Sustainability Report 2021 27 27 Promoting Education Access To inspire young minds, prepare the next generation of innovators, and pave the way to more promising futures, Applied Materials and the Applied Materials Foundation work continuously to give students worldwide equitable access to high-quality education. In FY2021, Applied Materials and the Foundation provided $2,828,701 in funding to 63 educational initiatives. Throughout the year, as COVID-19 waves forced many schools to cycle between distance, hybrid and in-person learning, we remained flexible in our funding decisions. We listened to school and community leaders, and Applied and the Foundation jointly provided needed tools to reach kids where they are, address learning loss challenges and bolster teacher enthusiasm. Applied and the Foundation funded programs to address the mental health needs of kids returning to classrooms and supported high- quality STEM education programs so kids from all backgrounds and income levels can envision future careers in technology. Highlights at the local level included: > Flexible support in East San José, California. The Foundation worked closely with school districts and education nonprofits serving the predominantly working-class, immigrant families of East San José, who have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. Foundation grantees City Year San José/Silicon Valley and Catholic Charities offered in-person learning pods for children of essential workers and others while most students learned remotely. When schools reopened onsite, these organizations maintained their commitment to student learning through in-school support and after- school enrichment programs. > Professional development for teachers in Austin, Texas. In the Manor Independent School District, the Foundation funded a program that trains teachers in new strategies for equitably and effectively engaging students during distance learning. > Illuminating career pathways in Massachusetts. Foundation grantees including Leap for Education and Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute were able to offer in-person experiential learning and career exploration projects that introduced youth to career pathways while complying with public health guidelines. > Taking science programs online in Korea. Applied expanded our relationship with ChildFund Korea, providing funding to convert experimental science lessons to an online format for distance learning. > Improving online STEM access in Taiwan. Applied supported efforts by the Association of Taiwan Online Education Development to improve access to online STEM programs by creating science experiments and other online resources for 5th to 9th graders, all available free to teachers. Sustainability Report 2021 Austin Partners in Education Recognizes Applied Materials Foundation In Texas, Austin Partners in Education, a nonprofit organization working in partnership with the Austin Independent School District, named the Applied Materials Foundation as its Donor Champion of the Year for 2021, for its support of organizations promoting college readiness. Nicole Wayman, a 26-year Applied employee, was also named Volunteer of the Year for leading efforts to build an outdoor theater for McCallum High School, allowing students to conduct rehearsals and performances, attend lectures, and schedule club meetings safely during the pandemic. INTRODUCTION PURPOSE Corporate Governance Ethics & Compliance Public Policy Data & IP Security Personal Data Privacy Community Impact PEOPLE PLANET PROGRESS