Using Remote Tools to Reduce Emissions COVID-19 limitations on travel have sped the adoption of distance-collaboration technologies, enabling both efficiencies and emissions reductions. In addition to videoconferencing and online training, Applied Materials is employing tools like Microsoft’s HoloLens mobile holographic device to enable remote testing and troubleshooting. Using HoloLens, customer site personnel and our remote technicians can collaborate instantaneously to address issues, reducing air travel and its associated time, expense, and emissions—not to mention potential weeks spent in quarantine. As a company, we traveled 86% less by mileage in 2021 compared to 2019. Scope 3 Emissions: 2019 Baseline MT CO 2 e % OF TOTAL SCOPE 3 (2019 BASE YEAR) 1. Purchased goods and services 1,862,516 15% 2. Capital goods 61,953 1% 3. Fuel- and energy-related activities 36,012 0% 4. Upstream transportation and distribution 155,478 1% 5. Waste generated in operations 531 0% 6. Business travel 97, 9 5 3 1% 7. Employee commuting 76,751 1% 8. Upstream leased assets 2,601 0% 9. Downstream transportation and distribution 191,577 2% 10. Processing of sold products NA 0% 11. Use of sold products 9,610,156 79% 12. End-of-life treatment of sold products 713 0% 13. Downstream leased assets NA 0% 14. Franchises NA 0% 15. Investment 5,584 0% Scope 3 Total 12,101,823 100% Sustainability Report 2021 59 INTRODUCTION PURPOSE PEOPLE PLANET Climate and Energy Environmental Health and Safety PROGRESS
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