T H E 1 2 T H U SUSTAINABILITY IS THE KEY TO BUILDING BUSINESS RESILIENCE N I T E INGREDIENTS FOR AND UNLOCKING A NEW WAVE OF OPPORTUNITY D N A T I O N Global challenges will continue and likely rise as a society to take more aggressive actions S G L RESILIENCE in number and complexity in the years ahead. towards reaching the SDGs by 2030. To achieve O B A Companies therefore need a strong foundation the Global Goals, CEOs recognize the importance L C O to survive and grow in these uncertain times of actionable, measurable steps for the Global M P A To build true resilience, CEOs must embed protections across their business – in their strategy, and weather the storm. By choosing to invest Goal’s achievement. As AIG, Inc.’s Chairman & C T - A workforce, supply chains, and greater ecosystems.in sustainability, companies can build their own Chief Executive Officer, Peter Zaffino, describes, C C E resilience and agility to respond to upcoming, “With sustainability, it’s important to make N T U unknown challenges. This strategy is critical short-term and medium-term commitments in R E C for a company’s ability to thrive in a competitive addition to having long-term goals. Setting 2050 E O S environment. As Rob Fauber, President and Chief objectives is great, but if there’s no measurement T U D Executive Office of Moody’s, states, “Building a between now and then, are they really that Y resilient business means embedding responsible meaningful?” Taking these steps towards the STRATEGYWORKFORCE &SUPPLY CHAINECOSYSTEM and sustainable decision-making across our firm.”SDGs will allow CEOs to build resilience in the ORGANIZATION & DATA MANAGEMENT short-term, and the achievement of the SDGs Adopting sustainability, however, moves beyond will ensure a more resilient future. just building resilience. It offers opportunities for industry transformation, business INGREDIENTS OF RESILIENCE competitiveness, and new growth. Redefining ADVANCE THE supply chains, rethinking production, and Based on the insights of over 2,600 CEOs, ADOPTINVEST IN THECOLLECTION OFENGAGE INreimagining core business offerings catalyzes one theme came through clearer than any: SUSTAINABLE MENTAL ANDSTANDARDIZED,STRATEGICinnovation, allowing companies who successfully BUSINESS PHYSICAL HEALTHHIGH-QUALITYPARTNERSHIPS ambitious commitments to the SDGs are a MODELSOF EMPLOYEESDATAembrace sustainability to gain a competitive great first step, but now is the time to focus on edge. As Alan Jope, Unilever’s Chief Executive how we achieve them and build resilience to the Officer, shares, “In this decisive decade, we are complex slate of challenges the private sector redoubling our efforts on sustainability rather must navigate. This research yielded a set of than backing down.” core initiatives CEOs should look to embed ESTABLISHADVOCATE FOR AMBITIOUS,BUILD AND ENGAGEENHANCE SUPPLYSTRONG across the strategy, workforce, supply chain, SCIENCE-BASEDA REPRESENTATIVECHAIN VISIBILITYSUSTAINABILITYEmbedding sustainability helps build a more and greater ecosystem of their business that CLIMATE TARGETSWORKFORCEAND ENGAGEMENTAND RESILIENCEresilient private sector, which is required for us are critical to building resilience. POLICY ADOPT AUPSKILL AND/ORAPPLY ANALYTICS- NATURE-POSITIVERESKILL YOURDRIVEN SCENARIO BUSINESSWORKFORCE FORPLANNING IN STRATEGYTHE GREENBUSINESS TRANSITIONPROCESSES ALIGN LEADERSHIPACCELERATE INCLUDE ESGINCENTIVES TOEMBEDADOPTION OF IMPACTS INSUSTAINABILITY-SUSTAINABILITYRENEWABLE ENERGY INVESTMENTBASED VALUES CRITERIA INTO R&DTO SECURE YOUR DECISIONSAND OUTCOMESENERGY SUPPLY 62 63
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