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HP Brand Book

HP is a technology company known for its printers, laptops, and innovative solutions in computing and digital printing. Its products empower businesses and individuals to create and connect.

Logo Logo Logo appearance and color Logo placement and clear space Logo size Partner logos 1 HP Visual Identity 2022

1. Logo appearance and color 1. Logo appearance and color 2 HP Visual Identity 2022

1. Logo appearance and color HP appearance and color HP round logo: • Our primary logo—used for all marketing materials, and internal and external communications. HP progressive mark: Marketing and advertising Corporate communications only Premium products only • Limited to premium products only. Not for use on marketing materials, ads, corporate communications, Black logo (must match text color) HP Corporate blue logo Progressive mark packaging, etc. HP logo colors • Black • White • HP Corporate blue HP logo color rules • Black and white. • Logo color must match type color (black or white). • Logo color must contrast well with its background. • Never fill with textures, patterns, or effects. HP corporate blue: • This color is used for corporate communications only. • We are almost entirely moving away from using HP Corporate blue for branding. • We are relegating HP Corporate blue to existing White logo (must match text color) Never use on marketing materials. Never use on marketing materials. signage, legacy items, and corporate internal communications. • HP Corporate blue is never used on marketing materials such as ads, social media, banners, etc. 3 HP Visual Identity 2022

1. Logo appearance and color Logo appearance and color: don’t Appearance 1. Don’t use progressive mark for marketing. 2. Don’t use the HP Corporate blue mark for marketing. 3. Don’t apply color to logos. 1. No Progressive mark. 2. Don’t use the HP Corporate blue for marketing. 3. No colors other than black or white. 4. Don’t mix type color and logo color. Logo color and type color should always match. 5. Don’t place the logo where it has no contrast. 6. Don’t apply effects to the logo (for contrast or any other reason). 4. Don’t mix type and logo colors. 5. Don’t place logo where there is no contrast. 6. No effects. 4 HP Visual Identity 2022

1. Logo appearance and color Logo appearance and color: do Appearance 1. Use round mark. 2. Logo is black or white (matching text). 3. Logo is black or white (matching text). 1. Round mark only. 2. Logo matches text color (black or white). 3. White logo is used. 4. Logo matches text “color” (black or white). 5. Logo has contrast with background. 6. Logo is clean (no effects). Note: The “correct” layouts on this page are intentionally the same—just isolating and correcting the “don’t” logo usage from the previous page. 4. Type and logo are the same color. 5. Logo has contrast with background. 6. Logo is clean (no effects). 5 HP Visual Identity 2022

2. Logo placement and clear space 2. Logo placement and clear space 6 HP Visual Identity 2022

2. Logo placement and clear space Logo placement and clear space overview Placement principles Horizontally stacked layout Vertically stacked layout • The logo is the punctuation point of the layout. › Logo placement concludes the flow of information down or across a layout. › Logo placement also follows the alignment of text. • The logo belongs in the corner of a layout or the logo module—never floating in the middle of a margin or unanchored in white space. • When imposed over a photo, the logo should never obscure products, people, or critical content. Logo clear space is equal to layout margin width • Clear space around the logo is the same as the layout margin (and module spacing). • This is the minimum amount of space the logo should have in relation to the edge of a layout. • Add additional white space as need to optically correct for spaces that look or feel wrong. • Logos when placed inside the text box may require slight adjustments optically. See size and place explain in logo size section. Headlines or quotes with lines (inside text box) Headlines or quotes with lines (outside of text box) (Size and placement explained in Logo size section) 7 HP Visual Identity 2022

2. Logo placement and clear space Logo placement and clear space overview Placement principles Horizontally stacked layout Vertically stacked layout • The logo is the punctuation point of the layout. › Logo placement concludes the flow of information down or across a layout. › Logo placement also follows the alignment of text. • The logo belongs in the corner of a layout or the logo module—never floating in the middle of a margin or unanchored in white space. • When imposed over a photo, the logo should never obscure products, people, or critical content. Logo clear space is equal to layout margin width • Clear space around the logo is the same as the layout margin (and module spacing). • This is the minimum amount of space the logo should have in relation to the edge of a layout. • Add additional white space as need to optically correct for spaces that look or feel wrong. • Logos when placed inside the text box may require slight adjustments optically. See size and place explain in logo size section. Headlines or quotes with lines (inside text box) Headlines or quotes with lines (outside of text box) (Size and placement explained in Logo size section) 8 HP Visual Identity 2022

