MTM Medication Therapy Management Flyer
Be confident. Feel good. Save money. With your personal UPH Pharmacist
Take control of your medicine Be confident. Feel good. Save money. With your personal UPH Pharmacist Be confident. Save money. Feel confident taking your medicine. UnityPoint Health UnityPoint Health Network Plan Members can get some Medication Therapy Management (MTM) Pharmacists make medicines for asthma, diabetes, high cholesterol, and blood sure you have the right medications for your body and that the pressure for $0 copay. UnityPoint Health HSA Plan Members prescribed and/or over-the-counter medications you take are can earn up to two $50 Visa gift cards during the year for safely working together. They also help you understand any meeting with a UPH MTM pharmacist. Just complete a MTM risks and how to eliminate or reduce side effects. visit and submit a participation agreement form to enroll. Feel good. It’s important to take medicines the right way to reach your health goals and feel good. UPH MTM Pharmacists work with your care team to help you manage chronic conditions and help make sure the medicines you are taking are the best fit for you and your lifestyle. Ready to take control of your medicine? Call (877) 219-1294 option 0 to schedule a free in-person, video or telephone visit with a UPH MTM pharmacist. Plans are underwritten and/or administered by HealthPartners UnityPoint Health, Inc. or through its subcontractor HealthPartners Administrators Inc., a subsidiary of HealthPartners, Inc. 22-2070261-2071901 (10/22) © 2022 HealthPartners