Sustainability Report 2021 49 Sustainability Report 2021 49 Safety Training Rate For FY2021, Applied Materials met our target for 97% of relevant employees to complete safety training by year-end. Weekly safety training penetration reports, across all business units, are sent to all members of executive management as part of the weekly EHS Update Report. Safety Targets and Performance Applied Materials maintains global programs and monitoring to promote a safety culture and safe work practices, minimize workplace risks, and support continuous improvement in our safety performance. We use the definitions set by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for recordable, lost-time, and restricted-day injuries. These definitions are implemented globally for data gathering and analysis, and we set targets and objectives both at the corporate and site level, which are embedded into annual performance objectives. At the end of each year, we analyze results and reset targets for the coming year. To prioritize safety, many of our factories employ 6S, a lean manufacturing concept that empowers employees to assess and enhance functionality and safety in their work areas. After introducing 6S in 2019, injury rates fell by 35% in our semiconductor manufacturing operations. Applied Materials places high priority on the safety of our workforce, suppliers, and customers. We are committed to complying with or exceeding all regulatory requirements relevant and applicable to the health and safety performance of our operations, processes, and products. Occupational Health and Safety INTRODUCTION PURPOSE PEOPLE Recruiting and Hiring Our Culture of Inclusion Learning and Development Employee Safety and Support During COVID-19 Occupational Health and Safety Human Rights PLANET PROGRESS

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