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FNV: TSX | NYSE 62 Governance & Integrity (continued) Our Board oversight and management leadership of ESG and climate-related issues is depicted in the chart below. Board and Management Engagement All of our senior executives regularly attend Board and Committee meetings, including to provide updates on royalty and stream acquisition opportunities, which include ESG and climate-related considerations. To the extent that a materially adverse ESG or climate-related issue or consideration arises during the due diligence process in respect of a royalty and stream opportunity, management and the Board may decide not to proceed with the opportunity. Recently, our company has passed on otherwise prospective opportunities because of ESG risks. The Board and its Committees also frequently meet with senior management to determine our strategy with respect to our risks and exposures. Most recently, in February 2021, management met with the CESGC to discuss diversity and inclusion goals and targets for the company and, in November 2021, management met with the ARC to discuss ESG-related risks and strategy. * Board and Committees have oversight over ESG and climate-related risks and opportunities ** Chief Executive Officer has responsibility for leadership on ESG and climate-related matters *** Chief Legal Officer has executive responsibility over ESG and climate-related matters Business Development Team Senior Vice President Business Development Diversified Team Senior Vice President Diversified Compensation and ESG Committee* Finance Team Chief Financial Officer Audit and Risk Committee* Chief Executive Officer** Board of Directors* Legal Team Chief Legal Officer*** Governance

2022 ESG Report | Franco-Nevada - Page 62 2022 ESG Report | Franco-Nevada Page 61 Page 63