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Bolt Brand Book

Bnd Guidelines Mrch 2023

2 Welc ome to the Bolt brand guidelines These guidelines will instruct you on how 
 to use our brand identity ef fectively, 
 to make all brand c ommunications look 
 and sound their b est. This document will t ake you through 
 1 1 sections: strategy, tone of voic e,
 logo, c olor, typ ography, ar t direction, illustration, ic onography, expressions, c omp onent s, and product which c ome together to make the Bolt brand. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact 2

3 Table of Content s Strategy
 Tone of Voic e
 Typ ography
 Ar t Direction Illustration Ic onography
 Comp onent s Motion
 Cont act 4 20 35 48 57 80 95 103 1 1 1 130 134 146 3 Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact

Bolt Brand Book - Page 3

4 Strategy

5 Introduction Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Strategy 5 Our brand mission, vision and archetyp e work together to guide our decision 
 making and inf luenc e everything we do at Bolt. They help set the tone and direction
 of our creative work, so b e sure to link 
 back to them as you develop the brand.

Empower merchants 
 to thrive independently, 
 creating trusted shopping 
 destinations for everyone. Brand mission Our Why. The et hos t hat drives us daily. 6 Introduction Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Strategy

Providing t he tools, suppor t
 and insight t hey need. Ability to grow wit hout being 
 forced to rely on t he mega 
 monopolies of t he retail industr y. Safe and secure commerce 
 across sur faces. Merchants, Shoppers, 
 Creators, and more. Empower merchants 
 to thrive independently, 
 creating trusted shopping
 destinations for everyone. 7 Introduction Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Strategy

Turn guest shoppers
 into lifetime customers by proving how simple and rewarding it is to be known. 8 Brand vision Our What. How we work to achieve our Mission Introduction Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Strategy

Our big challenge for bot h
 Merchants and Shoppers Unknown, logged-out visitors. Merchants, Shoppers, 
 Creators, and more. Loyal, logged-in 
 Shoppers. Turn guest shoppers
 into lifetime customers by proving how simple and rewarding it is to be known. Distinct value t he global network 
 and individual merchants will provide 9 Introduction Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Strategy

A moral, risk-taking champion of t he collective, freeing people from t he bonds of current norms and expectations. Still, Bolt shows leadership wit hout being self-righteous and creatively 
 demonstrate our technical prowess to unlock new possibilities. Bolt is a Liberator. 10 Brand archetyp e Our What. How we work to achieve our Mission Introduction Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Strategy

Strategic territory 11 Introduction Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Strategy

Turn stress into success Checkout often causes e-commerce anxiety. A less t han seamless checkout experience can cause abandoned car ts, fraud concerns, and general frustration t hat can stop a purchase in its tracks. Bolt relieves t hat burden, enabling shoppers to breeze t hrough checkout and consistent ly conver ting guest shoppers into loyal account holders for better business 
 in t he shor t term and long run. Checkout can not only become your greatest strengt h for first-time customer
 conversion, but a star ting point for creating customers 
 for life. Merchants worr y less, learning from more first-
 par ty data to improve customer experiences and 
 t heir results over time. Shoppers worr y less, 
 enjoying t he effor t lessness of a secure, logged-in experience across more merchants and purchasing 
 wit h confidence. Bolt empowers a mutually beneficial relationship 
 between merchants and shoppers, not inter vening 
 like a self interested middleman. Whet her you ’re 
 shopping or selling, Bolt is built better for you — 
 a win-win, all around. 12 Strategic territory Introduction Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Strategy

For Merchants No more feeling over whelmed by t he last step of t he purchase process, like you ’re subject to t he whims of shopper psychology or forced to pick t he lesser evil 
 from over-complicated systems t hat amount to ineffective eyesores. Ot hers treat checkout as a hurdle, but you embrace 
 it as a crucial tool in your arsenal — one t hat, when mastered, unlocks new heights for your business. Implement t he superior e-commerce checkout 
 solution proven to dramatically improve conversion, 
 cut costs, and open your business up to a tens of 
 millions-strong network of logged-in shoppers
 who are more likely to buy—and keep coming back. Bolt gives you peace of mind so you can dream 
 bigger: Checkout ’s covered, so where do you want
 to go from here? 13 Turn stress into suc c ess Introduction Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Strategy

For Shoppers Any mental gymnastics required in t he shopping experience — research, product and merchant 
 discover y, consideration, t he final decision — 
 should be left in t he pre-purchase stage. Checking out swift ly and safely wit h Bolt can be t he mood- boosting cherr y on top, not cause to ret hink 
 t he whole routine. No passwords, no fumbling for 
 cards or wallets. Close out wit h an exceptional one-click experience 
 t hat frees you from frustration and makes coming 
 back even more enjoyable. Shopping t hat instills a sense of confident completion,
 so you feel great—not just about what you got, but also how you got t here. Shopping is simply better wit h Bolt. 14 Turn stress into suc c ess Introduction Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Strategy

15 Bolt’s e-c ommerc e solution c onsistently drives higher c onversion, turning guest 
 shopp ers into logged-in customers, and f irst time shopp ers into lifetime customers. B2B Positioning What do we deliver? Introduction Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Strategy

16 Bolt’s impressively ef for tless, 
 one-click shopping exp erienc e allows savvy shopp ers to browse and buy with more c onf idenc e across hundreds of ret ailers. B2C Positioning What do we deliver? Introduction Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Strategy

Value propositions 17 Introduction Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Strategy

No cart left behind Bolt shoppers conver t at a 47% higher rate t han t hose using guest checkout. Make every shopper a regular Bolt shoppers have a 63% higher rate of 
 repeat purchase compared to guest checkout. Say goodbye to guest checkout Bolt ’s simplified, password-less login experience means merchants see a 2x average increase in t he number of store accounts created, automatically conver ting more guest shoppers into logged-in customers who are more likely to come back. Never pay for fraudulent chargebacks again Bolt ’s 100% chargeback guarantee
 protects your business from shopper fraud. Tens of million of shoppers at your fingertips Tap into our rapidly growing network 
 of one-click ready shoppers from day one. Flexible integrations no matter your tech stack Bolt is purposely tech-and-platform-agnostic wit h hundreds of integrations t hat can easily optimize your existing infrastructure. You maintain control, wit hout being locked
 into an ecosystem. 18 B2B / Merchant V alue P rops I ntroductio n Tone of V oic e L og o C olo r Typograph y A r t D irectio n I llustratio n I conograph y E xpression s C omponent s M otio n C ontact S trateg y

19 The impressively effortless checkout Bolt is t he simplest way to shop online: faster, safer, and easier t han checking out as a guest. Forget searching for your wallet or filling out frustrating forms. Bolt makes checkout a breeze. One shopper login to rule them all Your Bolt account is your gateway to a whole new world of retail. Your username and password-free sign on gain you access to One-Click Checkout across hundreds of retailers. Shop where you scroll No more navigating out to anot her website to make a purchase. Bolt lets you buy direct ly from t he content you ’re viewing—social platforms, blogs, etc.—wit hout interrupting your experience. Peace of mind when you pay Wit h Bolt you can shop and rest easy knowing your sensitive information is encr ypted and stored safely. Bolt merchants can complete transactions wit hout direct ly handling your private account details. B2C / Merchant Value Props Introduction Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Strategy

20 20 20 Tone of Voice

21 Introduction Strategy Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Tone of Voice 21 Bolt isn’t just ab out checkout.
 It’s ab out the stories we tell – what 
 we say and how we say it – to each 
 other, our users and the wider world. 
 This section provides some guidanc e 
 on writing and sounding uniquely Bolt.

