Store Exterior, Signature Placement at Eye Level Placement The Apple channel signature can be placed lower on the storefront, at approximately eye level. Do not place a signature below eye level. When placing the Apple channel signature lower on your facade, size the signature so that the Apple logo is 100 mm in height. Apple channel signature Follow these requirements for displaying your Apple channel signature lower on your storefront: • Do not place the signature lower than eye level. • Display the signature in only all-black or all-white. Do not use color or color materials. • Regardless of the size of your building or the size of your reseller logo, an Apple channel signature placed near eye level can be displayed in only one size—with the Apple logo at 100 mm in height. • If other brands are also displayed, place the Apple channel signature near the other brand identities. • Never use the Apple logo alone on your store exterior. When your Apple channel signature is placed near eye level, use the two-line signature with the Apple logo sized at 100 mm in height. In regions where the two-line signature configuration is not available, use a one-line signature configuration at 100 mm in height. Place the Apple channel signature near other brands that are also displayed. Regardless of the size of other brand logos, display the Apple channel signature only at 100 mm in height. For window clings, the Apple logo is 100 mm in height. See Store Exterior, Window Cling on page 43. Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel Affiliates and Apple-Certified Individuals August 2016 42