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ISV Go-to-Market Guide

The ISV Go-to-Market Guide walks Salesforce partners through the process of going to market with an AppExchange app.

ISV Go-To-Market Guide

Introduction The ISV Go-to-Market Guide walks Salesforce partners through the process of going to market with an AppExchange app. This process consists of four comprehensive categories that are explored in detail in this e-book. Each milestone includes curated steps and stages designed to ensure that every Salesforce partner has the capability to maximize their audience reach, properly present their solution on AppExchange, and gain a better understanding of partner marketing options. This e-book was preceded by the ISV Onboarding Guide and can be viewed as a chronological continuation of the series.

PREPARING FOR TAKEOFF 1. Identify your app’s ideal customer profile (ICP). Before Launching Get your target audience down in writing. Your AppExchange Building your app’s target customer profile will help you visualize your audience and give App everyone in your organization more clarity when it comes to how to market, sell, and position your product’s value proposition. The first step in creating a go-to-market 2. Create a well-defined value proposition. strategy is knowing the type of customer What is your app designed to do? What you — as a Salesforce partner — want to challenges will your app specifically help reach. Having a strong understanding of businesses solve? To effectively market and your target audience will help you build sell your app, you need to explicitly and directly a pricing strategy, convey the benefits of explain its value to customers, Salesforce, and your product to potential customers, and your team. Be sure to mention what makes more. The following steps are critical to your app unique. What makes you stand out your launch strategy. from competitors?

3. Learn about the ISV tools you need to Begin exploring the launch your app. Partner Learning Camp In order to deliver your app to customers, you need to learn and understand a specific set of tools that Salesforce provides to you (CMA, Explore now LMA, COA and Environment Hub) and access them via a PBO (Partner Business Org). 4. Create visuals and other marketing materials to help tell your story. Having a variety of effective marketing materials will help you be fully prepared to present your app to Salesforce, fellow partners, and, most importantly, prospects. Get creative, begin to build a brand identity, and stand out from the crowd. Be sure to check out the Partner Learning Camp, which is designed to help ISVs expand product and industry knowledge.

WE HAVE LIFTOFF 1. Write content for your AppExchange listing. The content on your AppExchange listing serves Launching a number of purposes. One vital purpose is Your App to provide as much information as possible to potential customers. Another purpose is to provide installation instructions for Salesforce admins. This guide will help you create the Now that you’ve done all the pre-work perfect AppExchange listing. required to launch your app, it’s time to build and execute your release plan. 2. Create a first call deck. Releasing your app can be one of the Once your app has gone live on AppExchange, most exciting experiences of your it’s time to start getting in front of customers. professional journey, which is why it’s Your first call deck should effectively explain essential to launch with a structured plan. your app’s value proposition to customers, which will be of tremendous value when it Follow these steps to help your launch comes time to sell. go as smoothly as possible.

1. Populate your AppExchange listing with Start perfecting your text and media. AppExchange listing In addition to the content you wrote in step 1, you’ll also want to create a demo video for your AppExchange listing and add screenshots of Start now your app’s functionality. Then, add media and pricing to your AppExchange listing. 2. Articulate and implement your lead and sales process. In order to move your customers from interest to purchase, you need to define and implement a process for capturing leads from your AppExchange listing. Then, you must follow a predictable sales motion. 3. Define your support process and publish your app. You need to be fully prepared to support customers once they have installed your app. This includes offering a number of different avenues for customers to get support, including via email, live chat, or phone.

TELL THE UNIVERSE 1. Learn the AppExchange Marketing Analytics tools. Marketing and AppExchange Partner Intelligence is a set of Selling Your App analytics functionality that empowers partners with data and insights to run a smarter AppExchange business. It offers partners insights into how customers are finding and Once your app is live on AppExchange, interacting with their AppExchange listing. it’s time to build your narrative to share 2. Develop (and stick to) a strategy for with customers. Understanding the tools marketing to social followers and offered to you by Salesforce and building prospect lists. a comprehensive marketing strategy are You’ll want to get the word out about your essential pieces to success. Following product in as many ways as possible. Social these steps will help ensure you’re doing media marketing is undoubtedly an effective everything possible to get the word out way to go about this. Set up accounts across about the launch of your app. major social media platforms using consistent branding, then develop brand guidelines and a cadence for posting. Find resources to help you build this strategy in the Partner Marketing Center.

1. Consider AMP promotions and other 3. Tell your success stories. AppExchange content opportunities. Once you have customers who have seen There are a variety of marketing promotions positive results from your app, ask for their available to Salesforce partners on permission to put their story into a blog post or AppExchange. AMP helps partners reach piece of content. There are also opportunities Salesforce customers, employees, and within the Salesforce ecosystem to get your influencers and can help create co-branded app’s success story told by a member of the content with turnkey marketing strategies. AppExchange marketing team. 2. Optimize your AppExchange listing. Explore the Partner We’ve covered adding content and media to your AppExchange listing, but this is not Marketing Center a “set it and forget it” situation. Update your listing to keep up with new product features, Explore now add additional content that might be relevant to prospects, and add your newest demos and images. Getting positive reviews on your AppExchange listing is another great way to attract new customers.

CONTINUE THE JOURNEY 1. Join the Partner Marketing Chatter Group. Stay connected. The Partner Marketing Growing with Chatter Group in the Salesforce Partner Salesforce Community offers you the ability to collaborate with Salesforce employees and other partners, and is also full of the latest ISV marketing program updates. Once your app has been launched and your marketing strategies are in place, 2. Learn best practices for communicating with your journey with Salesforce has just Salesforce teams. Salesforce teams are in contact with our begun. Take the following steps to ensure customers — and treat them as allies. Learn how you’re capitalizing on all of the resources to best communicate with them effectively as available to AppExchange partners. you continue to build relationships across the company. Different roles require different levels and styles of communication. Take the time to learn as many as you can.

1. Attend Salesforce events and webinars. AppExchange Chat program. Learn more about Once you’re part of the Partner Community, AppExchange Chat and hear from partners on you should take full advantage of the variety how it helped convert their listing traffic here. of different events offered by Salesforce. From Ready to enable AppExchange Chat to connect weekly AppExchange Tech Talk episodes, with customers better? Find all the program where best practices and insights are shared by details here. technical leaders in the ecosystem, to the now- global Dreamforce event, the opportunity to 3. Report revenue and improve your continue your journey with Salesforce Trailblazer Score. never ends. In the AppExchange Partner Program, the Partner Trailblazer Score is our shared compass. 2. Convert more leads with AppExchange Chat. Our program is centered around four pillars: AppExchange Chat lets your product experts Customer Success, Innovation, Growth, and engage and answer the questions of potential Lead. This blog post highlights easy and customers live directly from your AppExchange actionable ways to increase your score across listing. You can also route prospective customers those four pillars. As you increase your score, to an automated chat experience. Whether you will unlock more benefits. Don’t forget the the engagement is live or automated, you importance of reporting revenue to Salesforce can configure AppExchange Chat to answer via the Channel Order App (COA). questions, gather contact information, and capture more qualified leads. This collection page includes partners currently enrolled in the

To close, the Partner Community is the one-stop shop for all ISV resources and support. Collaborate with other partners and Salesforce employees, stay up to date on news and events, browse a plethora of ISV resources, and log cases for partner-specific features and customer support. We’re here for you, every step of the way.