22 Tone of voic e is our way of making every interaction with Bolt ef for tless, energetic and c omp elling through language.

 It means how we use words and stories
 to bring the brand to life across real 
 and vir tual worlds, product s, marketing campaigns, customer-facing c omms, 
 and internal document s. Introduction Strategy Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Tone of Voice

23 Knowingly playful Comfortably at ease Thoughtfully concise ToV Principle One ToV Principle Two ToV Principle Three ToV Principles We have t hree guiding tone 
 of voice principles t hat help 
 bring Bolt to life: Introduction Strategy Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Tone of Voice

24 What it means We’re direct and straightforward in our communication. We get to the point 
 efficiently, avoiding super fluousness 
 or overly lengthy explanation. Each word in a sentence should have a 
 job to do—if it ’s not working hard, cut it 
 loose. That said, we must always avoid 
 being terse or shor t. We are efficient, 
 but never cold. How it affects our writing Lead with benefits. Shor t attention spans 
 require us to make our writing instantly impactful. The primary focus of our comms should be to demonstrate how Bolt solves 
 our customers’ problems. Headlines should always be grounded in a feature or benefit. Thoughtfully concise ToV Principle One Introduction Strategy Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Tone of Voice

25 Checkout that lasts a second.
 Loyalty that lasts a lifetime. Checkout faster than
 you can say ‘one-click.’ ToV Principle One Example copy - Shopper S h o c k i n g l y s i m p l e. T h e ve r y ve r y ve r y ve r y 
 s i m p l e c h e c ko u t . Introduction Strategy Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Tone of Voice

26 Do not Incorrect copy Man cannot live on vibes alone.It ’s tempting to optimize for impact by using evocative, witty language —especially in places wit h limited real estate. But t his is a mistake, especially wit h B2B customers who aren’ t all young, coastal urbanites. Avoid language t hat solely captures a mood, energy, or feeling. Bolt it better. You want it? You got it. Easy, breezy, boltiful. Introduction Strategy Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Tone of Voice

27 What it means We take a witty, slight ly acerbic approach to language. Our copy should feel fun and playful, quippy, punny, present—like riffing wit h a friend. Our tone should demonstrate cultural fluency 
 —t hat we’re in on t he joke. We balance t his by avoiding being seen as a tr y-hard, or too interested in being perceived as cool. We don’ t write zingers, take shots at competitors, use dad jokes, or tor ture t he copy to land a quick laugh. How it affects our writing Elevate humor wit h insight. Quips and puns 
 are good, but t hey ’re better when t hey ’re 
 smar t. We can avoid being generic subway 
 ad copy by signaling relevance and familiarity. Knowingly playful ToV Principle Two Introduction Strategy Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Tone of Voice

28 Checking out with Bolt takes less 
 effort than reading this text. The fastest checkout this side of the Mississippi (regardless of which side of the Mississippi you’re on) Example copy - Merchant Example copy - Shopper One-click checko-anddddd you’re done. Checkout in (half ) the blink of an eye. Introduction Strategy Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Tone of Voice

29 Do not Incorrect copy Be careful of inside jokes or region-specific humor. 
 Bolt spans a wide variety of shopper and merchant archetypes—our comms should be accessible to the majority of people (excepting site-specific messaging that requires tailored comms: use your best judgment). Faster than those SkyPod elevators 
 at One World Observatory. Checkout so easy, even the Snowflake 
 Mountain people could figure it out. Introduction Strategy Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Tone of Voice

What it means The primar y benefit of our product is t he myriad ways in which Bolt makes checkout easy. We reinforce t his benefit tonally, leveraging a laid back writing style t hat captures t he feeling of using t he product. 

 Wit h t his in mind, we avoid coming across as aloof or casual. We care about our customers’ businesses—we can’ t be 
 seen as DGAF or disinterested. How it affects our writing Keep it breezy. We take a relaxed tack to our writing, embracing simple explanations and an informal style. Avoid hamfisted metaphor or overly cooked copy lines. Make t houghtful (but cautious) use of slang. Comfortably at ease ToV Principle Three 30 Introduction Strategy Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Tone of Voice

Checking out with Bolt takes less 
 effort than reading this text. The fastest checkout this side of the Mississippi (regardless of which side of the Mississippi you’re on) Example copy - Merchant Example copy - Shopper Pay without the panic. The quickest, safest, effortless-est 
 way to pay for something online. 31 Introduction Strategy Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Tone of Voice

Do not Incorrect copy Stay away from trending topics.Cringe = deat h. 
 We aren’ t quirk y, irreverent, or random. Avoid engaging 
 wit h trending topics or subject matter t hat doesn’ t 
 have staying power, even ironically. Don’ t get sucked 
 into low hanging fruit KPIs like retweets or likes –
 it ’s a sugar high, not a way to build a brand. The quirked up checkout goated with the sauce. My boss says if this tweet gets 
 100k likes I can have a day off. 32 Introduction Strategy Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Tone of Voice

Additional Brand Headlines 5$ Sup ercharge your shopping$ $ Goodbye guest s. Hello regulars$ $ Your business, meet our network$ $ Buy it. Bolt it$ 9$ Checkout like lightning$ $ Pay without the panic$ $ Checkout that last s a sec ond. Loyalty that last s a lifetime$ $ Bolt by name. Bolt by nature$ 7$ Peac e of mind for all shopp er kind$ 5$ Breathe in, check out$ 5 5$ You’re one click away from whatever you want$ 5 $ Peac e of mind when you pay. 33 Introduction Strategy Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Tone of Voice

You can find the full tone of voice
 and grammatical guidelines here. 34 Introduction Strategy Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Tone of Voice

35 Logo

36 Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Logo Our logo sit s at the c ore of our brand. 
 It’s b old and unique capturing the
 essenc e of the Bolt brand and should 
 b e used on all of our c ommunications.
 The following guidanc e will instruct you 
 on how to most ef fectively use our logo.

