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STRESS RELIEVER 429. Step Back and Stand–Up When stressed out about something, take a step back and try to find the humor in the situation (even if just temporarily). Write down what your favorite comedian might say about it. 1 Here are some examples from some professionals : Brendon Walsh on Badges: The last job I had, I had to wear this badge around my neck all day—like, a laminated badge. It’s like a backstage pass to the crappiest concert ever invented. Dan Naturman on Job Interviews: Here’s an example of something you never say at a job interview: “Can I have my resume back? It’s my only copy.” Michael Somerville on College vs Corporate: Can you imagine behaving the same way at your job as you did in college? Be on the phone at midnight like, “Dude, I got a $40 million business pitch due tomorrow. I haven’t even started it.” 1 Find a whole collection of jokes at 218

501 Ways to Use Humor - Page 229 501 Ways to Use Humor Page 228 Page 230