RELAYTO/ Key Content Transformation
RELAYTO is the #1 Interactive Experience platform that transforms your static content (PDFs, MP4s, images) into engaging interactive experiences, enabling viewers to choose their own path and self-educate.
Confidential [Insert company logo] + PDFs & Presentations + Digital RELAYTO High-Value Sales Leapfrog into the Future of Experience Enterprise Content
Background Highlights powered by RELAYTO RELAYTO is building the most engaging way to share Click to view: & experience high-stakes documents & presentations. With RELAYTO, marketing, sales & communications professionals turn static PDFs/PPTs/Google Slides into smart web pages to rapidly enable sales teams to drive alignment with client needs & provide 24/7 interaction and predictive analytics. Pitches & Proposal B2B Marketing DIGITAL EVENT Watch: 44 second introduction from Alex ROI Study Case Study FJORD 2020 EXPERIENCE Edelman Trust Barometer RELAYTO Examples Portal SALESFORCE APP xBook on Client Experiences GUIDES
COVID-19 tips the convergence of print/PDFs, presentations & digital. RELAYTO is ranked as a leader in the hybrid content experience category. Consumerization of Post-COVID era requires Independent evaluation of complex content advanced digital engagement RELAYTO capabilities PDFs, presentations & web content COVID-19 accelerates transition to Deloitte ranks RELAYTO as a leader in + formats must converge. All must digital behaviors and sophisticated document experience SaaS, neuroscience become more consumer-like. engagement for complex content. of content, and intent analytics.
Context + Rationale Savvy B2B leaders want to deliver unique customer experiences… all while uplifting average deal size, velocity & win-rates. Since the COVID era began, the new normal requires that these experiences happen 24/7 & via virtual meetings. Yet the status quo for in-depth “digital” content includes static & dense presentation decks & paper-first PDFs shared via in-person meetings, emails or as downloads from HTML sites. Authors lose control & engagement data after sharing. One-off web design templates & development for creating landing pages is possible. However, this model breaks down with high-volume or unique content. It requires a large budget, coding skills & more time. And post-publishing, landing pages provide limited analytics & engagement risk. < > $ LARGE Budget MORE Time CODE & Web Design Skills In addition, post-publishing, microsites provide: ! LIMITED Analytics ENGAGEMENT Risk