37 Our logo Our logo is our brand’s most impor tant element. It is a unique and bold signifier of t he Bolt brand. The lightning shape in t he logo suppor ts our lightning quick product offering while t he solid, capital forms of t he letters are reflective of our unending trustwor t hiness. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Logo

38 Logo color ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➀ Bolt Black logo for Lightning 
 Yellow backgrounds. ➁ Light Gray logo for
 dark backgrounds. ➂ Bolt Black logo for 
 light backgrounds. ➃ Lightning Yellow or Light Gray 
 logo for use on photographs. Our logo may be used in Lightning Yellow, Light gray, and Bolt Black (more on t hese colors later). Use t he elements in your piece of communication to determine t he color of your logo for maximum contrast and clarity. If your background light, you should be using a Bolt Black logo. If your background is dark, use t he logo in Light gray or Lightning Yellow. Over photography, you may use Light gray or Lightning Yellow, but be sure it is clear and legible. Never use t he logo in any of t he secondar y colors. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Logo

39 Clearspace 1x 1x 1x 1x 30pt Minimum Size For clarity across digit al and 
 print applications our logo should never b e reproduc ed at any size b elow the adjac ent guidanc e. Clear Spac e To look it s b est, our logo needs 
 spac e to st and out. We have def ined parameters to make 
 sure no other element s encroach on this clear spac e. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Logo

40 Logo usage ➀ ➁ ➀ Logo as primar y element ➁ Logo as secondar y element The Bolt logo may be used as t he large primar y element in a piece of communication, or secondarily to suppor t text or imager y. Be conscious of sizing and contrast to ensure its primar y 
 or secondar y functionality. We don’ t want t he logo and adjacent elements to feel exact ly t he same. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Logo

41 Co-branding x x x 0.28x 0.28x 0.28x Sometimes, we may need to lockup our logo wit h anot her business or par tner. We separate our logo and a par tner ’s logo by t he distance
 of 0.28x. ‘x’ is defined by t he 
 widt h of our logo. Our par tner ’s logo should never exceed t he 
 size height of our symbol, 
 wit h t he exception of small overhanging elements. For example due to t he Fanatics logo’s irregular size, we have to optically align to t heir wordmark as opposed to t he flag’s edge. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Logo

42 Our logo is our most sacred asset. 

 Please treat it with the 
 utmost respect. Thank you. Don’ t add gradients. Don’ t make it 3D. Don’ t stretch it. Don’ t fill t he bolt. Don’ t use multiple colors. Don’ t stroke it. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Logo

43 Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Logo

44 44 Our icon To accompany our logo, we also utilize a brand icon. Our icon is made from t he lightning shape between t he L and T of our logo. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Logo

45 Icon size + spacing X 0.5x 0.5x 0.5x 20pt 0.5x Our icon is vital to our 
 identity, so we always protect 
 it from infringing elements. 
 We maintain a distance of 0.5x clear space around our icon at 
 all times. 'x' is defined by t he height of t he icon. Our icon is designed to be used small, but please avoid using it any smaller t han 20px in height. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Logo

46 Icon in use ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➀ App icon ➁ App icon ➂ Twitter icon ➃ Instagram icon We use our brand icon as our primar y symbol on social and across ot her digital touch-points. Our icon is designed to work successfully in whatever shape
 it is required to fit wit hin, whet her it be circle or square. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Logo

47 Our icon is just as important
 as our main logo.

 Please use it carefully. Don’ t make it hard to read. Don’ t make it too small. Don’ t stretch it. Don’ t put it next to t he logo. Don’ t use secondar y colors. Don’ t put it in t he logo. Don’ t stroke it. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Logo

48 Color

49 Color is an essential c omp onent 
 of our brand and is what makes a c ommunication immediately rec ognizable 
 as Bolt’s. Our palet te is serious with 
 a jolt of b old brightness in the form of our vibrant lead c olor. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Color

50 Our lead color is Lightning Yellow. It’s confident, vibrant and energetic. We use it carefully in everything we do. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Color

51 Dark Gray #787664 RGB: 120.118.100 CMYK:
 Pantone: 403 CP Mid Gray #CAC4B7 RGB: 202.196.183 CMYK:
 Pantone: P 178-1 U Light Gray #F3F1EE RGB: 243.241.238 CMYK:
 Pantone: P 134-9 U Bolt Black #11190C RGB: 17.25.12 CMYK:
 Pantone: 419 C Lightning Yellow #E6FF00 RGB: 230.255.0 CMYK:
 Pantone: 809 U While printing:
 Safety Yellow 13-0630 TN Backup: 809 U or 809 C. Last resor t: CMYK Primary colors Our main set of colors are a handful of neutral warm grays, 
 a deep beautiful Bolt Black and
 our vibrant hero color Lightning Yellow. These colors are used on all pieces of Bolt communication in one form or anot her. I ntroductio n S trateg y Tone of V oic e Log o Typograph y A r t D irectio n I llustratio n I conograph y Ex pression s C omponent s M otio n C ontact C olo r

52 Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Color

53 Red #FF4F50 RGB: 255.79.80 CMYK:
 Pantone: Red 032 U Pink #FF76F2 RGB: 255.118.242 CMYK:
 Pantone: 907 C Purple #9A4EFF RGB: 154.78.255 CMYK:
 Pantone: 814 U Blue #006DFF RGB: 0.109.255 CMYK:
 Pantone: 2728 C Green #00C42E RGB: 0.196.46 CMYK:
 Pantone: 802 U Secondary colors Light Red #FF7D7D RGB: 255.125.125 CMYK:
 Pantone: 17 7 C Light Pink #FF9AF1 RGB: 255.154.241 CMYK:
 Pantone: 244 C Light Purple #B688FF RGB: 182.136.255 CMYK:
 Pantone: 928 C Light Blue #71B5FF RGB: 113.181.255 CMYK:
 Pantone: 284 C Light Green #7DDB8 B RGB: 125.219.13 9 CMYK:
 Pantone: 353 C Our secondar y colors are used 
 on our website, in presentations and in illustration. They can 
 help differentiate between demographics, highlight key information and add anot her
 level of energy to t he Bolt brand. These colors should be used sparingly, never as main floods
 of backgrounds or typography. They are meant to help empower 
 our primar y set of colors. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Color