2. Logo placement and clear space Logo placement options Vertical stacking Horizontal stacking The logo in this layout can be aligned vertically or horizontally. 9 HP Visual Identity 2022

2. Logo placement and clear space Logo placement options Vertical stacking Horizontal stacking This logo placement interrupts the vertical stacking of this layout. 10 HP Visual Identity 2022

2. Logo placement and clear space Logo placement: don’t Placement principles Don’t move logo horizontally outside of module box. Don’t float logo above content modules. • Don’t separate the logo from the content • Don’t place logo anywhere outside content modules. • Logo should always live within the content modules. Adjust the sizes of the content as necessary to make the logo fit in a module. • Always try to have it act as the punctuation to the layout. • Don’t place logos over photos unless the type, content, or headline is also over the photos. • Logo over image creates a messy and confusing hierarchy. • Logo over image and can be hard to find or see and creates too many inconsistencies for placement. • Placing a logo on a product image often conflicts with the logos already existing on the product, thus introducing a scenario with a double logo. Don’t move logo to opposite corner of content. Don’t separate logo from content and move to a corner. 11 HP Visual Identity 2022

2. Logo placement and clear space Logo placement: do Placement principles Logo included in colored module stack. Logo included in colored module stack. • Adjust layout to make space for logo within modules. • Make the logo the punctuation of all layouts. • Always keep the logo inside the modules. • Logos follow the flow of content and left align when possible or appear at the end of content that flows horizontally. Logo included in colored module stack. Logo included in colored module stack. 12 HP Visual Identity 2022

2. Logo placement and clear space Logo placement and clear space: don’t Placement principles 1. Don’t place logo in middle of layout. 2. Don’t align logo differently than text. 3. Don’t place logo in the middle of a margin. 1. Don’t insert logo into the middle of a layout. 2. Don’t right align logo under left-aligned text. 3. Don’t place logo in the middle of a margin. 4. Don’t float logo in white space. 5. Don’t fill the space too tightly or unevenly (logo too big). 6. Don’t fill the space too loosely or unevenly (logo too small). 7. Don’t obstruct product with logo. 8. Don’t obscure critical photo content with logo. 4. Don’t float logo in white space. 5. Don’t fill the space too tightly or unevenly. 6. Don’t fill the space too loosely or unevenly. 7. Don’t obstruct product with logo. 8. Don’t obscure critical photo content. 13 HP Visual Identity 2022

2. Logo placement and clear space Logo placement and clear space: do Placement principles 1. Logo belongs at end of layout. 2. Logo is aligned (left) with type. 3. Logo is anchored to a corner. 1. Logo belongs at end of a layout. 2. Logo is left aligned with type. 3. Logo is anchored to a corner. 4. Logo snaps to layout margins. 5. Logo has plenty of clear space and correct margins. 6. Logo has correct margins. 7. Product unobstructed. 8. Content unobscured. 4. Logo snaps to layout margins. 5. Minimum clear space/correct margins. 6. Correct margins. 7. Product unobstructed. 8. Content less obscured. 14 HP Visual Identity 2022

2. Logo placement and clear space Logo margin/clear space Too little. Just right. Too much. Logo margin and clear space can be evaluated visually, don’t overthink it and trust your eye. 15 HP Visual Identity 2022

3. Logo size 3. Logo size 16 HP Visual Identity 2022

3. Logo size Logo size: basic layouts overview Logo sizing is more art than science. It varies based on the following items: • Layout dimensions • Layout proportions • Type size • Type quantity Extreme vertical Vertical Square Horizontal • White space 6–9% range 7–11% range 2–15% range 5–8% range Estimating logo size The logo should be easy to read but should not be too large and not too small. • Appropriate size range varies for different layout proportions. Percentages An initial logo size can be estimated by a percentage of the long edge of a layout. • Logos should not be smaller than 4% of a layout’s long edge. • 5–6% is a general minimum and good starting point for most layouts. • 10–16% is a general maximum. 14% 6% Ultrawide 4–6% range 6% 8% 8% 5% 17 HP Visual Identity 2022

