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FNV: TSX | NYSE 14 RGMP Policy Implementation On March 10, 2021, we adopted our Responsible Gold Mining Principles Policy (the “RGMP Policy”) to formalize our commitment to the RGMPs. The RGMP Policy was updated on March 9, 2022, which formalized certain changes to our RGMP Policy measures made in 2021 that were in place as at December 31, 2021, which changes are described below. Full text of the RGMP Policy can be found on our website at In the RGMP Policy, we commit to implement the RGMP requirements for royalty and stream companies, to the extent applicable, including the requirement to publicly endorse the RGMPs. RGMP Policy Measures in the table below represent our internally developed criteria in furtherance of our commitment to the RGMPs and against which we measure our RGMP Policy implementation described under the Description of Implementation in the table below. The following measures were implemented as at December 31, 2021: RGMP Policy Measures Description of Implementation Training . Franco-Nevada will conduct training sessions to promote the understanding of: FN’s obligations and objectives under the RGMPs, internal systems and processes in place to conform to such obligations and objectives, and the progress made and to be made by FN in conforming to such obligations and objectives. Such training sessions will be conducted for employees every three years, with the exception of new employees who will receive such training during the calendar year that they join Franco-Nevada.* We conducted RGMP training in November 2020 and December 2021 covering the training subject matter set out in the RGMP Policy. All of our employees attended one of the training sessions and provided a written acknowledgement of their participation in the training session. Our employees also provided a separate annual written acknowledgement of their understanding of the RGMPs and Franco-Nevada’s RGMP obligations and commitments. Due Diligence . Franco-Nevada will identify and record RGMP implementation and conformance when evaluating new mining investments, including whether the applicable miner is a WGC member and/or has adopted the RGMPs or whether the RGMPs are not applicable to the miner (e.g. if the operator is a diversified mineral producer). If the miner has adopted the RGMPs, Franco-Nevada will identify and record the stage of implementation of and conformance with the RGMPs at the applicable mining operation. We have developed an ESG due diligence checklist used for evaluating our royalty and stream opportunities, which includes an assessment of the applicability of the WGC and RGMPs to the miner, including the membership by the miner in the WGC, the adoption of the RGMPs by the miner, and the stage of implementation and conformance with the RGMPs by the miner. A summary of such assessment is included in the final memorandum in connection with the opportunity submitted for final approval to the Franco-Nevada Board of Directors or, if within management authority to approve such transaction, the executive committee. In 2021, we included such assessment in all but one final memorandum submitted for final approval. External Consultants . When Franco-Nevada engages technical, ESG or other third party consultants to assist Franco-Nevada with its evaluation of new mining investments, Franco-Nevada will ensure that the consultants are familiar with the RGMPs and understand Franco-Nevada’s commitments thereunder and Franco-Nevada will obtain a written acknowledgement from the consultants verifying their awareness. New external consultants engaged during 2021 verified in their consulting agreements that they are familiar with the RGMPs, the RGMP requirements for capital and finance providers, and Franco-Nevada’s commitments thereto. Responsible Gold Mining Principles (continued) Guiding Principles

2022 ESG Report | Franco-Nevada - Page 14 2022 ESG Report | Franco-Nevada Page 13 Page 15