Make Key Content Ready For 2021 SUMMARYEXPERIENCEDISTRIBUTIONANALYTICS From. To. At-Scale, Digital-First Experience Pre-WWW, Print-First Format To win deals, teams must interact and build trust with clients. Get instant value from existing PPT/PDF/video assets and workflows. Post-COVID, standing out got even harder - we’re on Zooms, not in “Walk the talk” by delivering a 24/7 digital customer experience. rooms - or worse yet, trapped in email. I overwhelm my clients with same-old slides & PDFs. Wow clients with personalized, winning EXPERIENCES Can I engage them with richer, interactive content? Summary Experience Distribution Analytics
Make Key Content Ready For 2021 SUMMARYEXPERIENCEDISTRIBUTIONANALYTICS From. To. At-Scale, Digital-First Experience Pre-WWW, Print-First Format To win deals, teams must interact and build trust with clients. Get instant value from existing PPT/PDF/video assets and workflows. Post-COVID, standing out got even harder - we’re on Zooms, not in “Walk the talk” by delivering a 24/7 digital customer experience. rooms - or worse yet, trapped in email. I overwhelm my clients with same-old slides & PDFs. Wow clients with personalized, winning EXPERIENCES Can I engage them with richer, interactive content? Our web design process is costly, slow, managed by IT. Instant, interactive NO-CODE AUTHORING Can I build sites easily without developers/designers? Summary Experience Distribution Analytics
Make Key Content Ready For 2021 SUMMARYEXPERIENCEDISTRIBUTIONANALYTICS From. To. At-Scale, Digital-First Experience Pre-WWW, Print-First Format To win deals, teams must interact and build trust with clients. Get instant value from existing PPT/PDF/video assets and workflows. Post-COVID, standing out got even harder - we’re on Zooms, not in “Walk the talk” by delivering a 24/7 digital customer experience. rooms - or worse yet, trapped in email. I overwhelm my clients with same-old slides & PDFs. Wow clients with personalized, winning EXPERIENCES Can I engage them with richer, interactive content? Our web design process is costly, slow, managed by IT. Instant, interactive NO-CODE AUTHORING Can I build sites easily without developers/designers? Conversations gets stuck in siloed files, emails, links. Ongoing, relevant, contextual CONTENT HUB Where can we put content & stakeholders in one place? Summary Experience Distribution Analytics
Make Key Content Ready For 2021 SUMMARYEXPERIENCEDISTRIBUTIONANALYTICS From. To. At-Scale, Digital-First Experience Pre-WWW, Print-First Format To win deals, teams must interact and build trust with clients. Get instant value from existing PPT/PDF/video assets and workflows. Post-COVID, standing out got even harder - we’re on Zooms, not in “Walk the talk” by delivering a 24/7 digital customer experience. rooms - or worse yet, trapped in email. I overwhelm my clients with same-old slides & PDFs. Wow clients with personalized, winning EXPERIENCES Can I engage them with richer, interactive content? Lack of client engagement Our web design process is costly, slow, managed by IT. Instant, interactive NO-CODE AUTHORING Can I build sites easily without developers/designers? Suboptimal distribution Conversations gets stuck in siloed files, emails, links. Ongoing, relevant, contextual CONTENT HUB No feedback or MI Where can we put content & stakeholders in one place? PDFs work for paper. What about web, social, email, All-channel DISTRIBUTION and enterprise SECURITY mobile experience? Can we control versions/access? Summary Experience Distribution Analytics
Make Key Content Ready For 2021 SUMMARYEXPERIENCEDISTRIBUTIONANALYTICS From. To. At-Scale, Digital-First Experience Pre-WWW, Print-First Format To win deals, teams must interact and build trust with clients. Get instant value from existing PPT/PDF/video assets and workflows. Post-COVID, standing out got even harder - we’re on Zooms, not in “Walk the talk” by delivering a 24/7 digital customer experience. rooms - or worse yet, trapped in email. I overwhelm my clients with same-old slides & PDFs. Wow clients with personalized, winning EXPERIENCES Can I engage them with richer, interactive content? Lack of client engagement Our web design process is costly, slow, managed by IT. Instant, interactive NO-CODE AUTHORING Can I build sites easily without developers/designers? Suboptimal distribution Conversations gets stuck in siloed files, emails, links. Ongoing, relevant, contextual CONTENT HUB No feedback or MI Where can we put content & stakeholders in one place? PDFs work for paper. What about web, social, email, All-channel DISTRIBUTION and enterprise SECURITY mobile experience? Can we control versions/access? Occasionally, we hear what the client says. Granular, real-time engagement & intent ANALYTICS What if we knew what clients ACTUALLY click & read? Summary Experience Distribution Analytics
Make Key Content Ready For 2021 SUMMARYEXPERIENCEDISTRIBUTIONANALYTICS From. To. At-Scale, Digital-First Experience Pre-WWW, Print-First Format To win deals, teams must interact and build trust with clients. Get instant value from existing PPT/PDF/video assets and workflows. Post-COVID, standing out got even harder - we’re on Zooms, not in “Walk the talk” by delivering a 24/7 digital customer experience. rooms - or worse yet, trapped in email. I overwhelm my clients with same-old slides & PDFs. Wow clients with personalized, winning EXPERIENCES Can I engage them with richer, interactive content? Lack of client engagement Our web design process is costly, slow, managed by IT. Instant, interactive NO-CODE AUTHORING Can I build sites easily without developers/designers? Suboptimal distribution Conversations gets stuck in siloed files, emails, links. Ongoing, relevant, contextual CONTENT HUB No feedback or MI Where can we put content & stakeholders in one place? PDFs work for paper. What about web, social, email, All-channel DISTRIBUTION and enterprise SECURITY mobile experience? Can we control versions/access? Occasionally, we hear what the client says. Granular, real-time engagement & intent ANALYTICS What if we knew what clients ACTUALLY click & read? Summary Experience Distribution Analytics
Evolution of B2B Back to Summary DISTRIBUTION ANALYTICS Content FROM LACK OF CLIENT TO WINNING INTERACTIVE Hover & discover ENGAGEMENT EXPERIENCES Rich interaction Static & information-dense Interactive & visual Embed any media Single media Immersive multimedia Linear only Navigation inside & across documents Animate with AI Monologue Call-to-action & behavior change Non-linear storytelling Interactive RELAYTO/ Experiences Personalized PowerPoint & Print PDF Static Web Document Content Word Experience Experience
Evolution of B2B Back to Summary EXPERIENCE DISTRIBUTION ANALYTICS Content Create once FROM SUB-OPTIMAL TO SECURE SHARING ACROSS Publish anywhere DISTRIBUTION DEVICES Enterprise security Large email attachment & folders Atomic URLs, embeds, social, content hubs Stay in control Out-of-date after send/download Cloud-based, alive experience Paper & file Paper & file + mobile & responsive Always up-to-date Lost control Secure access & permissions Mobile & responsive All Channels & RELAYTO/ Devices Document Face to Face & Document Intranets & Mobile & Email Experience Mail Readers Portals Social Experience
Evolution of B2B Back to Summary EXPERIENCE DISTRIBUTION ANALYTICS Content TO GRANULAR ANALYTICS FROM NO FEEDBACK & Digital body language INSIGHT Prescriptive AI Crystal ball Black hole By account/person Real-time notifications & triggers Delayed outcomes Largest reader Random content investments Data-driven content investments interaction data What readers say What readers ACTUALLY do Smart notifications Engagement RELAYTO/ Metrics Email PDF Social Website Document No data tracking downloads likes & views analytics Experience
Before. After. Static PDF Interactive Executive Briefing Intro DELL Executive Briefing Center Presentation: DELL Executive Briefing Center Microsite: Case Study 1 Event 73 Documents 46 Videos 30 Partners