3. Logo size Logo size: extreme vertical layouts Logo sizing is more art than science. It varies based on the following items: • Layout dimensions Extreme vertical (6–9% range) • Layout proportions • Type size • Type quantity • White space Estimating logo size The logo should be easy to read but should not be too large and not too small. • Appropriate size range varies for different layout proportions. Percentages An initial logo size can be estimated by a percentage of the long edge of a layout. • Logos should not be smaller than 4% of a layout’s long edge. • 5–6% is a general minimum and good starting point for most layouts. • 10–16% is a general maximum. 4% 6% 8% 9% 12% sweet spot 18 HP Visual Identity 2022

3. Logo size Logo size: vertical layouts Logo sizing is more art than science. It varies based on the following items: • Layout dimensions • Layout proportions • Type size • Type quantity • White space Estimating logo size The logo should be easy to read but should not be too large and not too small. Vertical (7–11% range) • Appropriate size range varies for different layout proportions. Percentages An initial logo size can be estimated by a percentage of the long edge of a layout. • Logos should not be smaller than 4% of a layout’s long edge. • 5–6% is a general minimum and good starting point for most layouts. • 10–16% is a general maximum. 4% 7% 8% 11% 14% Sweet spot. 19 HP Visual Identity 2022

3. Logo size Logo size: square layouts Logo sizing is more art than science. It varies based on the following items: • Layout dimensions • Layout proportions • Type size • Type quantity • White space Estimating logo size The logo should be easy to read but should not be too large and not too small. • Appropriate size range varies for different layout proportions. Square (12–15% range) Percentages An initial logo size can be estimated by a percentage of the long edge of a layout. • Logos should not be smaller than 4% of a layout’s long edge. • 5–6% is a general minimum and good starting point for most layouts. • 10–16% is a general maximum. 8% 12% 14% 15% 18% sweet spot Note: The logo choice skewed larger for this layout because of its large headline type and wealth of clear space around the logo. 20 HP Visual Identity 2022

3. Logo size Logo size: horizontal layouts Logo sizing is more art than science. It varies based on the following items: • Layout dimensions • Layout proportions • Type size • Type quantity Horizontal (5–8% range) • White space Estimating logo size The logo should be easy to read but should not be too large and not too small. • Appropriate size range varies for different layout proportions. Percentages An initial logo size can be estimated by a percentage of the long edge of a layout. • Logos should not be smaller than 4% of a layout’s long edge. • 5–6% is a general minimum and good starting point for most layouts. 2% 5% 6% • 10–16% is a general maximum. 8% 10% 12% sweet spot 21 HP Visual Identity 2022

3. Logo size Logo size: ultrawide layouts Logo sizing is more art than science. Ultrawide (4–6% range) It varies based on the following items: • Layout dimensions • Layout proportions • Type size • Type quantity • White space Estimating logo size 2% The logo should be easy to read but should not be too large and not too small. • Appropriate size range varies for different layout proportions. Percentages An initial logo size can be estimated by a percentage of the long edge of a layout. • Logos should not be smaller than 4% of a layout’s 4% long edge. • 5–6% is a general minimum and good starting point for most layouts. • 10–16% is a general maximum. sweet spot 5% 6% 8% 22 HP Visual Identity 2022

3. Logo size Four things to consider when picking logo size 1. Size and Dimensions Example: From L to R the logos scale up and adjust as needed when type size, quantity, and proportions change. • How big is the document: Is it pixels, points, inches, or feet? • Logo sizing range is based on basic layout proportions (see previous pages for details). • A digital layout might require a slightly bigger logo to accommodate for the small screen size, whereas a poster can be smaller because you view it on a 1-to-1 human scale. It can be more nuanced and harmonious to the execution and less heavy handed. 2. Shape and Proportions • Factor in how the layout is structured and how it flows by assessing how much space you have top to bottom or left to right. 5% logo 6% logo 7% logo 8% logo • Is the layout tall or wide? • Is the module more vertical or horizontal? • Side bar layout: • Side bar layout: • Side bar layout: • Side bar layout: 1:4 module/photo ratio 1:3 module/photo ratio 1:2 module/photo ratio 1:2 module/photo ratio 3. Content (quantity and scale) • Headline: • Headline: • Headline: • Headline: • How much text is there: a lot or a little? Short, bold headline Short, bold headline Long, large headline Short, bold headline • What is the biggest thing? • White space: • White space: • White space: • White space: • What is the smallest thing? 20% module stack 15% module stack 20% module stack 15% module stack • Size the logo in relation to those things. • Size the logo no bigger than the biggest type and no smaller than typically the medium type, but definitely never smaller then the smallest type. Percentages point to an appropriate size range but final sizing should be determined visually: • The logo should not be the dominant element in the layout. 4. White Space • Logo size is affected by the biggest and smallest type size. Bigger type allows for a bigger logo. The logo should never be smaller than copy. • Factor in white space. • Plenty of white space allows for a larger logo. • Is it a layout that has lots of white space at the bottom • These logos all feel appropriate to their size, shape, proportions, content, and white space. or side? • They scale up and adjust as needed when type size, quantity, and proportions change. • Can the logo scale up slightly to accommodate for that • As long as the logo isn’t too small and it isn’t massively oversized, it will look OK either way. negative space? Or is the space small and tight and does it need to shrink to fit? • Don’t force the logo to fill the space have it comfortably match the proportions of the other things described above. 23 HP Visual Identity 2022

