Sustainability Report 2021 34 For the fourth year, Applied Materials was given the Excellence Employer award by China’s #1 jobs board, 51Job, recognizing our achievements in diversity and inclusion. “Applied Materials constantly seeks ways to improve as a company. Whether it’s addressing environmental and sustainability challenges, shrinking gender equity discrepancies, or promoting a more inclusive workplace, these efforts make me love working at a global company that listens to employees and leverages the various talents and diverse backgrounds that make up Applied’s culture.” Hadley Sales Account Manager Recruiting and Hiring in Challenging Times Throughout 2021, we adapted and expanded our recruiting, hiring and onboarding practices for a challenging labor and work environment. Our efforts included: > Applied New Hire Experience. As part of our MY HR portal, we introduced a virtual onboarding process that orients new hires to our values, mission, business organization, locations and other essentials, all via modules and notifications that promote better engagement and information retention. The system coordinates with the employee’s manager and a new-hire buddy, simplifying and standardizing the onboarding process. > New College Graduate Rotation Programs. To drive in-depth, cross- functional training, provide access to a global knowledge database and assure optimal placement of new hires, internal organizations including Supply Chain, Finance (Austin and Silicon Valley), and Implant (Gloucester) offered rotation programs that included mentoring, networking, skills development and hands-on experience across various areas of their operation. > Virtual Internships. In North America and globally, our virtual internship programs continued giving students exposure to our diverse and inclusive workplace and introducing them to career paths and roles in both engineering and corporate. In the U.S., we hired a total of 143 interns, 53% of whom were female. > China New Star Program. Spanning 12 Applied locations in China, this NCG program saw 13% female new hires in 2021. INTRODUCTION PURPOSE PEOPLE Recruiting and Hiring Our Culture of Inclusion Learning and Development Employee Safety and Support During COVID-19 Occupational Health and Safety Human Rights PLANET PROGRESS