54 ➀ Secondary colors ➀ In illustration ➁ Demographics on our website ➂ For differentiating order states ➃ For differentiating product states Remember when using t hese colors t hat t he Bolt brand is defined by its neutral tones 
 and Lightning Yellow. Use t he secondar y palette to round out t he brand and product, as well as help wit h differentiation of elements, and stor ytelling. Be mindful wit h your use of secondar y colors, make sure t hey are always ser ving a function. Shopp ers Simplified checkout makes 
 shopping better for ever yone Delivered Speckled Cotton Short sleeve $48 · Outdoor Voices Dri-FIT Women's 1/2-Zip $52 · Nike Cancelled Delivered Filter Expor t Type Reference Customer Date / Time DYH8-L44T-J8VB 4920184431616954 Jane Williams j ane w illiams @ emai .co m De c 1 7, 2021 8 : 44 pm Str i p e I e s e ➂ e e s $137.68 92 C 2-4323- A 1 FA 4920184544163 7 99 tn e ph anie Sh a rk e y A le xS B uck mas t e r@d a yr e m De c 16 , 2021 3 : 56 am Str i p e ➂ k s o e e e s $35.71 8 FF 3-441 F -803 A 4920184656 7 10644 Kur t Ba t es Da v i d L E ls o n @y a m De c 14 , 2021 8 : 40 am Str i p e ➂ k s o e e e s $37.77 B 7E 8-4 AAA -BD4 7 4920184 7 6925 7 489 P a u la Mor a JamesLHall @d a yr e m De c 14 , 2021 7: 59 pm Str i p e ➂ k s o e e e s $8 0 .76 1216-4491-8D F 3 4920184881804334 L or r i Wa r f B r a d le y BLa w l or@rhyt a .co m De c 14 , 2021 1 : 51 am Str i p e ➂ k s o e e e s $ 44 .6 9 E 8 F 2-4D 7E -915 7 49201849943511 7 9 R ho n d a R hod es I v aT R y an @hot mail .co m De c 13 , 2021 9 : 28 pm Str i p e ➂ k s o e e e s $117.87 D6 C 5-4 A 12-BB A 2 4920185106898024 A le x B uck mas t e r P a u la EMor a @y a m De c 13 , 2021 10 : 40 pm Str i p e ➂ k s o e e e s $168.56 8 EC D-4 A 23- AA 5 A 4920185219444869 Je r ry Hel f e r J ud i th RR odr i g u e z @y a m De c 10 , 2021 1 : 59 pm Str i p e ➂ k s o e e e s $ 9 7.67 r d y o d ➃f e S c f e n a D ➁ h w m o ➁ b F m r ➁ ➂ s n I f u n S c f e n D p mb h ➁ r h ➂ s n I f u n S i y n g Y d U ➃ S o v ➀ n d F B S m n , T r ansa c t i o ns Ban k tr ans f e r s Fu n d in g d e t ails l e w Transac tion Introductio n Strateg y T one of V oic e Log o T ypograph y A r t Directio n Illustratio n Iconograph y Ex pression s C omponent s M otio n C ontact C olo r

55 Color Watchout s Checkout faster than you can say 
 one click. O n e - c l i c k c h e c ko u t 
 w i t h B o l t . O n e - c l i c k c h e c ko u t 
 w i t h B o l t . The quickest, safest, effortless-est 
 way to pay for something online. ➁ ➂ ➃ ➀ Don’ t use too many colors. ➁ Don’ t use secondar y backgrounds. ➂ Don’ t use secondar y highlights. ➃ Don’ t use secondar y colored bolts. Wit h so many secondar y colors, 
 it could be tempting to use t hem all over. Please be mindful of t he rules in t his guideline document and do not overuse t he secondar y palette. They should be suppor tive rat her t han leading. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Color

See how color works with type → See how color works with expressions → See how color works in illustration → See how color works in photography → See how color works in product → 56 Using color Here are a few links to ot her spots in t he presentation where we use color in conjunction wit h ot her key brand elements. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Color

57 Typography

Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Typography 58 Bold typ ography is vit al to how we c ommunicate as a brand. The following section will instruct you how to use 
 our brand typ efac e, Agrandir Narrow 
 Bold, to ensure our typ ography is 
 always used to it s full p otential.

59 Primary type AaBbCc abcdefghijklmn
 opqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMN
 OPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@#$%^&* Agrandir Narrow by Pangram Pangram Narrow Medium abcdefghijklmn
 opqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMN
 OPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@#$%^&* Narrow Bold Checkout faster than you can say ‘one-click.’ We have one typeface we use 
 for all of our headlines: Agrandir Narrow Bold. Featuring many 
 fine details, moderate contrast and slight ly unusual anatomy, t he typeface can be a loud and proud hero or a humble suppor ting actor for all sor ts of designs. I ntroductio n S trateg y T one of V oic e L og o C olo r Ar t D irectio n I llustratio n I conograph y Ex pression s C omponent s Motio n C ontact T ypograph y

60 Secondary type Inter by Rasmus Andersson Medium Semi Bold AaBbCc Checkout faster t han you can say ‘one-click.’ abcdefghijklmn
 opqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMN
 OPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@#$%^&* abcdefghijklmn
 opqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMN
 OPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@#$%^&* Our secondar y typeface is Inter. 
 It is used across all body copy when we need to be a bit more clear and digestible versus expressive. We use Inter Medium for t he most par t, but will occasionally highlight key words or phrases in Inter Semi Bold. Introduction Strateg y Tone of Voic e Log o Colo r Ar t Direction Illustration Iconograph y Expression s Component s Motion Contact Typograph y

61 Product type SF Pro by Apple Medium Bold In our product, we use SF Pro 
 in place of Inter. Agrandir is also used in product in headlines. AaBbCc Checkout faster than you can say ‘one-click.’ abcdefghijklmn
 opqrstuv wx yz ABCDEFGHIJKLMN
 OPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@#$%^&* abcdefghijklmn
 opqrstuv wx yz ABCDEFGHIJKLMN
 OPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@#$%^&* Introductio n Strateg y T one of V oic e L og o C olo r Ar t D irectio n Illustratio n Iconograph y Ex pression s C omponent s Motio n C ontact T ypograph y

62 Google Font Inter by Rasmus Andersson Medium Extra Bold When we’re creating a brand communication using a product from t he G-suite, we will be required to swap our brand typeface (Agrandir) for a font which is compatible wit h G Suite. Luckily, our secondar y font Inter 
 is compatible wit h G-suite. So, when creating presentations or assets in G-suite, please user Inter Extra Bold for headlines and Inter Medium for body copy. Please note, we only use Inter 
 Semi Bold in scenarios when we absolutely cannot use Agrandir. Inter is a free download from AaBbCc Checkout faster t han you can say ‘one-click.’ abcdefghijklmn
 opqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMN
 OPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@#$%^&* abcdefghijklmn
 opqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMN
 OPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@#$%^&* Introductio n Strateg y Tone of Voic e Log o Colo r Ar t Directio n Illustratio n Iconograph y Expression s Component s Motio n Contact Typograph y

63 Type hierarchy The quickest, safest effortless-est
 way to pay for something online. Subline: Agrandir Narrow Medium Shockingly simple. Headline: Agrandir Narrow Bold Visit for more information. Annotation: Inter Checkout often causes e-commerce anxiety. A less t han seamless checkout experience can cause abandoned car ts, fraud concerns,
 and general frustration t hat can stop a purchase in its tracks. Bolt relieves t hat burden, enabling shoppers to breeze t hrough
 checkout and consistent ly conver ting guest shoppers into loyal
 account holders for better business in t he shor t term and long run. Body copy: Inter Button: Inter Whenever we write and design copy, please ensure to use t he following examples as guidance. Checkout Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Typography

64 Type color use cases Shockingly Simple. Shockingly Simple. Shockingly Simple. Shockingly Simple. Shockingly Simple. Shockingly Simple. Shockingly Simple. Shockingly Simple. When combining our primar y colors in a piece of communication, always tr y to ensure legibility. Do not layer bright colors atop on anot her or dark colors atop one anot her in a way t hat would make somet hing difficult to read. Here are a set of primar y color combinations t hat could be a 
 good place to star t. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Typography

65 Special cases Checking out
 with Bolt takes 
 less effort than reading . this text Sometimes t here will be use cases where you can push t he colors we’ ve out lined on t he previous page. Please be mindful when doing so. 