3. Logo size Logo size and placement: headlines or quotes with lines Logo sizing for headlines or quotes with lines: Headlines or quotes with lines Detail A logo that is in-line with structured type should be sized to the cap height of associated text and centered vertically between lines. Optically adjust the alignment of the logo as needed to compensate for any spaces that look visually off. Think faster Scale the logo to the cap height of the type. work easier Center the logo vertically between lines. 24 HP Visual Identity 2022

3. Logo size Logo size and placement: headlines or quotes with lines Too small. Just right. Too big (never cross lines with the logo). Logo size and placement can be evaluated visually, don’t overthink it and trust your eye. 25 HP Visual Identity 2022

3. Logo size Logo size and placement: horizontal bar layouts Logo sizing for horizontal bar layout: Narrow bar instance • Place the logo at the end of the flow of content from left to right. • Try to have copy equally spaced with the same margins between each piece of content. • The logo should span the vertical space, stopping at the top and bottom margin in a bar layout. • Avoid making the logo too small in this instance as it will look weird and uneven. • If filling the vertical height doesn’t work, pick a simple proportion like 1/2 the height of space, or match height and placement of another element in the horizontal bar. Detail: Logo should fill space between vertical margins in a bar layout. Detail: Logo should not leave empty vertical space in a bar layout. Detail: Logo should not live outside colored modules. 26 HP Visual Identity 2022

3. Logo size Logo size: stand-alone logo Range for stand-alone logo (end card/signage): • Minimum size: Logo must be large enough for the “HP” to be legible. The logo size should match tone of work without appearing weak or lost in space. • Maximum size: Logo size should bias large. Logo should Single instance range have a clear space equal to the width of the stem of the “h” in the HP logo. Note: The logo size can bias oversized if the space and context deem it necessary. We don’t have to be shy with the size of the HP logo. 27 HP Visual Identity 2022

3. Logo size Logo size: stand-alone logo Minimum size: Quiet and poetic to match the tone of creative content Maximum size: Loud, present, and punchy. The large logo is intended (i.e. end card of an emotional film). to be felt and seen (i.e., end card of an energetic product demo). Too small: Unreadable/lost in space. Too big: No clear space. Logo size can be evaluated visually, don’t overthink it and trust your eye. 28 HP Visual Identity 2022

3. Logo size Logo size: stand-alone logo clear space Minimum clear space Clear space requirement: Use the stem width of the “h” to dictate clear space margin size. Maximum logo size 29 HP Visual Identity 2022

4. Partner logos 4. Partner logos 30 HP Visual Identity 2022

4. Partner logos Partner logos: individual pairing Individual partner pairing • The HP logo always comes first when paired with another brand. › The logo should be placed to the left in a horizontal layout, and if possible, above in a stacked layout. • Partner’s logo should never appear larger than the HP logo and usually should fall between 85%-90% of the HP Partner logo Windows Partner logo Intel logo it is being paired with. • Use the word “with” between the HP logo and the partner logo. › “HP with [Partner]” Multiple parter pairings with with • When pairing the HP logo with multiple partner logos, only use the word “with” once and then separate each partner with a space and a vertical line. • Example: “HP with [Partner] | [Partner] | [Partner].” • A few current partners include but are not limited to: Intel, Google Chrome, Pfizer, and Microsoft. Specific partner rules All jumpstart and CCF guidelines must be adhered to. • Intel › The Intel logo needs to be 100% the same size as the HP logo. • Microsoft › Only use the blue Microsoft logo, never the black, in all instances (HP with Windows, Windows with HP, Mock-ups). › The ONLY exception to this rule is end cards. On end cards the Microsoft logo can be either white or black depending on the usage. 31 HP Visual Identity 2022

