Enhancing the Buying and Selling Experience with Eloqua & Influitive's Mark Organ

A talk with the CEO, Host, and Head Coach of Categorynauts, Mark Organ. Mark Organ is a firm believer in the power of customer advocacy. Firstly, customers should feel like part of the team, this sense of identity and connection can turn them into "superheroes" for the brand. Secondly, it's crucial to show customers the impact they're making on the company. Lastly, companies should help their customer advocates prosper in their personal and professional lives. This can be achieved by providing opportunities for career growth, such as writing content or speaking at events. Category development is all about serving a specific persona or niche. In the case of Eloqua, these were the demand-generation professionals who came from engineering and sales backgrounds. By focusing on serving these professionals, Eloqua was able to dominate the category and achieve significant growth. In today's digital age, capturing attention is a challenge. Mark believes that community plays a crucial role in creating relevant content, allowing companies to mobilize their best customers and involve them in content creation.