38 Ford W. Bell, DVM President [email protected] T 202.289.9110 (direct) 1575 Eye Street NW, Suite 400 | Washington DC 20005 | T 555.555.5555 | F 555.555.5555 | www.aam-us.org 0.5“ 0.5“ 0.5“ 2“ 0.5“ Realist Semi-Light | 8pt | 11 pt Leading Realist Bold | 8pt | 11 pt Leading Realist Bold | 10pt | 12 pt Leading Realist Bold | 9pt | 12 pt Leading Realist Semi-Light | 9pt | 12 pt Leading 2“ Header The sender reference always follows a uniform layout. The order should be as follows: 1. Logotype 2. Name/Position/Email/Phone (Executive stationery only) Footer The sender information always follows a uniform layout. The order should be as follows: 1. Street address 2. City/State/Zip 3. Telephone 4. Fax 5. Website address Realist Bold | 9pt | 12 pt Leading

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