4. Partner logos Partner logos: individual pairing Individual partner pairing Partner logo Partner logo Web banners • The HP logo always comes first when paired with another brand. › The logo should be placed to the left in a horizontal layout, and if possible, above in a stacked layout. • Partner’s logo should never appear larger than the HP logo and usually should fall between 85%-90% of the HP logo it is being paired with. • Use the word “with” between the HP logo and the partner logo. › “HP with [Partner]” Multiple parter pairings • When pairing the HP logo with multiple partner logos, only use the word “with” once and then separate each partner with a space and a vertical line. • Example: “HP with [Partner] | [Partner] | [Partner].” • A few current partners include but are not limited to: Intel, Google Chrome, Pfizer, and Microsoft. Specific partner rules All jumpstart and CCF guidelines must be adhered to. • Intel with › The Intel logo needs to be 100% the same size as the HP logo. • Microsoft › Only use the blue Microsoft logo, never the black, in The partner logo comes after the HP logo and is 85% of HP logo size. all instances (HP with Windows, Windows with HP, Mock-ups). › The ONLY exception to this rule is end cards. On end cards the Microsoft logo can be either white or black depending on the usage. 32 HP Visual Identity 2022

4. Partner logos Partner logo: multiple partners Individual partner pairing • The HP logo always comes first when paired with another brand. › The logo should be placed to the left in a horizontal layout, and if possible, above in a stacked layout. • Partner’s logo should never appear larger than the HP logo and usually should fall between 85%-90% of the HP logo it is being paired with. • Use the word “with” between the HP logo and the partner logo. › “HP with [Partner]” Multiple parter pairings • When pairing the HP logo with multiple partner logos, only use the word “with” once and then separate each partner with a space and a vertical line. • Example: “HP with [Partner] | [Partner] | [Partner].” x x x x • A few current partners include but are not limited to: Intel, Google Chrome, Pfizer, and Microsoft. Specific partner rules All jumpstart and CCF guidelines must be adhered to. • Intel › The Intel logo needs to be 100% the same size as the HP logo. • Microsoft › Only use the blue Microsoft logo, never the black, in all instances (HP with Windows, Windows with HP, Mock-ups). › The ONLY exception to this rule is end cards. On end cards the Microsoft logo can be either white or black depending on the usage. 33 HP Visual Identity 2022

4. Partner logos Partner logo: Intel Individual partner pairing • The HP logo always comes first when paired with another brand. › The logo should be placed to the left in a horizontal layout, and if possible, above in a stacked layout. • Partner’s logo should never appear larger than the HP logo and usually should fall between 85%-90% of the HP logo it is being paired with. • Use the word “with” between the HP logo and the partner logo. › “HP with [Partner]” Multiple parter pairings • When pairing the HP logo with multiple partner logos, only use the word “with” once and then separate each partner with a space and a vertical line. • Example: “HP with [Partner] | [Partner] | [Partner].” • A few current partners include but are not limited to: Intel, Google Chrome, Pfizer, and Microsoft. Specific partner rules All jumpstart and CCF guidelines must be adhered to. • Intel › The Intel logo needs to be 100% the same size as the HP logo. • Microsoft › Only use the blue Microsoft logo, never the black, in all instances (HP with Windows, Windows with HP, Mock-ups). › The ONLY exception to this rule is end cards. On Select devices end cards the Microsoft logo can be either white or now enhanced by black depending on the usage. HP Presence 34 HP Visual Identity 2022

4. Partner logos Partner logo: Microsoft Individual partner pairing Only use blue Microsoft logo • The HP logo always comes first when paired with another brand. › The logo should be placed to the left in a horizontal layout, and if possible, above in a stacked layout. • Partner’s logo should never appear larger than the HP logo and usually should fall between 85%-90% of the HP logo it is being paired with. • Use the word “with” between the HP logo and the partner logo. Do not use the black logo. › “HP with [Partner]” Multiple parter pairings • When pairing the HP logo with multiple partner logos, only use the word “with” once and then separate each HP logo with blue Microsoft logo partner with a space and a vertical line. • Example: “HP with [Partner] | [Partner] | [Partner].” • A few current partners include but are not limited to: Intel, Google Chrome, Pfizer, and Microsoft. Specific partner rules All jumpstart and CCF guidelines must be adhered to. • Intel › The Intel logo needs to be 100% the same size as the HP logo. • Microsoft › Only use the blue Microsoft logo, never the black, in all instances (HP with Windows, Windows with HP, Mock-ups). End cards exception › The ONLY exception to this rule is end cards. On end cards the Microsoft logo can be either white or black depending on the usage. 35 HP Visual Identity 2022