 One par ticular instance t hat works is using Mid Gray on a Bolt Black background. This works well when you also have a highlighted word in Lightning Yellow. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Typography

66 Highlight s Checkout faster than you can say
 . one-click Checkout in the blink
 of an eye. (half) ➀ ➁ Sometimes we use color to highlight cer tain words on a page for emphasis. The highlight color should be brighter t han t he rest of t he sentence or paragraph, and is usually Lightning Yellow or Light Gray. ➀ Background: dark gray, text: light 
 gray, highlight: lightning yellow. ➁ Background: Bolt black, text: light 
 gray, highlight: lightning yellow Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Typography

67 Recessive type color We can use darker shades for anotations We can use lightning yellow for annotations We can use lighter shades for annotations We can use a dark shade for annotations We can use darker shades for annotations We can use darker shades for anotations We can use a light shade for annotations Lightning Yellow — #E6FF00 Darker Gray — #444638 Mid Gray — #CFC9BC Bolt Black — #11190C Darker Gray— #444638 Dark Gray — #F3F1EE Light Gray — #F3F1EE When combining our primar y colors in a piece of communication, always tr y to ensure legibility. Do not layer bright colors atop on anot her or dark colors atop one anot her in a way t hat would make somet hing difficult to read. Here are a set of primar y color combinations t hat could be a good place to star t. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Typography

68 Expressive type One click is all it takes. Bolt ’s one click checkout
 is fast, secure, and simple. Sometimes we use type to be ver y expressive wit h our messaging. That often means being big and bold, but clear. Expressive type design helps convey t he energy of t he brand, and gets people excited to checkout wit h Bolt. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Typography

69 Expressive type ➀ Large shor t headline contrasting wit h smaller body copy. ➁ Stacking / growing words to illustrate your headline message. ➂ Simple and centered, but feels heroic being t he only element. ➃ Using bold type and a highlighted word to stand out. ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ Bish. Bash. Bolt. Checkout faster t han
 you can say one click. T h e ve r y ve r y ve r y ve r y s i m p l e c h e c ko u t . O n e - c l i c k
 c h e c ko - a n d d d d
 y o u ’r e d o n e. Checkout in the blink
 of an eye. (half) These are a few examples of how we can be expressive wit h our type usage. Whet her it ’s a ver y shor t headline used ver y large, 
 or being more playful wit h how 
 we illustrate our headline message, we t hink of ‘expressive’ as anyt hing t hat feels a bit more fun or a bit more dynamic t han a straightfor ward layout. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Typography

70 Recessive type Tap into the largest
 shopper network. CheckoutOS is t he leading commerce platform t hat powers checkout, identity, accounts, payments, and post-purchase infrastructure. We can’ t always be loud and expressive. Our design system and typography needs to be able to flex in t he ot her direction as well and be simpler and more recessive at times. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Typography

The quickest, safest, effortless-est way to pay for something online. We’re so excited to welcome you to Bolt! If you haven’ t yet:
 Access your Bolt dashboard and set your password. Get star ted Recessive type There’s a fine line between when to be expressive versus ressive, but when t hinking about your piece of communication t hink about your audience and t he message you are tr ying to get across. If you are creating somet hing a bit simpler like an email orneed to be more instructional like a sign-up page, it ’s probably better to be more recessive and straightfor ward. Shop by category Travel accessories Sun protection Spor t tops 71 See all categories ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ S T E P 1 Disable other credit card fields For your customer to have a streamlined, attrac tive experience inputting their credit card infor mation, disable any another credit card payment fields. Full guide. Welcome
 to Bolt, Alex You have been invited to join [merchant account] on Bolt. Confirm your email and set a new password by clicking t he button below. Watch a demo ➀ W elcome emails . ➁ In-app . ➂ O n our website . ➃ In email templates. Introductio n Strateg y Tone of V oic e L og o Colo r A r t D irectio n Illustratio n Iconograph y E xpression s Component s M otio n Contact Typograph y

72 Type alignment Sometimes we center
 align headlines. Sometimes we are left aligned. Sometimes we 
 go smaller when 
 we have more 
 things to say. Here are a few examples of ways t hat you may align your copy. These are suggestions rat her t han definitive rules, but always keep legibility, consistency and clarity in mind when creating somet hing new. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Typography

73 Type alignment Checkout in (half)
 the blink of an eye. One-click checko-anddd you’re done. P ay e f fo r t l e s s l y w i t h B o l t . The quickest, safest, effortless-est 
 way to pay for
 something online. O n e - c l i c k c h e c ko u t w i t h B o l t . Here are t hose examples, in conjunction wit h content. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Typography

74 Type + art Checkout faster than you can say 
 one click. O n e - c l i c k c h e c ko u t 
 w i t h B o l t . Checkout in (half) the blink
 of an eye. ➀ ➂ ➀ Headline is more t he hero wit h photograph suppor ting. ➁ Illustration is t he hero wit h 
 copy suppor ting. ➂ Headline is t he hero wit h textural bolt shape suppor ting. Most of t he time typography will be paired wit h a photograph, illustration or bolt graphic. 

 When combining type and image, always be sure to t hink of t he hierarchy of elements. Type and image should never take up t he same prominence. Determine which is t he focal point of t he communication, and make one much more prominent t han 
 t he ot her. Here are a few examples: Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Typography ➀ Shop 
 for what you love. ➁

75 All caps Logo as primary element Logo as secondary element Checkout faster than you can say
 one-click. Checkout in (half) the blink
 of an eye. Use sentence case wherever possible. We don’ t use all caps 
 as a brand because we don’ t 
 want it to feel like we are shouting at users. There may be some special use case for when all 
 caps is necessar y, but for t he most par t, avoid it. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Typography

76 Special characters We also have a set of 15 special characters for use in limited cases. These should be used ver y sparingly wit h a shor t and simple message. For example, on a prominent billboard, single word social post or minimal headline on our website. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Typography

% # ! ? @ / & ( ) “ ” $ 7 7 Special characters We also have a set of 15 special characters for use in limited cases. These should be used ver y sparingly wit h a shor t and simple message. For example, on a prominent billboard, single word social post or minimal headline on our website. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Typography

Question? #b olt shop 96% New/Old “ 1.972B $ 78 Special characters Here are a few examples on how we use t hem. Usually we use t hem wit h t he same size as t he tit les. In some special occasions, we can play wit h t he scale of t he special characters to create more memorable visuals. Bolt came along, and really took the risk out of the equation. We’re not rejecting good orders any more, just the bad ones, and it’s saving us a ton of time. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Typography

Bolt fraud detection is guaranteed to keep you covered with 100% chargeback protection. Checkout in the blink
 of an eye! (half) ➀ ➁ 79 ➀ Don’ t use special characters 
 multiple times in one headline 
 sentence. ➁ Don’ t use special characters in body copy. Special character watchout s We want to use t hese special characters in moments t hat best showcase t heir lightning bolt shape details. Hence we want to use t he only in shor t and simple headlines and avoid t he following examples. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Typography

Art Direction 80

Distinct and dynamic photography is what set s us apar t from the rest of the pack. 
 We use it to highlight the often surreal feeling of One-Click Checkout, adding movement and energy to merchant s, shopp ers & product s alike. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Ar t Direction 81

83 82 Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Ar t Direction Electric dynamism Our ar t direction and photography style interpret t he excitement of 
 One-Click Checkout t hrough
 dramatic wide angle lenses, energetic movement and slight surreality in t he form of subject action and colorization. It ’s meant to mimic t he momentum and instantaneity of our product experience in a new and refreshing way.

