Sustainability Report 2021 45 PATHWAY: Personalized Employee Development Applied Materials recognizes continuous learning and skills development as an essential component of growth and success, for both our employees and our company. The integrated PATHWAY learning program helps drive that growth and success by empowering employees to create a personalized learning journey to fine-tune their existing skills and build capacity for the future. By letting our people browse and select courses mapped to their role- related skills, development plan, and skill topics critical to the company, and by giving recommendations for role-based self- directed learning, PATHWAY helps foster our culture of continuous improvement and employee support. To meet their requirement of completing 40 learning hours in each fiscal year, employees may supplement required and elective PATHWAY coursework with university-level coursework, professional accreditation or continuing-education workshops, or independent study of research papers. In early 2022, we added a skill goal feature to PATHWAY designed to increase employee engagement and motivation around skill-building. During 2021, 15,762 Applied employees accessed and participated in PATHWAY training, and we held our second annual Virtual Learning Summit, designed to bring together our learning community and spotlight the importance we place on learning. During the two-day event, over 3,500 employees attended sessions focused on building skills with purpose, intention, determination, and action. #6 in Training Magazine’s 2022 Top 100 Rankings PATHWAY Vision and Development Guidance Transparency Proficiency • Skill Goal feature to increase motivation and engagement through learning new skills • Skill Journeys for focused, in-depth skill learning • Appraise and track employee proficiency with new skills • Dashboards that support skill development through more in-depth and precise learning and skill progress SKILL BUILDING LEARNING STRATEGY INTRODUCTION PURPOSE PEOPLE Recruiting and Hiring Our Culture of Inclusion Learning and Development Employee Safety and Support During COVID-19 Occupational Health and Safety Human Rights PLANET PROGRESS