4. Partner logos Partner logo rules 1. HP comes before the partner logo. 2. All partner logo are 90% of HP logo size. 3. Partner logo is vertically centered off of the HP logo. 4. Width of “with” is 75% of the width of the HP logo. 5. Spacing between HP logo, “with,” and partner logo is approximately 25% of the width of the HP logo. 6. Space partner logos with vertical lines. Do not use “x” “—” or other “graphics.” 7. Film: Fit lockup into a ruled layout when possible. 8. When placing logo over photo: • Do not obstruct vital content. • Do not place over product. • Place where it can be easily seen and read. • Avoid excessively busy backgrounds. 9. Partner logos should be horizontally aligned with HP logo. No stacking. 10. Keep lockup left aligned in narrow vertical spaces. 11. Monochromatic versions of logos are preferred. with with • Monochromatic logo examples in situ. with with 36 HP Visual Identity 2022

4. Partner logos Partner logo rules 1. HP comes before the partner logo. Optically spaced 2. All partner logo is 90% of HP logo size. Square partner logo is 90% of HP logo size. 3. Partner logo are vertically centered off of the HP logo. 4. Width of “with” is 75% of the width of the HP logo. 5. Spacing between HP logo, “with,” and partner logo is approximately 25% of the width of the HP logo. 6. Space partner logos with vertical lines. Do not use “x” “—” or other “graphics.” with with 7. Film: Fit lockup into a ruled layout when possible. 8. When placing logo over photo: • Do not obstruct vital content. • Do not place over product. • Place where it can be easily seen and read. • Avoid excessively busy backgrounds. 9. Partner logos should be horizontally aligned with Don’t mathematically space HP logo. No stacking. 10. Keep lockup left aligned in narrow vertical spaces. HP logo (circle) and Intel logo (square) are both HP logo (circle) and Windows logo (square) are both 135px tall, resulting 11. Monochromatic versions of logos are preferred. 135px tall, resulting in a partner logo that looks in a partner logo that looks bigger even though it is the same size. This is • Monochromatic logo examples in situ. bigger even though it is the same size. further exacerbated by the Windows word mark length. with with IMPORTANT NOTE: All partner logos should be sized optically. Although our partners have their own sizing requirements and suggestions, we look to adjust for optimal proportions and balance. For example, making a square the same mathematical measurement of a circle will result in a logo that looks much bigger even though they are numerically the same size. Use our partner logo sizing requirements as a suggestion, not gospel; always trust your eye. We must educate them and push for the best possible and most harmonious proportions whenever possible. 37 HP Visual Identity 2022

4. Partner logos Partner logo rules 1. HP comes before the partner logo. 2. All partner logo are 90% of HP logo size. 3. Partner logo is vertically centered off of the HP logo. 4. Width of “with” is 75% of the width of the HP logo. 5. Spacing between HP logo, “with,” and partner logo is approximately 25% of the width of the HP logo. 6. Space partner logos with vertical lines. Do not use “x” “—” or other “graphics.” Partner logos and “with” are always vertically centered with HP logo. 7. Film: Fit lockup into a ruled layout when possible. 8. When placing logo over photo: • Do not obstruct vital content. • Do not place over product. • Place where it can be easily seen and read. • Avoid excessively busy backgrounds. 9. Partner logos should be horizontally aligned with with HP logo. No stacking. 10. Keep lockup left aligned in narrow vertical spaces. 11. Monochromatic versions of logos are preferred. • Monochromatic logo examples in situ. with 38 HP Visual Identity 2022

