AT&T a n d climate change AT&T is extending our positive environmental impact and optimizing the resilience of our business through enhancements in resource efficiency and efforts to protect our network and stakeholders from environmental risk. Climate-related strategy, metrics and targets The global transition to a low carbon economy presents risks and opportunities for AT&T and broader society. We’re working to reduce our carbon emissions, while enabling solutions that can help our customers and communities transition to net zero. Climate-related oversight and governance The Governance and Policy Committe e of the AT&T Board of Directors oversees the entirety o f AT&T’s environment al and climate-related strategy, including emi ssi ons re duction objectives, consumption of electricity and water, investments in renewable energy, and waste m ana ge ment. The Audit Committee oversees AT&T’s internal enterprise risk assessment activities and audit functions, whi ch incorporate climate-related risks and disclosures. Our Chief Sustainability Officer leads internal management of AT&T’s environmental and climate-relat ed strategy, risks and opportuniti es. Our President – Ne twork Engineering and Operations has responsibility for the resilience of our network, including energy and water use, and oversees th e management of climate-related impacts to our operations. This includes o ur co mmitments to renewable energy, network disaster response and business co nt inuit y planning. Our Senior Vice President (SVP) – Audit Services oversees the integration of ES G issues, including environmental and climate-related impa cts, into corporat e ent erprise risk assessment activities. Environment ANNUALIZED COST SAVINGS FROM ENERGY PROJECTS SINCE 2010 >$733M Read more: 2022 Proxy Statement Our Corporate Governance Issue Brief The increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather presents risks for our network that could negatively impact our business, customers and communities if not managed well. Page 9 provides more information on how we integrate physical risk into our network resilience efforts. Natural disasters also have direct impacts on our employees, customers and communities – with disproportionately greater impacts in disadvantaged areas. Page 19 provides more information on how we support disaster relief efforts across our communities. ENVIRONMENT AT&T AND CLIMATE CHANGE AT&T and climate change page 31 Gigaton Goal page 32 Toward carbon neutrality page 34 Water management page 36 Waste management page 37 ENERGY SAVINGS PROJECTS SINCE 2010 >151K ANNUALIZED ENERGY SAVINGS SINCE 2010 (kW H) ~ 8 .1B Read more: TCFD Report • CDP Climate Change disclosure • Climate Change Policy Energy Policy • Climate Change Issue Brief • SASB Index We’re committed to becoming carbon neutral across our global operations by 2035 4 (page 34). Progress: Achieve net zero Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 2035 4 To demonstrate transparency and credibility, we’re working to reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 63% by 2030 (2015 base year) – a science-based target aligned with a 1.5°C pathway 4 (page 34). Progress: Reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 63% by 2030 4 36.4% (estimated) 0 Carbon neutral 36.4% (estimated) 0 63% OVERVIEW AT&T AND SHAREHOLDERS CUSTOMERS AND COMMUNITIES EMPLOYEES SUPPLIERS ENVIRONMENT GOVERNANCE GOALS SUMMARY KPI s AT&T ESG SUMMARY REPORT 2022 AT&T ESG SUMMARY REPORT 2022 30 31
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