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PHYSICAL ACTIVITY 455. Get Gummy Buy Gummy vitamins. Eat two every day after lunch.1 456. Break to Hydrate Always have water at your desk. When your cup is empty, use it as an excuse to leave your desk to get some more. 457. Go on Mute When your voice is strained, challenge yourself to go the entire day without speaking. 458. Lookout for Your Eyes Take care of your eyes and reduce eyestrain by following the 20/20/20 rule: Every 20 minutes look at something 20 feet away 2 for at least 20 seconds. 1 I guess you could take regular vitamins, but if there is a gummy version, why wouldn’t you choose it? 2 If one minute every hour is too much time for good eye health, at least try to blink more often or change your monitor display settings for better eye care. I’d hate for you to be unable to read this book! 230

501 Ways to Use Humor - Page 241 501 Ways to Use Humor Page 240 Page 242