4. Partner logos Partner logo rules 1. HP comes before the partner logo. 2. All partner logo are 90% of HP logo size. 3. Partner logo is vertically centered off of the HP logo. 4. Width of “with” is 75% of the width of the HP logo. 5. Spacing between HP logo, “with,” and partner logo is approximately 25% of the width of the HP logo. 6. Space partner logos with vertical lines. Do not use “x” “—” or other “graphics.” Width of “with” is 75% of the width of the HP logo. 7. Film: Fit lockup into a ruled layout when possible. 8. When placing logo over photo: • Do not obstruct vital content. • Do not place over product. • Place where it can be easily seen and read. • Avoid excessively busy backgrounds. 9. Partner logos should be horizontally aligned with with HP logo. No stacking. 10. Keep lockup left aligned in narrow vertical spaces. 11. Monochromatic versions of logos are preferred. • Monochromatic logo examples in situ. 100% 75% with 100% 75% 39 HP Visual Identity 2022

4. Partner logos Partner logo rules 1. HP comes before the partner logo. 2. All partner logo are 90% of HP logo size. 3. Partner logo is vertically centered off of the HP logo. 4. Width of “with” is 75% of the width of the HP logo. 5. Spacing between HP logo, “with,” and partner logo is approximately 25% of the width of the HP logo. Special “optical” spacing may be needed for oddly shaped logo pairings. Since the left side of the 6. Space partner logos with vertical lines. Do not use “x” word “with” is angled it will always appear slightly farther away then the right side. Correct this by “—” or other “graphics.” tapping left or right as needed to compensate for the optical spacing adjustment. 7. Film: Fit lockup into a ruled layout when possible. 8. When placing logo over photo: • Do not obstruct vital content. • Do not place over product. • Place where it can be easily seen and read. • Avoid excessively busy backgrounds. 9. Partner logos should be horizontally aligned with with HP logo. No stacking. 10. Keep lockup left aligned in narrow vertical spaces. 11. Monochromatic versions of logos are preferred. • Monochromatic logo examples in situ. 100% 25% 25% with 100% 25% 25% 40 HP Visual Identity 2022

4. Partner logos Partner logo rules 1. HP comes before the partner logo. 2. All partner logo are 90% of HP logo size. 3. Partner logo is vertically centered off of the HP logo. 4. Width of “with” is 75% of the width of the HP logo. 5. Spacing between HP logo, “with,” and partner logo is approximately 25% of the width of the HP logo. 6. Space partner logos with vertical lines. Do not use “x” 3rd partner logo here “—” or other “graphics.” 7. Film: Fit lockup into a ruled layout when possible. 8. When placing logo over photo: • Do not obstruct vital content. • Do not place over product. • Place where it can be easily seen and read. • Avoid excessively busy backgrounds. 9. Partner logos should be horizontally aligned with HP logo. No stacking. 10. Keep lockup left aligned in narrow vertical spaces. 11. Monochromatic versions of logos are preferred. • Monochromatic logo examples in situ. 3rd partner logo here 3rd partner logo here 3rd partner logo here 41 HP Visual Identity 2022

4. Partner logos Partner logo rules 1. HP comes before the partner logo. 2. All partner logo are 90% of HP logo size. 3. Partner logo is vertically centered off of the HP logo. 4. Width of “with” is 75% of the width of the HP logo. 5. Spacing between HP logo, “with,” and partner logo is approximately 25% of the width of the HP logo. 6. Space partner logos with vertical lines. Do not use “x” “—” or other “graphics.” 7. Film: Fit lockup into a ruled layout when possible. 8. When placing logo over photo: • Do not obstruct vital content. • Do not place over product. • Place where it can be easily seen and read. • Avoid excessively busy backgrounds. 9. Partner logos should be horizontally aligned with HP logo. No stacking. 10. Keep lockup left aligned in narrow vertical spaces. 11. Monochromatic versions of logos are preferred. • Monochromatic logo examples in situ. Logo is bigger than the cap height of the type. If scale is an issue, create negative space and drop the logos down to the last line. Don’t crowd lockup on same line with text. Don’t break the alignment/flow of layout. 42 HP Visual Identity 2022

4. Partner logos Partner logo rules 1. HP comes before the partner logo. 2. All partner logo are 90% of HP logo size. 3. Partner logo is vertically centered off of the HP logo. 4. Width of “with” is 75% of the width of the HP logo. 5. Spacing between HP logo, “with,” and partner logo is approximately 25% of the width of the HP logo. 6. Space partner logos with vertical lines. Do not use “x” “—” or other “graphics.” 7. Film: Fit lockup into a ruled layout when possible. 8. When placing logo over photo: • Do not obstruct vital content. • Do not place over product. • Place where it can be easily seen and read. • Avoid excessively busy backgrounds. 9. Partner logos should be horizontally aligned with HP logo. No stacking. 10. Keep lockup left aligned in narrow vertical spaces. 11. Monochromatic versions of logos are preferred. • Monochromatic logo examples in situ. Logo is visible against background and not imposed over product. Do not place partner logos over product. 43 HP Visual Identity 2022