E m o t i ve D y n a m i c D i ve rs e Our photography should capture t he energy and joy 
 of t he Bolt experience. Our photography should always showcase our community in an expressive way, having fun and filled wit h emotion. Our photographs should always be shot using a wide angle lens. This helps to make our subjects feel larger t han life, adds some slight surreality and movement. Our photography should be as diverse and inclusive 
 as our platform. That ’s why we always shoot people 
 of different ages, backgrounds, and personalities. 83 Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Ar t Direction Portrait principles People are what make Bolt, Bolt and so photos of merchants and shoppers alike are ver y impor tant for our brand. We have a set of principles we adhere to when shooting our photography.

84 Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Ar t Direction People People are t he hear t of t he Bolt brand. Representing shoppers and merchants alike, our photography subjects should be as diverse and inclusive as our platform, energetic 
 and expressive. 

 Their poses and actions should lend t hemselves to our dynamic wide angle style, creating movement t hrough t he image, drawing users into t heir world.

85 Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Ar t Direction People People are t he hear t of t he Bolt brand. Representing shoppers and merchants alike, our photography subjects should be as diverse and inclusive as our platform, energetic 
 and expressive. 

 Their poses and actions should lend t hemselves to our dynamic wide angle style, creating movement t hrough t he image, drawing users into t heir world.

86 Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Ar t Direction Props Sometimes our subjects will utilize props or accessories to represent t he products Bolt helps t hem purchase. Product prominence will differ per subject, but we always allow t he prop to lead t he subject ’s action or photo angle. For instance, glasses would be shot from above, where as shoes would be shot from below or headphones might force t he subject to dance.

87 Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Ar t Direction Phones A great deal of Bolt ’s interactivity happens on mobile devices. 
 A pillar of our photography, in addition to people and props, 
 are subjects interacting wit h phones, which immediately amakes t he connection t hat 
 we are a digital platform.

88 Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Ar t Direction Phones A great deal of Bolt ’s interactivity happens on mobile devices. 
 A pillar of our photography, in addition to people and props, 
 are subjects interacting wit h phones, which immediately amakes t he connection t hat 
 we are a digital platform.

89 Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Ar t Direction Phones A great deal of Bolt ’s interactivity happens on mobile devices. 
 A pillar of our photography, in addition to people and props, 
 are subjects interacting wit h phones, which immediately amakes t he connection t hat 
 we are a digital platform.

90 Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Ar t Direction Product s We have a wide coverage of merchants working in our network. You can get all kinds of products wit h just one click. Similar to t he way we photograph people, we also shoot our products in wide angles, which lives in t he same energetic, dynamic world of Bolt.

➀ ➁ 91 Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Ar t Direction Bounding boxes Subjects will often be cut out from t heir backgrounds to allow us to place t hem atop our key brand colors. When pairing a cutout subject wit h a bounding box (which we talk about a bit alter) you can eit her place t hem fully inside t he box, or have t hem bleed outside of it for more dynamism. If your subject bleeds outside 
 of t he box, make sure t hey 
 only bleed off of two sides. ➀ Subject in box. ➁ Subject bleeding out of box 
 on top and right sides.

Photos + bolt s Subjects may be used on solid colored backgrounds or wit h colored bolt shapes behind t hem. The bolt shapes help gel our images more closely to t he rest 
 of t he visual identity and add pops of vibrant color and energy. ➀ ➁ 96 97 92 Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Ar t Direction

Photos + logo Most of t he time photographs 
 will be paired wit h our logo.

 When combining type and image, always be sure to t hink of t he hierarchy of elements. Type and image should never take up t he same prominence. Determine which is t he focal point of t he communication, and make one much more prominent t han t he ot her. Here are a few examples. 93 Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Ar t Direction

Watchout s Here are a few t hings to watch out for when using or creating new photographs. ➀ Don’ t use photos t hat are too flat 
 or not using a wide angle lens. ➁ Don’ t use photos t hat are too 
 complex and confusing. ➂ Don’ t show t he edges of seamless backgrounds. Always extend in post. ➃ Do not put photos inside bolts. ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ 94 Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Ar t Direction

Illustration 95

Our illustration is full of energy, and matches the p ersonality of our brand with style. We put emphasis on the p ersp ective to have a strong sense of dynamism and movement. When we can we should animate the illustrations so they feel even more exciting. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Illustration 96

Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Illustration 97 Illustration Our brand illustrations use energy and perspective to visualize Bolt ’s value propositions in a fun, relatable and interesting way. They ’re used in all types of media, including OOH, digital adver tising, co-marketing campaigns as well
 as social media and our product.

B2B Value Props 1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9 ➀ So Long, Guest Checkout ➁ Fraud. No Longer Your Problem ➂ Twice Accurate Creation ④ Bolt Blends Seamlessly ⑤ No Car t Left Behind ⑥ Unlock Customer Insights ⑦ Millions of Shoppers Ready to Checkout ⑧ Personalize Shopper ’s Experience ⑨ Keep Them Coming Back For More Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Illustration 98

B2C Value Props 1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9 ➀ One Shopper Login to Rule t hem All ➁ The Impressively Effor t less Checkout ➂ 404 Error ④ More Choices at Checkout ver 1 ⑤ More Choices at Checkout ver 2 ⑥ Peace of Mind When You Pay ver 1 ⑦ Peace of Mind When You Pay ver 2 ⑧ Empty State ver 1 ⑨ Empty State ver 2 Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Illustration 99

Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Illustration 100 Illustrations + bolt s Illustrations may be used on solid colored backgrounds or wit h colored bolt shapes behind t hem. When we use t hem wit h t he bolt shapes, we want to maximize t he color difference wit h areas t hat are layered on top of each ot her, to prevent illustrations from blending wit h t he bolt shapes.

So long, guest checkout. Find out more Get shoppers 
 to the finish line. ➂ ➀ ➁ ➀ Headline is more t he hero wit h illustrations suppor ting. ➁ Illustration is t he hero 
 wit h subtit le suppor ting. ➂ Illustration is hero wit h suppor ting ui. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Illustration 101 Illustrations + type When we pair type and illustrations toget her in different occasions, t here are times where t he illustrations take t he lead or act as suppor ting role to type. Type and illustrations should never take up t he same prominence. Determine which is t he focal point of t he communication, and make one much more prominent t han t he ot her. Here are a few examples:

➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➀ Don’ t recolor illustrations wit h colors out of our brand palette. ➁ Don’ t pair illustrations and type in similar hierarchy ➂ Don’ t use secondar y color for illustrations background ④ Don’ t pair similar color bolt shape wit h illustrations Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Illustration 102 Watchout s There are a few t hings we want to be careful about when we are using illustrations.

