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Pleochroic gemstones display different colors when viewed from different angles in different lighting conditions. People like wearing jewelry pieces bedecked with tanzanite because of the gemstone’s very strong pleochroism. Other than tanzanite’s appealing color and very strong pleochroism, what have worked wonders in making it one of the most coveted gemstones of them all are its hardness & durability. Tanzanite scores a decent 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness, making it the perfect gemstone to be embellished into a jewelry piece meant for everyday wear. So, if you’re thinking of getting a tanzanite jewelry piece then you should definitely go for it. Tanzanite is not as sturdy as other precious gemstones like ruby or sapphire, however, the gemstone is sturdy enough to withstand the wear and tear of average everyday life.

How Tanzanite Jewelry Can Perfect Your Style - Page 3 How Tanzanite Jewelry Can Perfect Your Style Page 2 Page 4