4. Partner logos Partner logo rules 1. HP comes before the partner logo. 2. All partner logo are 90% of HP logo size. 3. Partner logo is vertically centered off of the HP logo. 4. Width of “with” is 75% of the width of the HP logo. 5. Spacing between HP logo, “with,” and partner logo is approximately 25% of the width of the HP logo. 6. Space partner logos with vertical lines. Do not use “x” “—” or other “graphics.” 7. Film: Fit lockup into a ruled layout when possible. 8. When placing logo over photo: • Do not obstruct vital content. • Do not place over product. • Place where it can be easily seen and read. • Avoid excessively busy backgrounds. Keep partner logo/lockup horizontally aligned with 9. Partner logos should be horizontally aligned with HP logo. HP logo. No stacking. 10. Keep lockup left aligned in narrow vertical spaces. 11. Monochromatic versions of logos are preferred. • Monochromatic logo examples in situ. Do not stack partner logo below HP logo. Do not stack partner logo below HP logo. 44 HP Visual Identity 2022

4. Partner logos Partner logo rules 1. HP comes before the partner logo. 2. All partner logo are 90% of HP logo size. 3. Partner logo is vertically centered off of the HP logo. 4. Width of “with” is 75% of the width of the HP logo. 5. Spacing between HP logo, “with,” and partner logo is approximately 25% of the width of the HP logo. 6. Space partner logos with vertical lines. Do not use “x” “—” or other “graphics.” 7. Film: Fit lockup into a ruled layout when possible. 8. When placing logo over photo: • Do not obstruct vital content. • Do not place over product. • Place where it can be easily seen and read. • Avoid excessively busy backgrounds. 9. Partner logos should be horizontally aligned with HP logo. No stacking. 10. Keep lockup left aligned in narrow vertical spaces. 11. Monochromatic versions of logos are preferred. • Monochromatic logo examples in situ. In a narrow vertical space, keep partner logos left aligned with other information. Don’t break alignment with information in a narrow vertical space. 45 HP Visual Identity 2022

4. Partner logos Partner logo rules 1. HP comes before the partner logo. Client-mandated logo 2. All partner logo are 90% of HP logo size. 3. Partner logo is vertically centered off of the HP logo. 4. Width of “with” is 75% of the width of the HP logo. 5. Spacing between HP logo, “with,” and partner logo is approximately 25% of the width of the HP logo. 6. Space partner logos with vertical lines. Do not use “x” “—” or other “graphics.” with with 7. Film: Fit lockup into a ruled layout when possible. 8. When placing logo over photo: • Do not obstruct vital content. • Do not place over product. • Place where it can be easily seen and read. • Avoid excessively busy backgrounds. 9. Partner logos should be horizontally aligned with HP logo. No stacking. When possible, monochromatic version of Windows logo is preferred. 10. Keep lockup left aligned in narrow vertical spaces. 11. Monochromatic versions of logos are preferred. • Monochromatic logo examples in situ. with with with with 46 HP Visual Identity 2022

4. Partner logos Partner logo rules 1. HP comes before the partner logo. 2. All partner logo are 90% of HP logo size. 3. Partner logo is vertically centered off of the HP logo. 4. Width of “with” is 75% of the width of the HP logo. 5. Spacing between HP logo, “with,” and partner logo is Client-mandated logo approximately 25% of the width of the HP logo. 6. Space partner logos with vertical lines. Do not use “x” “—” or other “graphics.” 7. Film: Fit lockup into a ruled layout when possible. 8. When placing logo over photo: • Do not obstruct vital content. • Do not place over product. • Place where it can be easily seen and read. • Avoid excessively busy backgrounds. 9. Partner logos should be horizontally aligned with HP logo. No stacking. 10. Keep lockup left aligned in narrow vertical spaces. 11. Monochromatic versions of logos are preferred. • Monochromatic logo examples in situ. When possible, monochromatic version of Windows logo is preferred. Client-mandated logo When possible, monochromatic version of Intel logo is preferred. 47 HP Visual Identity 2022

HP Visual Identity 2022