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Whitney Boyer on RELAYTO Podcast

Includes possible topics to discuss during the interview with Whitney Boyer.



Whitney Boyer is a dynamic force in marketing, with high-impact roles like Chief Marketing Officer at LHD Benefit Advisors, Vice President of Marketing & Driver Recruitment at Celadon Group Inc., and Director of Marketing at Quality Companies, LLC. She expertly manages marketing budgets, creates lead generation campaigns, oversees social media teams, coordinates tradeshows, and optimizes Google Analytics and Adwords.


Potential questions

1. Given your transition from graphic design to CMO, how has your approach to creating B2B content evolved, especially in terms of balancing visual appeal with strategic messaging?

2. As CMO, how are you integrating various martech tools to create a cohesive ecosystem? What challenges have you faced in this process? 

3. Given LHD's focus on employee benefits, how are you using technology to personalize content experiences for different stakeholders within client organizations? How has your experience improved after using RELAYTO?

4. How your sales team is using RELAYTO?

5. How the experience for employees has improved thanks to delivering employee benefits content with RELAYTO? 

6. RELAYTO uses AI for content transformation. In your role at LHD, how do you see AI potentially revolutionizing the way you create and distribute B2B content?

7. With your experience in digital advertising and analytics, how are you leveraging AI to optimize your marketing funnel and improve lead quality?

8. One of your famous quotes is, 

β€œI love working with people and this role allows that in so many different capacities. Marketing is involved in every aspect of the business from existing performance and future growth to external deliverables and internal innovations. It’s always exciting!”

From your experience, what are the must-have skills to thrive in a marketing role that touches every part of the business?

9. If you could give one piece of advice to someone aspiring to reach a marketing leadership role like yours, what would it be?

Please note

Our podcast is similar to the live discussion, so there may be more questions depending on the answers.

How RELAYTO promotes Experience-focused Leaders podcast



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