Sources 1 1. Google/Shopper Sciences, The Zero Moment of Truth Macro 1. 9. The digital universe are the digital bits created, replicated 2 Study, U.S., April 2011 and consumed in a single year. Chapter 2. Who else but Charles Darwin? 10. The digital universe in 2020: Big Data, Bigger Digital 3. The idea to apply Nate Silver’s fox & hedgehog simile to agile Shadows and Biggest Growth in the Far East, IDC Country marketing, comes from Jim Ewell’s ‘Agile Marketing’ blog. Brief, sponsored by EMC Corporation. Read it here, it’s really smart. 11. Research has revealed that intelligent people have more efficient connections between their different brain areas. 12. 1.1 4. “Why We’re So Afraid of Change -- And Why That Holds Businesses Back” on 5. Charles Duhigg, The Power Of Habit 2 13. According to the Scrum software development framework from agile marketing, the scrum master is a buffer between 6. “The 3 Most Dangerous Psychological Barriers to Change” Chapter the team and any distracting influences on 14. From “I didn’t fail the test, I just found 100 ways to do it 7. This research was never published but incorporated in wrong” (which is also attributed to Benjamin Franklin in other “The living company: Habits for survival in a turbulent business versions) to “ …I Have Just Found 10,000 Things That Do Not environment”: see the article entitled “The living company: Work” or “…I have simply found 999 ways how not to create a Habits for survival in a turbulent business environment” light bulb” and there are still slightly different variations to be on found. Feel free to let me know which the right version is. I’m 8. Why Silicon Valley Loves Failures, on actually quite curious.
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