o e think of it at a macr w w s ho y is changing. This include ery notion and shape of xperience of mone ). The v o (what it can do Our e elationship with it, and thus the – ception of it, r scale (what it is) and at the micr ysical entity e as a ph v and so is our per y w a w w – , mone , in a ne y is morphing w mone or things. Once ds. No ying f edit car ed er w e think about pa ystems po w w ho change ecos x alue e om that began a long time ago with cr y fr a visible v w t a ds in e than just buy things and shif ar w olving to v s us to do mor olution, s e v , it’ t that enable s. In this e of change al shif vice opportunitie alue a fundament orms of v – y digital b oduct and ser esent multiple f w pr epr e w) ar old and ne opens up a host of ne ormation with it and r s ( , bank , but in y can carry other inf t the same time w mone encies. A sonal finances not only no t national curr ’ en that ar e think about our per ys w a . ating the w v inno , using Artificial Intelligence e our near futur
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