Sustainability Report 2021 76 Sustainability Report 2021 76 Supplier Engagement, Training, and Assessment SuCCESS2030 encompasses a series of best practices for building a more sustainable business, society, and planet. As we raise the bar, we are also building our suppliers’ competencies to reach it. Contract Obligations For direct suppliers, our ESG requirements are incorporated into our Global Supplier Agreements and other supplier agreements via our “Supplier ESG Requirements” attachment. These requirements are also included in the terms and conditions for logistics suppliers and all purchase-order transactions and enumerated in our most commonly used agreements for indirect services. By contract as applicable, these require Applied’s suppliers to: > Implement Applied’s Standards of Business Conduct and the RBA Code of Conduct in their own operations and ensure RBA code compliance among their sub-tier suppliers > Comply with our Responsible Minerals Sourcing Policy and meet related statutory and regulatory requirements > Meet Applied’s other ESG requirements in their own operations and ensure compliance among their sub-tier suppliers > Comply with Applied’s Environmental Health and Safety Policy and “any applicable environmental, health or safety law, rule, regulation, order, decree or ordinance” > Comply with Applied’s minimum product EHS requirements > Provide requested information to enable Applied’s compliance with material content restriction regulations, including but not limited to REACH (EC number 1907/2006) and the U.S. Toxic Substances Control Act > Comply with the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010, addressing the risk of slavery and human trafficking in supply chains Engagement and Training We want working with Applied to be a partnership, with collaboration driving benefit to all parties. In 2021, we began offering a structured program of webinars, trainings and assistance to help our suppliers close any gaps across our ESG focus areas. These included: > Weekly live webinars discussing key area of ESG focus > Online training on Applied Materials Supply Chain ESG Requirements > Training through the RBA e-Learning Academy and RBA workshops > Ability to contract for social responsibility and sustainability assistance from a consultant at pre- negotiated rates Our Applied commodity business managers are required to complete these trainings, assuring that the people who engage most frequently with our suppliers can knowledgeably communicate the business benefits of our sustainability expectations. INTRODUCTION PURPOSE PEOPLE PLANET PROGRESS Design for Sustainability Promoting the Circular Economy Product Safety Supply Chain Responsibility

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