it to their corresponding ones on top, then click "Confirm".

You can also click "Match by page numbers" button on bottom left corner to align it by page numbers. Note that for this to work, the page order shouldn't have been changed.


RELAYTO will analyze both versions and seamlessly apply all prior interactions to the new version. Your document will keep its interactive elements and functionalities.


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