Sustainability Report 2021 63 Waste Management Applied is committed to minimizing waste across our locations and logistics operations, with a special focus on non-recyclable, landfill-bound waste. Waste reduction, reuse, and recycling programs are managed at the site level and have been successful in minimizing waste generation (for example, by reducing printed documentation), increasing reuse and recycling of product and packaging materials, sorting recyclables at point of disposal, and maximizing composting of organic materials from our cafeteria operations. Waste management targets are set for individual manufacturing sites based on the ISO 14001 framework and are reviewed on an ongoing basis and scored annually. In 2021, we increased our diversion rate from landfill/incineration from 75% in 2020 to 76% in 2021 and achieved a 12% reduction in hazardous waste generation. However, our non-hazardous waste generation increased by 50% due to increased activity at our manufacturing sites and better data reporting. See the Design for Sustainability section for information on our responsible product and packaging initiatives. Hazardous Waste Management: Hazardous waste accounted for 2% of our annual waste output in 2021. We contract with licensed third parties to transport waste (including hazardous waste) for off-site disposal, consistent with applicable laws and regulations. Our EHS organization provides oversight of third-party hazardous material disposal companies and verifies that all disposal sites and methods meet regulatory requirements. We also evaluate potential vendors via the CHWMEG Facility Review Program, which provides environmental, operational, and financial information on waste treatment, disposal, recycling, and storage facilities. Wastewater Management: Applied strives to reduce the negative impacts of wastewater produced by our operations, monitoring to ensure sufficient removal of solids and adherence to permitted parameters (e.g., pH and fluoride content) before discharge to publicly owned treatment works. Each Applied facility is responsible for wastewater monitoring, with problems escalated to the site management team and applicable corporate staff for immediate correction. METRIC TONS TOTAL WASTE GENERATION 22,900 Diversion rate 76% TOTAL NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE 22,500 Diverted non-hazardous waste 12,800 Non-hazardous waste to landfill/incineration 5,400 Compost 4,200 2021 Waste Performance INTRODUCTION PURPOSE PEOPLE PLANET Climate and Energy Environmental Health and Safety PROGRESS

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