1 Ch predictions because they are more willing to consider multiple points of view, and they are apt er one less likely to view everything through their partisan lens. We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and M ark Marketers today should be a lot more like these foxes. They move forward in small steps. They helping others do it. Through this work etin we have come to value: are permanently monitoring and measuring their environment. They incorporate ideas from g in the moment different disciplines, regardless of their origin. They are tolerant of complexity, and do not try to fight it with order. They know that sometimes, you do need to fight fire with fire. Presented 3 with new data, they are quick to adapt. Individuals and Working software So, should we stop planning altogether? Of course not. You need both. In IT, there is the interactions over over comprehensive concept of ‘dual speed’: one part of it is fairly static and the other part changes permanently. processes and tools documentation The same goes for marketing. You need strategy and long–well, longer–term planning. The big difference is that today we should not write our shiny one-year marketing plans in stone. Customer Responding If the market modifies, we re-evaluate and adapt them. We have to be agile about our plans. collaboration over to change over contract negotiation following a plan The roots of This agile methodology was an answer to the traditional To fully grasp what agile marketing is all about, waterfall approach in the software development world. It agile marketing. you first need to understand that the meth- was called that because, on paper, the process did kind 10 odology behind it has its roots in IT. The agile of look like a waterfall, cascading sequentially from one software development methodology was born stage to another. A project would start with comprehensive on a (possibly) sunny day somewhere in the nineties. And in February 2001, 17 software requirements gathering. Once they were finalized, archi- developers had a brainstorming session at the Snowbird (Utah) resort to discuss lightweight tects would map out the design. Once that was done then development methods. Their ‘Manifesto for Agile Software Development’, that eventually developers would begin implementation. Then it would go came out of that, is a good place to start, to explain the basics of this approach: on to verification, delivery, and maintenance forever after.
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