Iconography 103

Ic ons allow us to c ommunicate our
 of ferings quickly and ef f iciently in 
 product and on our website. They’re designed to pair nic ely with our brand 
 ic on and logo, streamlining the user exp erienc e wherever p ossible. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Expressions Components Motion Contact Iconography 104

Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Expressions Components Motion Contact Iconography 105 Iconography Our brand icons are used in product and are built to reflect characteristics of our brand icon.

Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Expressions Components Motion Contact Iconography 106 Iconography This is t he full set of icons. 
 You may not use all of t hese 
 in product or in presentations, 
 but you ’ ve got access to t hem just in case. You can also use t hese icons as a guide to build new ones.

Outdoor Voices Speckled Cotton Shortsleeve M - Tall / White Quantity 1 $48 Nike Dri-FIT Women's 1/2-Zip Training Top M - Tall / White Quantity 1 $52 2 Continue to checkout Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Expressions Components Motion Contact Iconography 107 Icons in use Icons are used, typically, on our website, in product and in internal presentations. They may also be used on social if used small to accent a par ticular stor y or headline.

 Checkout One-Click Checkout on Puppyspot. Bolt payments ➀ Don’ t color t hem in. ➁ Don’ t use t hem wit h photography. ➂ Don’ t use t hem wit h illustration. ➃ Don’ t use t hem big as illustrations. ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Expressions Components Motion Contact Iconography 108 Watchout s Here are a few t hings to avoid wit h our icons. They are meant to be small and informatively. Do not color t hem in (t hey should always be Bolt Black) don’ t use t hem wit h illustration or AS illustrations.

Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Expressions Components Motion Contact Iconography 109 Iconography+ For our product experience, like merchant dashboard we have slight ly more expressive icons t hat contrast wit h our more recessive set. We can use t hem in t he resource center and ot her specific touchpoint where we want to put more emphasis on a section.

Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Expressions Components Motion Contact Iconography 110 Icons+ in use Here’s one of t he most impor tant touchpoint for our expressive icons. In t his situation we want 
 to make sure t he resource center iconography feels different from t he navigation iconography. They ’re not meant to do t he same t hing, and should logically look different.

Expressions 111

To express the lightning sp eed and excitement of Bolt checkout, we use 
 a series of tex tural shap es which are inspired by b olt s of lightning. These 
 shap es are split into two categories: expressive and rec essive. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Components Motion Contact Expressions 112

➀ ➁ ➀ Expressive ➁ Recessive Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Components Motion Contact Expressions 113 Bolt s We have two types of bolt shapes, expressive and recessive. Bot h are used to add energy and uniqueness to our brand assets.

Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Components Motion Contact Expressions 114 Expressive bolt s Our expressive bolts are more jagged and sharp. They cut t hrough pages energetically 
 and usually star t wider and end
 in a small point. They can be used as background texture wit h type, illustration and photography. We have a suite of 15 expressive bolt shapes to use across Bolt communications.

Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Components Motion Contact Expressions 115 Bolt color Our bolts are almost always 
 used in Lightning Yellow or use Lightning Yellow backgrounds. Here are a few colors combos t hat you should use when implementing your bolt shapes.

➀ ➁ ➀ Zoomed out ➁ Zoomed in Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Components Motion Contact Expressions 116 Zoom You can eit her use t he expressive bolt shapes wit hin your par ticular communication frame, or zoom 
 in to create endless interesting textures. Careful not to zoom 
 in too much where you can 
 no longer tell you ’re looking 
 at a lightning bolt.

➀ Coming in from top let corner. ➁ Coming in from right side. ➂ Coming in from top let corner. ➃ Coming in from top. ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Components Motion Contact Expressions 117 Bolt orient ation Our bolts should always enter frame from t he top, upper corners, or sides of frame. Ot her wise t hey don’ t look like lightning bolts.

Pay without
 the panic. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Components Motion Contact Expressions 118 Bolt + type Bolts are usualy used as background texture wit h typography. Always be sure
 t hat you ’ ve got proper contrast between type, background
 and bolt for legibility.

Checkout faster than you can say 
 one click. O n e - c l i c k c h e c ko u t 
 w i t h B o l t . ➀ Light text, dark background, 
 bolt off to t he side. ➁ Yellow background, light bolt, 
 black type overlaid and legibile. ➂ Light background, yellow bolt, 
 black type overlaid and legibile. ➃ Yellow background, type on its own wit h bolt bleeding off bottom corner. One-click
 you’re done. Shocklingly simple. One-Click Checkout. It’s simple. ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Components Motion Contact Expressions 119 Bolt + type Place your type and bolts toget her in a way t hat won’ t hur t legibility but will make t he layout more dynamic. If you ’ ve got light colored type, make sure t he bolt is out of t he way. If you are using dark type, make sure t he bolt and backgrounds are also light. Here are a few examples:

 you’re done. ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ One-Click Checkout. It’s simple. ➀ Don’ t make t he Bolt a secondar y color. ➁ Make sure t hings are legible. ➂ Make sure you use lightning yellow. ➃ Don’ t use multiple bolts too close. Shocklingly simple. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Components Motion Contact Expressions 120 Watchout s Here are a few watchouts for using our expressive bolt shapes. Again, Lightning Yellow should always be used in some capacity, be conscious of legibility and
 don’ t overdo it.

Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Components Motion Contact Expressions 121 Bolt + photo Photographs and bolts go toget her like cheese and crackers. We use bolt shapes to add color, texture and energy behind our cut out subjects.

➀ Lightning Yellow on Dark gray ➁ Lightning Yellow on Mid gray ➂ Lightning Yellow on Light gray ➃ Light gray on Lightning Yellow ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Components Motion Contact Expressions 122 Bolt + photo Here are a few examples of bolts paired wit h photographs, but please see t he previous page where we highlight all bolt + background color combinations for which color palettes to 
 use wit h photography.

Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Components Motion Contact Expressions 123 Examples On t he following pages we’ ve got a few examples of bolts in use.

One click. Checked out. Need help? Get answers here. Bolt One Click is now connec ted to your BigCommerce store. There are a few more steps 
 you’ll need to take in your BigCommerce dashboard to ensure a successful integration. C o n g rat u l at i o n s ! Go back to BigCommerce ➂ Bolt One Click is now connec ted to your BigCommerce store. There are a few more steps 
 you’ll need to take in your BigCommerce dashboard to ensure a successful integration. C o n g rat u l at i o n s ! Go back to BigCommerce S T E P 1 D i s a b l e O t h e r C re d i t C a rd F i e l d s For your customer to have a streamlined, attrac tive experience inputting their credit card infor mation, disable any another credit card payment fields. Full guide. S T E P 2 R e q u i re a S h o p p e r P h o n e N u m b e r For guest shoppers to effec tively create a Bolt account
 and leverage Bolt ’s One Click experience during their subsequent purchases, set the phone number field 
 as required. Full guide. ➀ Behind text and photography ➁ Behind photography. ➂ Zoomed in on site or 
 email headers. ➀ ➁ Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Components Motion Contact E xpressions 124 Ex a mp les H ere are a fe w w ays w e use our b olt shapes. They can b e used as b ac k ground graphics or z oomed in to create more corner textures allo w ing w ritten content to shine.

Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Components Motion Contact Expressions 125 Recessive bolt s Recessive bolt shapes are a bit less sharp and only feature one edge versus several. They are mainly used to divide content or house images in masks. They turn simple page dividers into unique brand expressions. We have a suite of 12 recessive bolt shapes to use across Bolt communications.

➀ Horizontal two edge recessive ➁ Horizontal one edge recessive ➂ Ver tical two edge recessive ➃ Ver tical one edge recessive ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Components Motion Contact Expressions 126 Bolt + type Recessive bolts come in bot h ver tical and horizontal formats. The amount of sharp drops per edge can differ from 1-3 but should never get more jagged as t hey star t not to look like bolts.

➀ Dividing an email. ➁ Text and image divider on site. ➂ Image mask / divider. ➃ Above and below a headline. Welcome
 to Bolt, Alex You have been invited to join [merchant account] on Bolt. Confirm 
 your email and set a new password by clicking t he button below. Get Star ted 588 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94102 © 2021 Bolt Financial, Inc. Update Preference Terms of Use Privacy Policy Clothing &
 Accessories V i ew A l l Clothing designed for all day, every day. ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Components Motion Contact Expressions 127 Examples Here are a few examples 
 of recessive bolts in action.

One-Click Checkout. One-Click Checkout. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla diam ligula, hendrerit vitae hendrerit vitae, ultricies a tor tor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae. Nulla turpis tor tor, consequat eget nulla sed, ultrices mattis augue. Proin et placerat lorem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla diam ligula, hendrerit vitae hendrerit vitae, ultricies a tor tor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae. Nulla turpis tor tor, consequat eget nulla sed, ultrices mattis augue. Proin et placerat lorem. Get Star ted Get Star ted ➀ ➁ 588 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94102 588 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94102 © 2021 Bolt Financial, Inc. © 2021 Bolt Financial, Inc. Update Preference Update Preference Terms of Use Terms of Use Privacy Policy Privacy Policy ➀ Bolt shapes on far top and 
 far bottom, t his is okay. ➁ Too many bolt shapes close toget her, and all different types. Not okay. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Components Motion Contact Expressions 128 Multiple bolt s We tr y to only use one bolt shape per execution, but if you are using multiple bolt shapes in one ver y tall or long execution, for example in a tall email, make sure t hat t hey are not too close to one anot her. Always allow ample space between shapes to ensure t hey don’ t get too crowded.

➀ Don’ t use expressive and recessive 
 shapes too close to one anot her. ➁ Don’ t stack recessive bolts closely. ➂ Don’ t add a stroke to your bolts. ➃ Don’ t use more t han two colors. ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Components Motion Contact Expressions 129 Watchout s Here are a few watchouts for using our recessive bolt shapes.

Components 130

Contrasting with some of our more 
 angular brand element s, we’ve got
 a handful of rounded brand element s
 that help balanc e out our identity. 
 The following examples guide you 
 in how you should use them. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Motion Contact Components 131

Checkout Checkout Checkout Checkout Checkout Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Motion Contact Components 132 Buttons We have two types of bolt shapes, expressive and recessive. Bot h are used to add energy and uniqueness to our brand assets.

Shockingly simple checkout. O n e - C l i c k C h e c ko u t 
 w i t h B o l t . Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Motion Contact Components 133 Boxes We have two types of bolt shapes, expressive and recessive. Bot h are used to add energy and uniqueness to our brand assets.

134 Motion

To best demonstrate the lightning speed and excitement of Bolt checkout, we use motion to animate our brand elements in lightning speed movements. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Contact Motion 135

Dos ➀ Shor t, sharp movements ➁ Frequent shifts in direction and scale Don’t s ➀ Slow, single directional flow ➁ Drawn-out easing of transition ➂ Overly complicated typographic animation General In general, our motion wants to reflect t he effor t less, lightning speed of Bolt ’s check out process. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Contact Motion 136 View graphic

Dos ➀ Shor t, sharp movements ➁ Frequent shifts in direction and scale Don’t s ➀ Slow, single directional flow ➁ Drawn-out easing of transition ➂ Overly complicated typographic animation General In general, our motion wants to reflect t he effor t less, lightning speed of Bolt ’s check out process. General In general, our motion wants to reflect t he effor t less, lightning speed of Bolt ’s check out process. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Contact Motion 137 View graphic

Logo The logo animation shows a lightning fast transition from our lightning icon to t he Logo. Please avoid stretching t he logo during t he transition. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Contact Motion 138 View graphic

Dos ➀ Slight downward motion of bolt Don’t s ➀ Morphing bolt shape Shorthand Here are two examples of our icon motions, wit h and wit hout flashes. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Contact Motion 139 View graphic

zoom slide Dos ➀ Shor t, sharp movements ➁ Accent color flashes ➂ Frequent shifts in direction and scale ➃ Subt le perspective shifts in transitions, used sparingly. Don’t s ➀ Holding perspective after transition ➁ Device movement except transition Product mockup When showing products, we still want to maintain t he fast shift movement t hat aligns wit h our motion system. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Contact Motion 140 View graphic View graphic

close up Dos ➀ Shor t, sharp movements ➁ Accent color flashes ➂ Frequent shifts in direction and scale ➃ Subt le perspective shifts in transitions, used sparingly. Don’t s ➀ Holding perspective after transition ➁ Device movement except transition Product mockup When showing products, we still want to maintain t he fast shift movement t hat aligns wit h our motion system. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Contact Motion 141 View graphic View graphic perspective 01 perspective 02 View graphic

Dos ➀ Accent color flashes ➁ Sharp zooms in and out for transitions Don’t s ➀ Slow zooms in and out ➁ Stretching type form Hero typography Here are two examples for how we animate headlines and expressive hero typography moments. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Contact Motion 142 View graphic

View graphic View graphic Dos ➀ Type on ➁ Accent color flashes ➂ Match energy of bolt animation Don’t s ➀ Holding perspective after transition ➁ Device movement except transition Typography Here are a few options on how we can treat typography when t hey are not t he centre of attention. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Contact Motion 143 View graphic View graphic

Dos ➀ Accent color flashes ➁ All punctuation at t he end of a headline to appear as a line before resolving in punctuation Don’t s ➀ Slow shift in and out Punctuation Here are two examples for how we animate punctuations. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Contact Motion 144 View graphic

View graphic View graphic View graphic Dos ➀ Single direction ➁ No more t han 6 frames at 24fps ➂ Always exit wit h a scale Don’t s ➀ Slow reveal ➁ Rotation ➂ Reverse transition out Bolt s Here are a few examples of how we animate lightning bolts. Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Contact Motion 145

Contact 146

Cont act TBC Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact 147