Avoid Signature Mistakes Do not alter Apple channel signature artwork in any way. Always use the complete electronic artwork provided by Apple. Avoid these common mistakes: • Never use the Apple logo alone in your communications. • Do not remove the Apple logo from the signature artwork or alter the relationship of the elements in any way. • Do not change the font or alter the spacing between letters. • Do not incorporate the Apple channel signature into your company identity. • Never create a new signature that combines the Apple logo with your business name. • Do not reproduce the signature using any color other than black or white. • Do not use logo artwork that has been rendered to look three-dimensional. • Do not rotate or animate an Apple channel signature or make any of its elements three-dimensional. • Do not add special effects to the signature such as shadows, reflections, or glows. Do not use the Apple logo alone in channel affiliate communications, including web pages. Never use an Apple channel signature as a decorative border or pattern. Do not alter the typographic proportions. Do not place a registered trademark symbol next to the Apple logo. Do not link an Apple channel signature to your company’s identity by placing it in a shape or background field that is part of your identity. Do not change the signature color. Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel Affiliates and Apple-Certified Individuals August 2016 12