AMAZON BRAND GUIDELINES Key Brand Traits—Who We Are Welcoming— Optimistic— Delightful— We make every customer, everywhere, feel like we create We emphasize expansion and possibility, rather than In everything we create, we find memorable ways to make Amazon just for them. We speak to the customer casually limitations and prohibitions. We’re excited about the future the customer smile. We create experiences that are fun, and directly as if we were having a conversation in person. we’re helping to create, and we express this optimism to the frictionless, and beautiful. We believe that simplicity is the We’re a good listener, looking for ways to be helpful and customer in everything from our color palettes and language greatest delighter of all, but simplicity alone isn’t enough. reassuring, but recognizing when it’s better to remain quiet. choices, to our photography and TV commercials. We’re bright We’re always looking for one more way to make each We’re compassionate and remember that the customer is and open, not cool and sleek. We don’t tell the customer experience a little less ordinary, whether that be a quirky sometimes shopping in a second language, is sometimes sight what they can’t do, we offer solutions and help the customer image in a gateway ad or a hint of unexpected humor in a impaired, and always has a different perspective than we do. discover new options. This sense of boundless possibility UI message. It’s about making that extra little effort every We keep it simple and don’t ask the customer to understand makes the customer feel like Amazon is always the right place time, because we aren’t just building a series of online how Amazon works or to learn our terminology, because to start, whatever their needs. transactions—we’re creating a place for amusement, everything we do is about putting the customer at ease. entertainment, and human connection. Authentic— Empowering— We amplify the truth and let it speak for itself. We work We transform the impossible into the expected. We’re backwards from real customer problems, so we don’t need constantly inventing on behalf of the customer to reduce to make exaggerated claims. We look for opportunities to friction and make life more simple. From eReaders to Echo, relay genuine customer stories and to show people as they from Dash Buttons to Drones, sometimes we’re at our best really are—our customers don’t live in a stock photo world, when we raise the bar so high that the customer isn’t even and we shouldn’t portray them as such. We don’t talk about sure it’s for real. But often our greatest innovations feel like ourselves. We stay focused on the customer, and on the they’ve been there all along, like a 1-Click button or free things our creations help the customer to achieve. same-day shipping. It’s nice when the customer admires our inventions, but we’re most happy when our inventions disappear into the everyday. AMAZON BRAND GUIDELINES—LAST UPDATED 02/22/2017 4

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