Before. After. Master Hub with Interactive Static Files & Folders Presentations & Videos PDF LINK 1 PDF LINK 4 PDF LINK 7 PDF LINK 2 PDF LINK 5 PDF LINK 8 PDF LINK 3 PDF LINK 6 PDF LINK 9 EY Interactive Presentation: Case Study

Unique all-in-one platform is the fastest path to Digital Experience Turn every document into a learning website PPTs, PDFs, videos & Start Here 1000+ embeds LEVERAGE DISTRIBUTION 2 Share RELAYTO experiences across all channels, including website & intranet embeds ANALYTICS EXPERIENCE 3 1 Feedback loop to Quick wins with content AI & measure & optimize branded templates for impact Add custom interactive elements, animations & calls-to-action

Unleash Existing Content with All-In-One Suite Documents Web Generate with AI automatically Enrich without code Organize in one place Launch everywhere, securely Analyze to get more ROI
Value Realization X From Content to Outcomes 11 Increase in reuse & repurpose M X $300 % 12 50 deals won powered Increase in X Improvement by RELAYTO CY20 3 call-to-action in win rate New digital touch completion points per reader Speed to Scale Top- and More DISTRIBUTION % Bottom-line 80 Effective Impact Increase in 2 Messages audience ANALYTICS engagement EXPERIENCE 3 500 1 Sales people X enabled for % 10 virtual selling 70 Faster to build & Reduction in personalize interactive marketing & sales microsites collateral production time & costs 18 2 DISTRIBUTION ANALYTICS 1 EXPERIENCE

KPIs Sales KPIs Marketing KPIs Internal Comms KPIs Sample Outcomes MEASURING SUCCESS IN SALES EXPERIENCE SAMPLE SALES EXPERIENCE OUTCOMES • “One-stop shop” for all content related to solution /deal / account. 24/7 Client & Deal Simplify. Boost NPS & CLTV Hubs • Incept new opportunities with self-guided buyer journeys for new, Share of Wallet hard-to-reach audience + Sole Source • Sell new next-gen communications products/services (like RELAYTO) by mere usage • Set and re-set the agenda with pre-reads and living workshops Reshape Deals experiences & mindshare Win Rate Financial • 10x number of digital touch points and secure buy-in from + & Velocity More Quality influences virtually and at scale Interactions • Know who views what & when and adapt deal strategy accordingly • Enable analytics and insight-based decision making to focus deal Right Deals & resources. Focus marketing & design resources to the experiences Right Content Interactive Sales Reduce Cost which drive most value for our clients + Experience to Win • Modular approach & integration enable instant re-use of thought Repurpose leadership, video testimonials, marketing content. Deliver projects Content on time and on budget. • Digital-first, self-serve experiences that ”show” how Toshiba Brand & Standout ‘walks the interactive walk’ Perception Experience • Transform existing population of PowerPoint users & Graphic Non-Financial Designers into Interaction & Experience Designers not via Upskill to theoretical training, but living projects + UX Design Employee • Free employees from manual, fragmented, and time-consuming Experience tasks, enabling them to focus on more interesting, value-adding Productive activities and the right customers - based on analytics

Service Package Customer Phase Engagement Model PoC Engagement 1st Document Experience 2nd Document Experience 3rd Document Experience Timelinex You do We do for you We do together With our design Kick off call. Kick off call. advice, support, & Customer sends Customer sends feedback. media assets &/or media assets &/or Transition to regular templates. templates. RELAYTO Engagement enterprise Feedback & iterations provides design subscription model follow. advice & support. Support & Check-in & Training Check-in & Training with 3x 30 min calls. Feedback & 1 hour live training 1 hour explainer Training iterations follow. webinar. video call. RELAYTO sends resources and tutorials.

EXPERIENCE Product Demo RELAYTO+Salesforce Integration
EXPERIENCE Product Demo eBook & eGuide Library
EXPERIENCE Case Study EXPERIENCE 1 Salesforce Accelerate 1 page integrates 42 videos, 97 4-month Journey Map PDFs and over 89 events DISTRIBUTION 2 Always up-to-date secure URL distributed to partner organizations ANALYTICS & IMPACT 3 4x visitor engagement Expanded as core part of partner enablement for Salesforce AppExchange
EXPERIENCE Case Study EXPERIENCE 1 Pwc Innovation Interactive & immersive Report innovation report generated from PDF DISTRIBUTION 2 Embedded on a microsite & as stand-alone website PDF available as a lead magnet ANALYTICS & IMPACT 3 91% of readers of the interactive report downloaded the gated PDF as well -- generating 2x the leads compared to the “gated only” report
EXPERIENCE Best Practices Remote B2B xBook on RAPID Engagement Selling Tutorial Client Experience Model RELAYTO Embed Anything Control User Onboarding in RELAYTO Privacy & Security
Best Practice Remote B2B Selling Tutorial
Best Practice xBook on Client Experience
Best Practice RAPID Engagement Model
Best Practice RELAYTO User Onboarding
Best Practice Embed Anything in RELAYTO
Best Practice Control Privacy & Security